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Top 10 Examples of "wd in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'wd' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

_before(function(done) {
    if (onSauce && this.currentTest) { = this.currentTest.parent.title + " " + this.currentTest.title;

    driverHolder.driver = wd.promiseChainRemote(host, port);

    if (process.env.VERBOSE) {
      driverHolder.driver.on('status', function(info) {
      driverHolder.driver.on('command', function(meth, path, data) {
        console.log(' > ' + meth, path, data || '');

        // ok
        function(sessionId) {
          driverHolder.sessionId = sessionId;
tunnelIdentifier: tunnelId,
  name: tmp[1] + ' - ' + tunnelId,
  // timeouts
  // tunnelTimeout: 30 * 60 * 1000,
  // 'max-duration': 60 * 45,
  // 'command-timeout': 599,
  // 'idle-timeout': 599


// enables chai assertion chaining
chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness = wd.transferPromiseness;

devServer.start(function() {
  if (client.runner === 'saucelabs') {
  } else {

function startTest(browser, subProcess) {
  // optional extra logging
  // browser.on('status', function(info) {
  //   console.log(info.cyan);
  // });
  browser.on('command', function(eventType, command, response) {
    if (eventType === 'CALL') {
var wd = require('wd')
  , imageDiff = require('image-diff')
var _ = require("lodash");
var chai = require("chai");
var chaiAsPromised = require("chai-as-promised");

chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness = wd.transferPromiseness;

// checking sauce credential
if(!process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME || !process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY){
        '\nPlease configure your sauce credential:\n\n' +
        'export SAUCE_USERNAME=\n' +
        'export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=\n\n'
    throw new Error("Missing sauce credentials");

// http configuration, not needed for simple runs
wd.configureHttp( {
    timeout: 60000,
    retryDelay: 15000,
    retries: 5
var errors;
		var length;
		var browserName;
		var browserVersion;
		var sessionName;
		var driver;

		count = 0;
		errors = 0;
		length = urls.length;
		browserName = browser.browserName;
		browserVersion = browser.version;
		sessionName = browserName + ' ' + browserVersion; = sessionName;

		driver = wd.promiseRemote('', 80, saucelabsUser, saucelabsKey);
			.fail(function () {
				console.log('Browser ' + sessionName + ' was not available');

				// SauceLabs' shitty API returns browsers that it doesn't support.
				// This hack retries progressively later versions of those browsers
				// until we find one that works or there are no more versions.
				var targetBrowser = {
					browserName: browserName,
					version: Math.floor(parseFloat(browserVersion) + 1)

				saucelabs.getWebDriverBrowsers(retryTests.bind(null, targetBrowser));
const setupDriver = async () => {
	const branch = process.env.CIRCLE_BRANCH || '';
	const safeBranchName = branch.replace( /\//g, '-' );
	if ( isLocalEnvironment() ) {
		try {
			appiumProcess = await AppiumLocal.start( localAppiumPort );
		} catch ( err ) {
			// Ignore error here, Appium is probably already running (Appium desktop has its own server for instance)
			// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
			console.log( 'Could not start Appium server', err.toString() );

	const serverConfig = isLocalEnvironment() ? serverConfigs.local : serverConfigs.sauce;
	const driver = wd.promiseChainRemote( serverConfig );

	let desiredCaps;
	if ( isAndroid() ) {
		desiredCaps = _.clone( android8 );
		if ( isLocalEnvironment() ) { = path.resolve( localAndroidAppPath );
			try {
				const androidVersion = childProcess
					.execSync( 'adb shell getprop' )
					.replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, '' );
				delete desiredCaps.platformVersion;
				desiredCaps.deviceName = 'Android Emulator';
				// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
				console.log( 'Detected Android device running Android %s', androidVersion );
			} catch ( error ) {
var createClient = function createClient() {
	var res = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', process.env.LOCAL_SELENIUM_PORT || 4444)
		.setWindowSize(1000, 1000) // do something
	return res;
.then(() => {
                                 let action = new wd.TouchAction(driver);
                                 action = action.tap({x, y});
                                 if (profile.platformName === "iOS") {
                                     action = action.release();  // Android doesn't like this much
                                 action = action.wait({ms:1000});
                                 return action.perform();
var async = require('async');
var wd = require('wd');
var remote = JSON.parse(process.env.WEBDRIVER_REMOTE || '{"hostname":"localhost", "port":9515}');
var browsers = JSON.parse(process.env.BROWSERS || '[{"browserName":"chrome"}]' );
var strider = require('./strider');
var chai = require('chai');
var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');

chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness = wd.transferPromiseness;

describe('Strider', function () {

  // TESTS
  var tests = (
    process.env.TEST_SUITE ?
    [ './integration/'+process.env.TEST_SUITE+'.js' ] :
    [ './integration/build_page_test.js'
    , './integration/login_test.js'
    , './integration/global_admin_test.js'
    //, './integration/github_test.js'
    , './integration/branch_management_test.js'

  wd.addPromiseChainMethod('rel', function (url, cb) {
describe('Strider', function () {

  // TESTS
  var tests = (
    process.env.TEST_SUITE ?
    [ './integration/'+process.env.TEST_SUITE+'.js' ] :
    [ './integration/build_page_test.js'
    , './integration/login_test.js'
    , './integration/global_admin_test.js'
    //, './integration/github_test.js'
    , './integration/branch_management_test.js'

  wd.addPromiseChainMethod('rel', function (url, cb) {
    return this.get('http://localhost:4000' + url, cb);

  var runTests = function (conn, doneBrowser) {
    var commands = [];

    async.each(tests, function (suite, cb) {
      var browser = wd.promiseChainRemote(remote);
      browser.on('status', function (info) {
      browser.on('command', function (meth, path, data) {
        if (meth && path && data) commands.push([' command > ' + meth, path, JSON.stringify(data || '')].join(' '));
      browser.on('error', function (info) {
const jobOpenings = 'WE\'RE HIRING';
const joinSlug = 'join';
const joinURL = baseURL + '/join-us';
const workURL = baseURL + '/work';
const workItem = '.page-work .work-item';
const workReadmore = 'Read more';
const workSlug = 'work';
const sandboxURL = baseURL + '/sandbox';
const sandboxComponentList = 'body > ol';
const sandboxComponentName = 'blog';
const sandboxSlug = 'sandbox';
const badURL = baseURL + '/blog/press/asdf';
const page404 = '.page-404';

// helpers
wd.addPromiseChainMethod('openPageByMenuLink', (linkText) => {
  return browser
    .then((isDisplayed) => {
      if (isDisplayed) {
        console.log('We have a mobile menu so need to open it first...');
        return browser
          .waitForElementByPartialLinkText(linkText.toUpperCase(), 5000)
      } else {
        console.log('We are on desktop resolution now, no need to open mobile menu!');
        return browser

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