Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'multidict' in functional components in Python. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
task = mock.Mock()
if loop is ...:
loop = mock.Mock()
loop.create_future.return_value = ()
if version < HttpVersion(1, 1):
closing = True
if headers:
headers = CIMultiDictProxy(CIMultiDict(headers))
raw_hdrs = tuple(
(k.encode('utf-8'), v.encode('utf-8')) for k, v in headers.items())
headers = CIMultiDictProxy(CIMultiDict())
raw_hdrs = ()
chunked = 'chunked' in headers.get(hdrs.TRANSFER_ENCODING, '').lower()
message = RawRequestMessage(
method, path, version, headers,
raw_hdrs, closing, False, False, chunked, URL(path))
if app is None:
app = _create_app_mock()
if transport is sentinel:
transport = _create_transport(sslcontext)
if protocol is sentinel:
protocol = mock.Mock()
protocol.transport = transport
def test_response_links_multiple_headers(loop, session) -> None:
url = URL('http://def-cl-resp.org/')
response = ClientResponse('get', url,
response._headers = CIMultiDict([
'; rel=next'
'; rel=home'
assert (
response.links ==
{'url': URL('http://example.com/page/1.html'),
'rel': 'next'},
{'url': URL('http://example.com/'),
def mock_request(data, loop):
payload = StreamReader(loop=loop)
protocol = mock.Mock()
app = mock.Mock()
headers = CIMultiDict([('CONTENT-TYPE', 'application/json')])
req = make_mocked_request('POST', '/sensor-reading', headers=headers,
protocol=protocol, payload=payload, app=app)
return req
def factory(method="GET", url="/toto", headers=None):
headers = CIMultiDict(headers or {})
if "HOST" not in headers: # noqa
headers['HOST'] = "test.local"
return RawRequestMessage(method, url, HttpVersion(1, 1),
headers, [], False, False)
return factory
def test_single_forwarded_header_injection1() -> None:
# We might receive a header like this if we're sitting behind a reverse
# proxy that blindly appends a forwarded-element without checking
# the syntax of existing field-values. We should be able to recover
# the appended element anyway.
header = 'for=_injected;by=", for=_real'
req = make_mocked_request('GET', '/',
headers=CIMultiDict({'Forwarded': header}))
assert len(req.forwarded) == 2
assert 'by' not in req.forwarded[0]
assert req.forwarded[1]['for'] == '_real'
task = mock.Mock()
loop = mock.Mock()
loop.create_future.return_value = ()
if version < HttpVersion(1, 1):
closing = True
if headers:
headers = CIMultiDict(headers)
raw_hdrs = tuple(
(k.encode('utf-8'), v.encode('utf-8')) for k, v in headers.items())
headers = CIMultiDict()
raw_hdrs = ()
chunked = 'chunked' in headers.get(hdrs.TRANSFER_ENCODING, '').lower()
message = RawRequestMessage(
method, path, version, headers,
raw_hdrs, closing, False, False, chunked, URL(path))
if app is None:
app = _create_app_mock()
if protocol is sentinel:
protocol = mock.Mock()
if transport is sentinel:
transport = _create_transport(sslcontext)
async def test_multidict_headers(aiohttp_client) -> None:
async def handler(request):
assert await request.read() == data
return web.Response()
app = web.Application()
app.router.add_post('/', handler)
client = await aiohttp_client(app)
data = b'sample data'
r = await client.post('/', data=data,
{'Content-Length': str(len(data))}))
assert r.status == 200
async def start(self, connection, read_until_eof=False):
nonlocal conn
conn = connection
self.status = 123
self.reason = 'Test OK'
self._headers = CIMultiDictProxy(CIMultiDict())
self.cookies = SimpleCookie()
async def handler(request):
assert isinstance(request.headers, CIMultiDictProxy)
return web.Response()
def test_base_ctor() -> None:
message = RawRequestMessage(
'GET', '/path/to?a=1&b=2', HttpVersion(1, 1),
CIMultiDictProxy(CIMultiDict()), (),
False, False, False, False, URL('/path/to?a=1&b=2'))
req = web.BaseRequest(message,
assert 'GET' == req.method
assert HttpVersion(1, 1) == req.version
assert req.host == socket.getfqdn()
assert '/path/to?a=1&b=2' == req.path_qs
assert '/path/to' == req.path
assert 'a=1&b=2' == req.query_string
assert CIMultiDict() == req.headers