Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'aniso8601' in functional components in Python. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
assert parser.games[0].packets[0].ts == time(2, 59, 14, 608862)
# Test with an initial datetime
parser2 = LogParser()
parser2._current_date = datetime(2015, 1, 1)
assert parser2.games[0].packets[0].ts == datetime(2015, 1, 1, 2, 59, 14, 608862)
# Same test, with timezone
parser2 = LogParser()
parser2._current_date = parse_datetime("2015-01-01T02:58:00+0200")
ts = parser2.games[0].packets[0].ts
assert ts.year == 2015
assert ts.hour == 2
assert ts.second == 14
assert ts.tzinfo
assert ts.utcoffset() == timedelta(hours=2)
def test_parse_timestamp(self):
utc = build_utcoffset('UTC', timedelta(hours=0))
result = Ask._parse_timestamp('2017-07-08T07:38:00Z')
self.assertEqual(datetime(2017, 7, 8, 7, 38, 0, 0, utc), result)
result = Ask._parse_timestamp(1234567890)
self.assertEqual(datetime(2009, 2, 13, 23, 31, 30), result)
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
def on_restriction(rules, checkin, duration):
Returns True if restrictions are consistent with the checkin
and duration given in argument. False otherwise
:param rules: list of rules (dict)
:param checkin: checkin time
:param duration: duration in hour. Float accepted
checkin = parse_datetime(checkin)
duration = timedelta(hours=duration)
checkin_end = checkin + duration # datetime
month = checkin.date().month # month as number
isodow = checkin.isoweekday() # 1->7
year = checkin.year # 2015
day = checkin.strftime('%d') # 07
# analyze each rule and stop iteration on conflict
for rule in rules:
# first test season day/month
start_day, start_month = ('-' or rule['season_start']).split('-')
end_day, end_month = ('-' or rule['season_end']).split('-')
season_match = season_matching(
def _parse_duration_combined(durationstr, relative):
#Period of the form PT<time>
#Split the string in to its component parts
datepart, timepart = durationstr[1:].split('T') #We skip the 'P'
datevalue = parse_date(datepart)
timevalue = parse_time(timepart)
if relative is True:
return dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(years=datevalue.year, months=datevalue.month, days=datevalue.day, hours=timevalue.hour, minutes=timevalue.minute, seconds=timevalue.second, microseconds=timevalue.microsecond)
totaldays = datevalue.year * 365 + datevalue.month * 30 + datevalue.day
return datetime.timedelta(days=totaldays, hours=timevalue.hour, minutes=timevalue.minute, seconds=timevalue.second, microseconds=timevalue.microsecond)
def parse_datetime(isodatetimestr, delimiter='T'):
#Given a string in ISO 8601 date time format, return a datetime.datetime
#object that corresponds to the given date time.
#By default, the ISO 8601 specified T delimiter is used to split the
#date and time (T<time>). Fixed offset tzdata will be included
#if UTC offset is given in the input string.
isodatestr, isotimestr = isodatetimestr.split(delimiter)
datepart = parse_date(isodatestr)
timepart = parse_time(isotimestr)
return datetime.datetime.combine(datepart, timepart)
if len(isodatestr) <= 4:
return DateResolution.Year
#An ISO string may be a calendar represntation if:
# 1) When split on a hyphen, the sizes of the parts are 4, 2, 2 or 4, 2
# 2) There are no hyphens, and the length is 8
datestrsplit = isodatestr.split('-')
#Check case 1
if len(datestrsplit) == 2:
if len(datestrsplit[0]) == 4 and len(datestrsplit[1]) == 2:
return DateResolution.Month
if len(datestrsplit) == 3:
if len(datestrsplit[0]) == 4 and len(datestrsplit[1]) == 2 and len(datestrsplit[2]) == 2:
return DateResolution.Day
#Check case 2
if len(isodatestr) == 8 and isodatestr.find('-') == -1:
return DateResolution.Day
#An ISO string may be a ordinal date representation if:
# 1) When split on a hyphen, the sizes of the parts are 4, 3
# 2) There are no hyphens, and the length is 7
#Check case 1
if len(datestrsplit) == 2:
if len(datestrsplit[0]) == 4 and len(datestrsplit[1]) == 3:
return DateResolution.Ordinal
#Check case 2
if len(isodatestr) == 7 and isodatestr.find('-') == -1:
if isodatestr.startswith('+') or isodatestr.startswith('-'):
raise NotImplementedError('ISO 8601 extended year representation not supported.')
isodatestrlen = len(isodatestr)
if isodatestr.find('W') != -1:
#Handle ISO 8601 week date format
hyphens_present = 1 if isodatestr.find('-') != -1 else 0
week_date_len = 7 + hyphens_present
weekday_date_len = 8 + 2*hyphens_present
if isodatestrlen == week_date_len:
return DateResolution.Week
elif isodatestrlen == weekday_date_len:
return DateResolution.Weekday
raise ValueError('String is not a valid ISO 8601 week date.')
#If the size of the string of 4 or less, assume its a truncated year representation
if len(isodatestr) <= 4:
return DateResolution.Year
#An ISO string may be a calendar represntation if:
# 1) When split on a hyphen, the sizes of the parts are 4, 2, 2 or 4, 2
# 2) There are no hyphens, and the length is 8
datestrsplit = isodatestr.split('-')
#required context.
firstpart, secondpart = isointervalstr.split(intervaldelimiter)
if firstpart[0] == 'P':
#Notice that these are not returned 'in order' (earlier to later), this
#is to maintain consistency with parsing / durations, as
#well as making repeating interval code cleaner. Users who desire
#durations to be in order can use the 'sorted' operator.
#We need to figure out if is a date, or a datetime
if secondpart.find(datetimedelimiter) != -1:
# is a datetime
duration = parse_duration(firstpart, relative=relative)
enddatetime = parse_datetime(secondpart, delimiter=datetimedelimiter)
return (enddatetime, enddatetime - duration)
# must just be a date
duration = parse_duration(firstpart, relative=relative)
enddate = parse_date(secondpart)
#See if we need to upconvert to datetime to preserve resolution
if firstpart.find(datetimedelimiter) != -1:
return (enddate, datetime.combine(enddate, datetime.min.time()) - duration)
return (enddate, enddate - duration)
elif secondpart[0] == 'P':
#We need to figure out if is a date, or a datetime
if firstpart.find(datetimedelimiter) != -1:
return TimeResolution.Seconds
elif timestr.count(':') == 1:
return TimeResolution.Minutes
#Format must be hhmmss, hhmm, or hh
if timestr.find('.') == -1:
#No time fractions
timestrlen = len(timestr)
#The lowest order element is a fraction
timestrlen = len(timestr.split('.')[0])
if timestrlen == 6:
return TimeResolution.Seconds
elif timestrlen == 4:
return TimeResolution.Minutes
elif timestrlen == 2:
return TimeResolution.Hours
raise ValueError('String is not a valid ISO 8601 time.')
timestr = _split_tz(isotimestr)[0]
if timestr.count(':') == 2:
return TimeResolution.Seconds
elif timestr.count(':') == 1:
return TimeResolution.Minutes
#Format must be hhmmss, hhmm, or hh
if timestr.find('.') == -1:
#No time fractions
timestrlen = len(timestr)
#The lowest order element is a fraction
timestrlen = len(timestr.split('.')[0])
if timestrlen == 6:
return TimeResolution.Seconds
elif timestrlen == 4: