Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'redux-bundler' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
import filesBundle from './files'
import configBundle from './config'
import configSaveBundle from './config-save'
import navbarBundle from './navbar'
import toursBundle from './tours'
import notifyBundle from './notify'
import connectedBundle from './connected'
import retryInitBundle from './retry-init'
import identityBundle from './identity'
import bundleCache from '../lib/bundle-cache'
import ipfsDesktop from './ipfs-desktop'
import repoStats from './repo-stats'
import createAnalyticsBundle from './analytics'
import experimentsBundle from './experiments'
export default composeBundles(
cacheFn: bundleCache.set
appIdle({ idleTimeout: 5000 }),
tryWindow: false,
ipfsConnectionTest: async (ipfs) => {
// ipfs connection is working if can we fetch the bw stats.
// See: https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-webui/issues/835#issuecomment-466966884
try {
await ipfs.stats.bw()
} catch (err) {
if (!/bandwidth reporter disabled in config/.test(err)) {
throw err
import configBundle from './config'
import configSaveBundle from './config-save'
import navbarBundle from './navbar'
import toursBundle from './tours'
import notifyBundle from './notify'
import connectedBundle from './connected'
import retryInitBundle from './retry-init'
import identityBundle from './identity'
import bundleCache from '../lib/bundle-cache'
import ipfsDesktop from './ipfs-desktop'
import repoStats from './repo-stats'
import createAnalyticsBundle from './analytics'
import experimentsBundle from './experiments'
export default composeBundles(
cacheFn: bundleCache.set
appIdle({ idleTimeout: 5000 }),
tryWindow: false,
ipfsConnectionTest: async (ipfs) => {
// ipfs connection is working if can we fetch the bw stats.
// See: https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-webui/issues/835#issuecomment-466966884
try {
await ipfs.stats.bw()
} catch (err) {
if (!/bandwidth reporter disabled in config/.test(err)) {
throw err
const bundle = createAsyncResourceBundle({
name: 'stats',
getPromise: async ({ getIpfs }) => {
const bw = await getIpfs().stats.bw()
return { bw }
staleAfter: 3000,
retryAfter: 3000,
persist: false,
checkIfOnline: false
bundle.selectStatsLastSuccess = state => state.stats.lastSuccess
// Fetch the config if we don't have it or it's more than `staleAfter` ms old
bundle.reactStatsFetch = createSelector(
(shouldUpdate, ipfsReady) => {
if (shouldUpdate && ipfsReady) {
return { actionCreator: 'doFetchStats' }
export default bundle
(config) => getURLFromAddress('API', config) || 'https://ipfs.io'
bundle.selectGatewayUrl = createSelector(
(config) => getURLFromAddress('Gateway', config) || 'https://ipfs.io'
bundle.selectBootstrapPeers = createSelector(
(config) => config && config.Bootstrap
// TODO: this is a work-around for IPFS companion blocking the config API
// see: https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-companion/issues/454
bundle.selectIsConfigBlocked = createSelector(
({ errorType }) => errorType === 'Access to config.get API is globally blocked for window.ipfs'
// Fetch the config if we don't have it or it's more than `staleAfter` ms old
bundle.reactConfigFetch = createSelector(
(shouldUpdate, ipfsReady) => {
if (shouldUpdate && ipfsReady) {
return { actionCreator: 'doFetchConfig' }
function getURLFromAddress (name, config) {
return repoStats.repoSize.toString()
bundle.selectRepoNumObjects = createSelector(
(repoStats) => {
if (repoStats && repoStats.numObjects) {
return repoStats.numObjects.toString()
// Fetch the config if we don't have it or it's more than `staleAfter` ms old
bundle.reactRepoStatsFetch = createSelector(
(shouldUpdate, ipfsReady) => {
if (shouldUpdate && ipfsReady) {
return { actionCreator: 'doFetchRepoStats' }
export default bundle
import { createAsyncResourceBundle, createSelector } from 'redux-bundler'
import { resolveIpldPath, quickSplitPath } from '../lib/path'
// Find all the nodes and path boundaries traversed along a given path
const bundle = createAsyncResourceBundle({
name: 'explore',
actionBaseType: 'EXPLORE',
getPromise: async (args) => {
const { store, getIpfs } = args
const hash = store.selectHash()
let path = decodeURIComponent(hash.replace('/explore', ''))
if (!path) return null
const { cidOrFqdn, rest } = quickSplitPath(path)
const { targetNode, canonicalPath, localPath, nodes, pathBoundaries } = await resolveIpldPath(getIpfs, cidOrFqdn, rest)
return {
export default function (opts) {
opts = opts || {}
// Max number of locations to retrieve concurrently.
// HTTP API are throttled to max 4-6 at a time by the browser itself.
opts.concurrency = opts.concurrency || 4
// Cache options
opts.cache = opts.cache || {}
const peerLocResolver = new PeerLocationResolver(opts)
const bundle = createAsyncResourceBundle({
name: 'peerLocations',
actionBaseType: 'PEER_LOCATIONS',
getPromise: async ({ store, getIpfs }) => {
const peers = store.selectPeers()
return peerLocResolver.findLocations(peers, getIpfs)
staleAfter: UPDATE_EVERY,
retryAfter: UPDATE_EVERY,
persist: false,
checkIfOnline: false
bundle.reactPeerLocationsFetch = createSelector(
import { createAsyncResourceBundle, createSelector } from 'redux-bundler'
const bundle = createAsyncResourceBundle({
name: 'identity',
actionBaseType: 'IDENTITY',
getPromise: ({ getIpfs }) => getIpfs().id(),
staleAfter: Infinity,
persist: false,
checkIfOnline: false
bundle.selectIdentityLastSuccess = state => state.identity.lastSuccess
// Update identity after we (re)connect with ipfs
bundle.reactIdentityFetch = createSelector(
import { createAsyncResourceBundle, createSelector } from 'redux-bundler'
const bundle = createAsyncResourceBundle({
name: 'stats',
getPromise: async ({ getIpfs }) => {
const bw = await getIpfs().stats.bw()
return { bw }
staleAfter: 3000,
retryAfter: 3000,
persist: false,
checkIfOnline: false
bundle.selectStatsLastSuccess = state => state.stats.lastSuccess
// Fetch the config if we don't have it or it's more than `staleAfter` ms old
bundle.reactStatsFetch = createSelector(
import toUri from 'multiaddr-to-uri'
import { createAsyncResourceBundle, createSelector } from 'redux-bundler'
const bundle = createAsyncResourceBundle({
name: 'config',
getPromise: async ({ getIpfs }) => {
// SEE: https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs-api/issues/822
const rawConf = await getIpfs().config.get()
let conf
if (Buffer.isBuffer(rawConf)) {
conf = rawConf.toString()
} else {
conf = JSON.stringify(rawConf, null, '\t')
// stringy json for quick compares
return conf
staleAfter: 60000,