Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'fastapi' in functional components in Python. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
def test_invalid_dict():
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
app = FastAPI()
class Item(BaseModel):
title: str
def read_items(q: Dict[str, Item] = Query(None)):
pass # pragma: no cover
from typing import Optional
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel
from starlette.testclient import TestClient
app = FastAPI()
class SubModel(BaseModel):
a: Optional[str] = "foo"
class Model(BaseModel):
x: Optional[int]
sub: SubModel
class ModelSubclass(Model):
y: int
@app.get("/", response_model=Model, response_model_exclude_unset=True)
from typing import Optional
from fastapi import FastAPI, Security
from fastapi.security import HTTPAuthorizationCredentials, HTTPBearer
from starlette.testclient import TestClient
app = FastAPI()
security = HTTPBearer(auto_error=False)
def read_current_user(
credentials: Optional[HTTPAuthorizationCredentials] = Security(security),
if credentials is None:
return {"msg": "Create an account first"}
return {"scheme": credentials.scheme, "credentials": credentials.credentials}
client = TestClient(app)
openapi_schema = {
def read_items(q: Dict[str, Item] = Query(None)):
pass # pragma: no cover
def test_no_recycling_in_bretagne_poi():
Check that no trash info is provided for a POI in bretagne
client = TestClient(app)
response = client.get(url=f"http://localhost/v1/pois/osm:node:36153811")
assert response.status_code == 200
resp = response.json()
assert resp["id"] == "osm:node:36153811"
assert resp["name"] == "Multiplexe Liberté"
assert len([x for x in resp["blocks"] if x["type"] == "recycling"]) == 0
def test_direction_car(mock_directions_car):
client = TestClient(app)
response = client.get(
params={"language": "fr", "type": "driving", "exclude": "ferry"},
assert response.status_code == 200
response_data = response.json()
assert response_data["status"] == "success"
assert len(response_data["data"]["routes"]) == 3
assert all(r["geometry"] for r in response_data["data"]["routes"])
assert response_data["data"]["routes"][0]["duration"] == 1819
assert len(response_data["data"]["routes"][0]["legs"]) == 1
assert len(response_data["data"]["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["steps"]) == 10
assert response_data["data"]["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["mode"] == "CAR"
assert "exclude=ferry" in mock_directions_car.calls[0].request.url
def test_contact_phone():
The louvre museum has the tag 'contact:phone'
We test this tag is correct here
client = TestClient(app)
response = client.get(url=f"http://localhost/v1/pois/osm:relation:7515426")
assert response.status_code == 200
resp = response.json()
assert resp["id"] == "osm:relation:7515426"
assert resp["name"] == "Louvre Museum"
assert resp["local_name"] == "Musée du Louvre"
assert resp["class_name"] == "museum"
assert resp["subclass_name"] == "museum"
assert resp["blocks"][1]["type"] == "phone"
assert resp["blocks"][1]["url"] == "tel:+33140205229"
assert resp["blocks"][1]["international_format"] == "+33 1 40 20 52 29"
assert resp["blocks"][1]["local_format"] == "01 40 20 52 29"
def test_redirect_obsolete_address_with_lat_lon():
client = TestClient(app)
response = client.get(
url=f"http://localhost/v1/places/addr:-1.12;45.6?lang=fr", allow_redirects=False
assert response.status_code == 303
assert response.headers["location"] == "/v1/places/latlon:45.60000:-1.12000?lang=fr"
def test_directions_public_transport_restricted_areas():
client = TestClient(app)
# Paris - South Africa
response = client.get(
params={"language": "fr", "type": "publictransport"},
assert response.status_code == 422
# Pekin
response = client.get(
params={"language": "fr", "type": "publictransport"},
assert response.status_code == 422
# Washington - New York
def test_full(mock_external_requests):
Exhaustive test that checks all possible blocks
client = TestClient(app)
response = client.get(url=f"http://localhost/v1/pois/osm:way:7777778?lang=es")
assert response.status_code == 200
resp = response.json()
assert resp == {
"type": "poi",
"id": "osm:way:7777778",
"name": "Fako Allo",
"local_name": "Fake All",
"class_name": "museum",
"subclass_name": "museum",
"geometry": {
"coordinates": [2.3250037768187326, 48.86618482685007],
"type": "Point",