Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'bcfg' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
function getConfig(options = {}) {
// create a new config module for chainpoint
// this will set the prefix to `~/.chainpoint`
// and also parse env vars that are prefixed with `CHAINPOINT_`
config = new Config('chainpoint')
// Parse URL hash
hash: true,
// Parse querystring
query: true,
// Parse environment
env: true,
// Parse args
argv: true
// Will parse [PREFIX]/chainpoint.conf (throws on FS error).
// PREFIX defaults to `~/.chainpoint`
// can change the prefix by passing in a `prefix` option
export const run = async () => {
const config: Bcfg = new Config('batch-submitter')
env: true,
argv: true,
// Parse config
const env = process.env
const environment = config.str('node-env', env.NODE_ENV)
const network = config.str('eth-network-name', env.ETH_NETWORK_NAME)
const release = `batch-submitter@${env.npm_package_version}`
const sentryDsn = config.str('sentry-dsn', env.SENTRY_DSN)
const sentryTraceRate = config.ufloat(
parseFloat(env.SENTRY_TRACE_RATE) || 0.05
const main = async () => {
const config: Bcfg = new Config('message-relayer')
env: true,
argv: true,
const env = process.env
const L2_NODE_WEB3_URL = config.str('l2-node-web3-url', env.L2_NODE_WEB3_URL)
const L1_NODE_WEB3_URL = config.str('l1-node-web3-url', env.L1_NODE_WEB3_URL)
const ADDRESS_MANAGER_ADDRESS = config.str(
const L1_WALLET_KEY = config.str('l1-wallet-key', env.L1_WALLET_KEY)
const MNEMONIC = config.str('mnemonic', env.MNEMONIC)
const HD_PATH = config.str('hd-path', env.HD_PATH)
const RELAY_GAS_LIMIT = config.uint(
;(async () => {
try {
const config: Bcfg = new Config('data-transport-layer')
env: true,
argv: true,
const service = new L1DataTransportService({
nodeEnv: config.str('node-env', 'development'),
ethNetworkName: config.str('eth-network-name') as ethNetwork,
release: `data-transport-layer@${process.env.npm_package_version}`,
dbPath: config.str('db-path', './db'),
port: config.uint('server-port', 7878),
hostname: config.str('server-hostname', 'localhost'),
confirmations: config.uint('confirmations', 35),
l1RpcProvider: config.str('l1-rpc-endpoint'),
addressManager: config.str('address-manager'),
pollingInterval: config.uint('polling-interval', 5000),