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Top 10 Examples of "n3 in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'n3' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

async function test () {
  // This can be any RDFJS source
  // In this example, we wrap an N3Store
  const store = new Store()
    DataFactory.namedNode('a'), DataFactory.namedNode('b'), DataFactory.namedNode('')))
    DataFactory.namedNode('a'), DataFactory.namedNode('b'), DataFactory.namedNode('')))

  // Create our engine, and query it.
  // If you intend to query multiple times, be sure to cache your engine for optimal performance.
  const myEngine = newEngine()
  const result: any = await myEngine.query('SELECT * { ?s ?p . ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 100',
    { sources: [ { type: 'rdfjsSource', value: store } ] })
  result.bindingsStream.on('data', (data: any) => {
void test()
function test_doc_utility() {
    const N3Util = N3.Util;
    N3Util.isNamedNode(N3.DataFactory.namedNode('')); // true

    N3Util.isLiteral(N3.DataFactory.literal('Mickey Mouse')); // true
    N3Util.isLiteral(N3.DataFactory.literal('Mickey Mouse', 'en')); // true
    N3Util.isLiteral(N3.DataFactory.literal('3', N3.DataFactory.namedNode(''))); // true
    N3Util.isLiteral(N3.DataFactory.literal('')); // true

    N3Util.isLiteral(N3.DataFactory.literal('This word is "quoted"!')); // true
    N3Util.isLiteral(N3.DataFactory.literal('3', N3.DataFactory.namedNode(''))); // true

    new N3.Parser().parse('<a> <b> "This word is \\"quoted\\"!".', console.log);
    // { subject: 'a', predicate: 'b', object: '"This word is "quoted"!"' }

    N3Util.isBlankNode(N3.DataFactory.blankNode('b1')); // true
    N3Util.isNamedNode(N3.DataFactory.blankNode('b1')); // false
    N3Util.isLiteral(N3.DataFactory.blankNode('b1')); // false

    const prefixes: N3.Prefixes = { rdfs: N3.DataFactory.namedNode('') };
    const namedNode1: RDF.NamedNode = N3Util.prefix('')('label');
    const namedNode2: RDF.NamedNode = N3Util.prefixes(prefixes)('rdfs')('label');
function test_doc_utility() {
    const N3Util = N3.Util;
    N3Util.isNamedNode(N3.DataFactory.namedNode('')); // true

    N3Util.isLiteral(N3.DataFactory.literal('Mickey Mouse')); // true
    N3Util.isLiteral(N3.DataFactory.literal('Mickey Mouse', 'en')); // true
    N3Util.isLiteral(N3.DataFactory.literal('3', N3.DataFactory.namedNode(''))); // true
    N3Util.isLiteral(N3.DataFactory.literal('')); // true

    N3Util.isLiteral(N3.DataFactory.literal('This word is "quoted"!')); // true
    N3Util.isLiteral(N3.DataFactory.literal('3', N3.DataFactory.namedNode(''))); // true

    new N3.Parser().parse('<a> <b> "This word is \\"quoted\\"!".', console.log);
    // { subject: 'a', predicate: 'b', object: '"This word is "quoted"!"' }

    N3Util.isBlankNode(N3.DataFactory.blankNode('b1')); // true
    N3Util.isNamedNode(N3.DataFactory.blankNode('b1')); // false
    N3Util.isLiteral(N3.DataFactory.blankNode('b1')); // false
function test_doc_rdf_to_triples_2() {
    const parser1: N3.N3Parser = new N3.Parser({ format: 'N-Triples' });
    const parser2: N3.N3Parser = new N3.Parser({ format: 'application/trig' });
    // Notation3 (N3) is supported only through the format argument:

    const parser3: N3.N3Parser = N3.Parser({ format: 'N3' });
    const parser4: N3.N3Parser = N3.Parser({ format: 'Notation3' });
    const parser5: N3.N3Parser = N3.Parser({ format: 'text/n3' });
const quadStream: RDF.Stream = store.match(N3.DataFactory.namedNode(''));

    interface N3QuadGeneralized extends N3.BaseQuad {
      subject: N3.Quad_Subject | N3.BlankNode | N3.Literal;
      predicate: N3.Quad_Predicate | N3.BlankNode | N3.Literal;
      object: N3.Quad_Object | N3.BlankNode | N3.Literal;
      graph: N3.Quad_Graph | N3.BlankNode | N3.Literal;
    interface RDFQuadGeneralized extends RDF.BaseQuad {
      subject: RDF.Quad_Subject | RDF.BlankNode | RDF.Literal;
      predicate: RDF.Quad_Predicate | RDF.BlankNode | RDF.Literal;
      object: RDF.Quad_Object | RDF.BlankNode | RDF.Literal;
      graph: RDF.Quad_Graph | RDF.BlankNode | RDF.Literal;
    const storeGeneralized = new N3.Store();
    // storeGeneralized.
    storeGeneralized.addQuad(N3.DataFactory.namedNode(''), N3.DataFactory.blankNode(), N3.DataFactory.namedNode(''));
Trellis.renderHTML = function(turtle, containerElement) {
    //  var parser = new n3.Parser();
    var divNode = $("#nid-template");
    // .clone(true)
    var store = new require('n3').Store();

    var parser = new require('n3').Parser();
        function(error, triple) {
            if (error) {
                console.log("Parser error : " + error);
            if (triple) {
                store.add(triple.subject, triple.predicate, triple.object);
                if (triple.predicate == '') {
                    //    console.log("O = " + triple.object);
            } else {
                buildTree(store, containerElement, divNode);
SummaryDatasource.prototype._initialize = function (done) {
  this._tripleStore = new N3.Store();
  // var parser = new N3.Parser();
  // var self = this;
  // If summaryDir does not exist, create it
  if (!fs.existsSync(this._summariesFolder)) {
    fs.mkdirSync(this._summariesFolder, { recursive: true });

  // Initialize watcher.
  var watcher =, {
    ignored: /(^|[\/\\])\../,
    persistent: true

  console.log(`Watching  ${this._summariesFolder}`)
  watcher.on('add', (summaryFile) => this._storeFile(summaryFile, err => console.log(err)));
function parseEntity(entity, prefixes) {
  // falsy, variable, or blank indicates an unknown
  if (!entity || /^\?|^_:/.test(entity))
    return null;
  // angular brackets indicate a URI
  var match = /^&lt;(.*)&gt;$/.exec(entity);
  if (match)
    return match[1];
  // remove possible angular brackets from literal types
  if (N3Util.isLiteral(entity))
    entity = entity.replace(/&lt;([^&lt;&gt;]*)&gt;$/, '$1');
  // try to expand a prefixed name (or type)
  try { return N3Util.expandPrefixedName(entity, prefixes); }
  // return the entity as-is if expansion fails (prefix not found)
  catch (error) { return entity; }
function parseEntity(entity, prefixes) {
  // falsy, variable, or blank indicates an unknown
  if (!entity || /^\?|^_:/.test(entity))
    return null;
  // angular brackets indicate a URI
  var match = /^&lt;(.*)&gt;$/.exec(entity);
  if (match)
    return match[1];
  // remove possible angular brackets from literal types
  if (N3Util.isLiteral(entity))
    entity = entity.replace(/&lt;([^&lt;&gt;]*)&gt;$/, '$1');
  // try to expand a prefixed name (or type)
  try { return N3Util.expandPrefixedName(entity, prefixes); }
  // return the entity as-is if expansion fails (prefix not found)
  catch (error) { return entity; }
var requestUrl = request.parsedUrl,
      // maintain the originally requested query string to avoid encoding differences
      origQuery = request.url.replace(/[^?]+/, ''),
      pageUrl = url.format(requestUrl).replace(/\?.*/, origQuery),
      paramsNoPage = _.omit(requestUrl.query, 'page'),
      currentPage = parseInt(, 10) || 1,
      datasourceUrl = url.format(_.omit(requestUrl, 'query')),
      fragmentUrl = url.format(_.defaults({ query: paramsNoPage }, requestUrl)),
      fragmentPageUrlBase = fragmentUrl + (/\?/.test(fragmentUrl) ? '&amp;' : '?') + 'page=',
      indexUrl = url.format(_.omit(requestUrl, 'search', 'query', 'pathname')) + '/';

  // Generate a textual representation of the pattern
  query.patternString = '{ ' +
    (query.subject              ? '&lt;' + query.subject   + '&gt; ' : '?s ') +
    (query.predicate            ? '&lt;' + query.predicate + '&gt; ' : '?p ') +
    (N3Util.isIRI(query.object) ? '&lt;' + query.object    + '&gt; ' : (query.object || '?o')) + ' }';

  return {
    datasource: _.assign(_.omit(datasourceSettings, 'datasource'), {
      index: indexUrl + '#dataset',
      url: datasourceUrl + '#dataset',
      templateUrl: datasourceUrl + '{?subject,predicate,object}',
    fragment: {
      url: fragmentUrl,
      pageUrl: pageUrl,
      firstPageUrl: fragmentPageUrlBase + '1',
      nextPageUrl: fragmentPageUrlBase + (currentPage + 1),
      previousPageUrl: currentPage &gt; 1 ? fragmentPageUrlBase + (currentPage - 1) : null,
    query: query,
    prefixes: this._prefixes,

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