Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'jedi' in functional components in Python. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
Github issue #319.
s = dedent("""\
def static(func):
def wrapped(obj, *args):
return f(type(obj), *args)
return wrapped
class C(object):
def test(cls):
return 10
signatures = Script(s).call_signatures()
assert len(signatures) == 1
x = [p.description for p in signatures[0].params]
assert x == ['*args']
def test_end_pos_one_line(self):
parsed = parser.Parser(parser.load_grammar(), dedent(u('''
def testit():
a = "huhu"
tok = parsed.module.subscopes[0].statements[0].children[2]
assert tok.end_pos == (3, 14)
def get_call(self, source):
stmt = Parser(u(source), no_docstr=True).module.statements[0]
return stmt.expression_list()[0]
return ""
params = post_data[:idx].split(",")
if len(params) != 3:
print("jedi-server/complete: invalid post code=2")
return ""
line, column, filename = params
line, column = int(line), int(column)
source = post_data[idx + 2:]
print("jedi-server/complete: ", line, column, filename)
# do completion
def print_candidate(type_, typed_text, arguement):
# row format: type$typed_text$arguemnt
return "{0}${1}${2}\n".format(type_, typed_text, arguement)
script = jedi.Script(source, line, column)
completions = script.completions()
# output compltion results
result = ""
for c in completions:
if c.type in ["function", "class"]:
if hasattr(c, "params"): # c is callable
sig = "({0})".format(
", ".join(map(lambda x: x.description, c.params)))
result += print_candidate(c.type, c.name, sig)
result += print_candidate(c.type, c.name, "")
elif c.type in ["statement", "instance", "module", "import", "param"]:
result += print_candidate(c.type, c.name, "")
elif c.type == "keyword":
pass # ignore keyword
jediPath = sys.argv[2]
jediPreview = True
cachePrefix = "custom_v"
if len(sys.argv) > 3:
modulesToLoad = sys.argv[3]
# release
jediPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "lib", "python")
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
modulesToLoad = sys.argv[1]
sys.path.insert(0, jediPath)
import jedi
if jediPreview:
jedi.settings.cache_directory = os.path.join(
cachePrefix + jedi.__version__.replace(".", ""),
# remove jedi from path after we import it so it will not be completed
if len(modulesToLoad) > 0:
def _split(self):
if isinstance(self.argument_node, (tuple, list)):
for el in self.argument_node:
yield 0, el
if not (tree.is_node(self.argument_node, 'arglist') or (
# in python 3.5 **arg is an argument, not arglist
(tree.is_node(self.argument_node, 'argument') and
self.argument_node.children[0] in ('*', '**')))):
yield 0, self.argument_node
iterator = iter(self.argument_node.children)
for child in iterator:
if child == ',':
elif child in ('*', '**'):
yield len(child.value), next(iterator)
elif tree.is_node(child, 'argument') and \
child.children[0] in ('*', '**'):
assert len(child.children) == 2
yield len(child.children[0].value), child.children[1]
def _split(self):
if isinstance(self.argument_node, (tuple, list)):
for el in self.argument_node:
yield 0, el
if not pr.is_node(self.argument_node, 'arglist'):
yield 0, self.argument_node
iterator = iter(self.argument_node.children)
for child in iterator:
if child == ',':
elif child in ('*', '**'):
yield len(child.value), next(iterator)
yield 0, child
def _split(self):
if isinstance(self.argument_node, (tuple, list)):
for el in self.argument_node:
yield 0, el
if not (tree.is_node(self.argument_node, 'arglist') or (
# in python 3.5 **arg is an argument, not arglist
(tree.is_node(self.argument_node, 'argument') and
self.argument_node.children[0] in ('*', '**')))):
yield 0, self.argument_node
iterator = iter(self.argument_node.children)
for child in iterator:
if child == ',':
elif child in ('*', '**'):
yield len(child.value), next(iterator)
elif tree.is_node(child, 'argument') and \
child.children[0] in ('*', '**'):
assert len(child.children) == 2
yield len(child.children[0].value), child.children[1]
yield 0, child
@memoize_default(default=[], evaluator_is_first_arg=True)
def eval_statement(self, stmt, seek_name=None):
The starting point of the completion. A statement always owns a call
list, which are the calls, that a statement does. In case multiple
names are defined in the statement, `seek_name` returns the result for
this name.
:param stmt: A `tree.ExprStmt`.
debug.dbg('eval_statement %s (%s)', stmt, seek_name)
types = self.eval_element(stmt.get_rhs())
if seek_name:
types = finder.check_tuple_assignments(types, seek_name)
first_operation = stmt.first_operation()
if first_operation not in ('=', None) and not isinstance(stmt, er.InstanceElement): # TODO don't check for this.
# `=` is always the last character in aug assignments -> -1
operator = copy.copy(first_operation)
operator.value = operator.value[:-1]
name = str(stmt.get_defined_names()[0])
parent = self.wrap(stmt.get_parent_scope())
left = self.find_types(parent, name, stmt.start_pos, search_global=True)
if isinstance(stmt.get_parent_until(tree.ForStmt), tree.ForStmt):
# Iterate through result and add the values, that's possible
# only in for loops without clutter, because they are
# If there are annotations, prefer them over anything else.
# This will make it faster.
return value_set
value_set |= docstrings.infer_return_types(self._value)
returns = funcdef.iter_return_stmts()
for r in returns:
if check_yields:
value_set |= ValueSet.from_sets(
for lazy_value in self._get_yield_lazy_value(r)
check = flow_analysis.reachability_check(self, funcdef, r)
if check is flow_analysis.UNREACHABLE:
debug.dbg('Return unreachable: %s', r)
children = r.children
except AttributeError:
ctx = compiled.builtin_from_name(self.inference_state, u'None')
value_set |= ValueSet([ctx])
value_set |= self.infer_node(children[1])
if check is flow_analysis.REACHABLE:
debug.dbg('Return reachable: %s', r)
return value_set