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Top 10 Examples of "slate in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'slate' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it("should ignore the event", () => {
      const value = initialValue;
      const fakeTransform = fake();
      const plugins = [AutoReplacePlugin(fakeTransform)];
      let simulator = new Editor({ value, plugins });

      // Press enter"onKeyDown", keyEvent("Enter"));

it("should return the last word", () => {
      const editor = new Editor({ value: Plain.deserialize("hello world") });

      // Anchor at the end of the first word

      // Anchor at the beginning of the second word

      // Anchor at the end of the second word
fixtures(__dirname, 'commands', ({ module }) => {
      const { input, output, options = {}, plugins: module_plugins } = module
      const fn = module.default
      const editor = new Editor({
        plugins: module_plugins ? plugins.concat(module_plugins) : plugins,
      const opts = { preserveSelection: true, ...options }
      // if (Object.keys(options).length) {
      //   throw new TypeError('bad test, cannot use options yet');
      // }

      const inputSyncDoc = toSyncDocument(input.document.toJSON());
      // re-apply the operations from the test
      const actualSyncDoc = editor.operations.reduce((doc, op) => applyOperation(doc, op), inputSyncDoc);
      const actualDoc = toSlateDocument(actualSyncDoc)
documentChangeHandler (_, newEditorState) {
    const { data: { repository }, path, uncommittedChangesMutation } = this.props
    const { committedEditorState, uncommittedChanges } = this.state

    const serializedNewEditorState = Raw.serialize(newEditorState, {terse: true})
    const serializedCommittedEditorState = Raw.serialize(committedEditorState, {terse: true})
    if (JSON.stringify(serializedNewEditorState) !== JSON.stringify(serializedCommittedEditorState)) {'editorState', serializedNewEditorState)'commit', repository.commit)

      if (!uncommittedChanges) {
          uncommittedChanges: true
          login: repository.owner.login,
          path: path.split('/').slice(1).join('/'), // omit branch
          action: 'create'
        }).catch((error) => {
          console.log('uncommittedChangesMutation error')
render = () => {
    const { children, showUndo, onChange, readOnly, marks, nodes, plugins, className, spellcheck, style, blockTypes, } = this.props;
    const value = this.props.value || Plain.deserialize('');

    const undo = !!value && !!value.history && !!value.history.undos && !!value.history.undos['_head'] && value.history.undos['_head'].value;
    // console.log(undo);

    return (
      <div style="{{">
          {false &amp;&amp; undo &amp;&amp; undo.length ? (
            <button size="large" shape="circle"> onChange(value.transform().undo().apply())}&gt;
              <i aria-hidden="true">
            </i></button><i aria-hidden="true">
          ) : null}
        </i><i aria-hidden="true">
        {readOnly !== true &amp;&amp; }
        {readOnly !== true &amp;&amp; }</i></div>
const [value, setValue] = useState(() => {
    const model = elementsToSlateValue(,
    // For SSR.
    return Value.fromJSON(model);
  const stylesById = useMemo(() => arrayOfItemsWithIdToObject(styles), [
marks: []

    const valueAsSlate = slateTransformer.fromMarkdown(clauseMd);
    const clauseNodeJSON = valueAsSlate.toJSON().document.nodes[0];
    const newSlateValueAsJSON = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(slateValue.toJSON()));

    const { nodes } = newSlateValueAsJSON.document;

    // add the clause node to the Slate dom at current position
    // Temporary fix to separate clauses, adding the new paragraph at
    // end of splice. Convert this all back to markdown
    nodes.splice((currentPosition + 1), 0, clauseNodeJSON, paragraphSpaceNodeJSON);
    const realNewMd = slateTransformer.toMarkdown(Value.fromJSON(newSlateValueAsJSON));

    // update contract on store with new slate and md values
    yield put(actions.documentEdited(Value.fromJSON(newSlateValueAsJSON), realNewMd));
    const grammar = templateObj.parserManager.getTemplatizedGrammar();

    // Temporary roundtrip and rebuild grammar
    const grammarRound = roundTrip(grammar);

    const sampleText = templateObj.getMetadata().getSamples().default;
    const model = templateObj.getModelManager().getModels();
    const logic = templateObj.getScriptManager().getLogic();
    const clauseTemplateId = uuidv4(); // unique identifier for a clause template

    // add a new clause template to the store so user can edit template
// Set patches patching either string values or span objects
    if (patch.type === 'set') {
      const valueIsString = isString(patch.value)
      const patchSpan = valueIsString ? null : (patch.value as Span)
      const patchText = valueIsString ? patch.value : patchSpan.text
      // If single leaf, we can just replace the text with the current marks
      if (textNode.leaves.size === 1) {
        let marks
        // eslint-disable-next-line max-depth
        if (valueIsString) {
          marks = => leaf.marks).get(0)
        } else {
          marks = Mark.createSet( => ({type: mark})))
        editor.replaceNodeByPath(textPath, Text.create({text: patchText, marks}))
        return editor.operations

      // Build the new text
      workTextNode.leaves[leafIndex] = {
        object: 'leaf',
        text: patchText,
        marks: valueIsString
          ? node.leaves.get(leafIndex).marks
          : Mark.createSet( => ({type: mark})))
      // Replace it
      editor.replaceNodeByPath(textPath, Text.fromJSON(workTextNode))
      return editor.operations
const value = new wrappers[contentType](rawValue);
    const data = { value };
    return node.merge({ data });

  // Handle Links
  if (contentType === 'Link') {
    delete rawValue.content;
    const value = new wrappers[contentType]().with(rawValue);
    const data = { value };
    return node.merge({ data });

  // Cite, Extra, InputRef (or anthing else) just gets
  // stripped out and replaced with a text node
  return Text.create({ text: node.text });
validate(node) {
            const { nodes } = node;

            const toRemove = nodes.filterNot(n => n.object === 'text');
            if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) {
                // Remove them, and the rest
                // will be done in the next validation call.
                return { toRemove };
            } else if (nodes.size > 1) {
                // Else, there are only text nodes

                return { toJoin: nodes };
            } else if (nodes.size === 0) {
                return { toAdd: [Text.create()] };

            // There is a single text node -> valid
            return null;

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