Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'texttable' in functional components in Python. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
missing = max_cell_lines - len(cell)
cell[:0] = [""] * (missing // 2)
cell.extend([""] * (missing // 2 + missing % 2))
elif valign == "b":
cell[:0] = [""] * (max_cell_lines - len(cell))
cell.extend([""] * (max_cell_lines - len(cell)))
return line_wrapped
if __name__ == '__main__':
table = Texttable()
table.set_cols_align(["l", "r", "c"])
table.set_cols_valign(["t", "m", "b"])
table.add_rows([ [get_color_string(bcolors.GREEN, "Name Of Person"), "Age", "Nickname"],
["Mr\nXavier\nHuon", 32, "Xav'"],
[get_color_string(bcolors.BLUE,"Mr\nBaptiste\nClement"), 1, get_color_string(bcolors.RED,"Baby")] ])
print(table.draw() + "\n")
table = Texttable()
table.set_cols_dtype(['t', # text
'f', # float (decimal)
'e', # float (exponent)
'i', # integer
'a']) # automatic
table.set_cols_align(["l", "r", "r", "r", "l"])
table.add_rows([['text', "float", "exp", "int", "auto"],
["abcd", "67", 654, 89, 128.001],
["efghijk", 67.5434, .654, 89.6, 12800000000000000000000.00023],
["lmn", 5e-78, 5e-78, 89.4, .000000000000128],
["opqrstu", .023, 5e+78, 92., 12800000000000000000000]])
valign = "t"
if valign == "m":
missing = max_cell_lines - len(cell)
cell[:0] = [""] * (missing // 2)
cell.extend([""] * (missing // 2 + missing % 2))
elif valign == "b":
cell[:0] = [""] * (max_cell_lines - len(cell))
cell.extend([""] * (max_cell_lines - len(cell)))
return line_wrapped
if __name__ == '__main__':
table = Texttable()
table.set_cols_align(["l", "r", "c"])
table.set_cols_valign(["t", "m", "b"])
table.add_rows([ [get_color_string(bcolors.GREEN, "Name Of Person"), "Age", "Nickname"],
["Mr\nXavier\nHuon", 32, "Xav'"],
[get_color_string(bcolors.BLUE,"Mr\nBaptiste\nClement"), 1, get_color_string(bcolors.RED,"Baby")] ])
print(table.draw() + "\n")
table = Texttable()
table.set_cols_dtype(['t', # text
'f', # float (decimal)
'e', # float (exponent)
'i', # integer
'a']) # automatic
table.set_cols_align(["l", "r", "r", "r", "l"])
table.add_rows([['text', "float", "exp", "int", "auto"],
["abcd", "67", 654, 89, 128.001],
["efghijk", 67.5434, .654, 89.6, 12800000000000000000000.00023],
["lmn", 5e-78, 5e-78, 89.4, .000000000000128],
def test_chaining():
table = Texttable()
table.set_cols_width([3, 3, 3])
table.add_rows([list('ghi')], False)
s1 = table.draw()
s2 = (Texttable()
def print_results(results):
for message in results.test_results:
if message.result == messages.Result.PASS:
color = texttable.bcolors.GREEN
elif message.result == messages.Result.FAIL:
color = texttable.bcolors.GREEN
color = texttable.bcolors.YELLOW
label = texttable.get_color_string(color, message.result)
logging.info('{} {}'.format(label, message.title))
def print_results(results):
for message in results.test_results:
if message.result == messages.Result.PASS:
color = texttable.bcolors.GREEN
elif message.result == messages.Result.FAIL:
color = texttable.bcolors.GREEN
color = texttable.bcolors.YELLOW
label = texttable.get_color_string(color, message.result)
logging.info('{} {}'.format(label, message.title))
def print_results(results):
for message in results.test_results:
if message.result == messages.Result.PASS:
color = texttable.bcolors.GREEN
elif message.result == messages.Result.FAIL:
color = texttable.bcolors.GREEN
color = texttable.bcolors.YELLOW
label = texttable.get_color_string(color, message.result)
logging.info('{} {}'.format(label, message.title))
def _splitit(self, line, isheader):
"""Split each element of line to fit the column width
Each element is turned into a list, result of the wrapping of the
string to the desired width
line_wrapped = []
for cell, width in zip(line, self._width):
array = []
original_cell = cell
lost_color = bcolors.WHITE
for attr in bcolors_public_props():
cell = cell.replace(
getattr(bcolors, attr), '').replace(bcolors.ENDC,'')
if cell.replace(bcolors.ENDC,'') != original_cell.replace(
bcolors.ENDC,'') and attr != 'ENDC':
if not lost_color:
lost_color = attr
for c in cell.split('\n'):
if type(c) is not str:
c = str(c, 'utf')
except UnicodeDecodeError as strerror:
sys.stderr.write("UnicodeDecodeError exception for string '%s': %s\n" % (c, strerror))
c = str(c, 'utf', 'replace')
def _make_diff_row(cls, color, label, message):
label = texttable.get_color_string(color, label)
path = texttable.get_color_string(
texttable.bcolors.WHITE, message.path)
formatted_author = cls._format_author(message.deployed_by, True)
deployed = str(message.deployed).split('.')[0][
:-3] if message.deployed else ''
return [label, path, deployed, formatted_author]
def _len_cell(self, cell):
"""Return the width of the cell
Special characters are taken into account to return the width of the
cell, such like newlines and tabs
for attr in bcolors_public_props():
cell = cell.replace(getattr(bcolors, attr), '').replace(bcolors.ENDC,'')
cell_lines = cell.split('\n')
maxi = 0
for line in cell_lines:
length = 0
parts = line.split('\t')
for part, i in zip(parts, list(range(1, len(parts) + 1))):
for attr in bcolors_public_props():
part = part.replace(getattr(bcolors, attr), '')
length = length + len(part)
if i < len(parts):
length = (length//8 + 1) * 8
maxi = max(maxi, length)
return maxi
def ascii_split (s):
output = []
lines = s.split('\n')
for elem in lines:
if ansi_len(elem) > 0:
return output