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Top 10 Examples of "he in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'he' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

const writeRow = (file) => {
            // render a row given a [name, stat] tuple
            const isDir = file[1].isDirectory && file[1].isDirectory();
            let href = `${parsed.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '')}/${encodeURIComponent(file[0])}`;

            // append trailing slash and query for dir entry
            if (isDir) {
              href += `/${he.encode(( ? : '')}`;

            const displayName = he.encode(file[0]) + ((isDir) ? '/' : '');
            const ext = file[0].split('.').pop();
            const classForNonDir = supportedIcons[ext] ? ext : '_page';
            const iconClass = `icon-${isDir ? '_blank' : classForNonDir}`;

            // TODO: use stylessheets?
            html += `${'' +
              '<i class="icon '}${iconClass}"></i>`;
            if (!hidePermissions) {
              html += `<code>(${permsToString(file[1])})</code>`;
            html +=
              `<code>${sizeToString(file[1], humanReadable, si)}</code>` +
              `<a href="${href}">${displayName}</a>` +
const render = (template, data) => {
  let text;
  data.imageNotSvg = data.collective && data.collective.image && !data.collective.image.endsWith('.svg');
  data = merge({}, data);
  delete data.config;
  data.config = { host: };

  // sets paypalEmail for purpose of email templates
  if (data.user) {
    data.user.paypalEmail = data.user.paypalEmail ||;

  if (templates[`${template}.text`]) {
    text = templates[`${template}.text`](data);
  const html = juice(he.decode(templates[template](data)));

  // When in development mode, we log the data used to compile the template
  // (useful to get login token without sending an email)
  debugLib('data')(`Rendering ${template} with data`, data);

  return { text, html };
string = string.replace(/]*&gt;`([\s\S]*?)`&lt;\/pre&gt;/gi, function(str, innerHTML) {
    var text = he.decode(innerHTML);
    text = text.replace(/^\t+/g, '  '); // convert tabs to spaces (you know it makes sense)
    text = text.replace(/\n/g, '\n    ');
    return '\n\n    ' + text + '\n';
'Cache-Control': `public, max-age=${config.cache.routeExpire * 100}`,
        throw Error('wrong path');

    if ( {
        if ((! || === 0) &amp;&amp; ! {
            throw Error('this route is empty, please check the original site or <a href="">create an issue</a>');

        // fix allowEmpty = || [];

        // decode HTML entities &amp;&amp; ( = he.decode( + '')); &amp;&amp; ( = he.decode( + ''));

        // sort items =, b) =&gt; +new Date(b.pubDate || 0) - +new Date(a.pubDate || 0)); =&gt; {
            item.title &amp;&amp; (item.title = he.decode(item.title + ''));

            // handle pubDate
            if (item.pubDate) {
                item.pubDate = new Date(item.pubDate).toUTCString();

            // handle link
            if ( {
                let baseUrl =;
                if (baseUrl &amp;&amp; !baseUrl.match(/^https?:\/\//)) {
const yOffset = font.height * 0.3
			const ys = y - yOffset
			const xw = x + w
			const d = `M${x},${ys} L${xw},${ys} Z`
			const color = foregroundColor || baseForegroundColor
			content += decorators.path({d, color})

		const attrStr = attrs.join(' ')

		// Do not output elements containing whitespace with no style
		if (value.replace(/ /g, '').length === 0 && attrStr.length === 0) {

		const entified = he.encode(value, {decimal: false})
		content += decorators.text({
			value: entified,
			x, y, fontStyle, attrStr
// if this attribute is a boolean, make its value its key
        if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
          return [key, '=', `"${key}"`].join('')

        if (value) {
          // all values are expressions
          value = common.scopedExpression(data, locationData, value)

          // a class should not be empty
          if (key === 'class' && !value) return ''

          // data-* attributes should be escaped
          if (key.indexOf('data-') === 0) {
            if (typeof value !== 'string' && typeof value !== 'number') {
              value = he.escape(JSON.stringify(value) + '')
            } else {
              value = '"' + value + '"'
          } else {
            value = JSON.stringify(value)
        return [key, '=', value].join('')
      attrs = attrs.filter(a => !!a)
function createIframe(rpcChannelId): HTMLIFrameElement {
  const base = new URL("/sandbox", window.document.baseURI).href;
  const html = `

  const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
  iframe.setAttribute("sandbox", "allow-scripts");
  iframe.setAttribute("srcdoc", `${html}`);
  // Edge doesn't support "srcdoc", it'll use a data url instead.
  iframe.setAttribute("src", `data:text/html,${html}`); = "none";

  return iframe;
return '';
            if (text.length == 0)
            // Consume leak sequences until string end or an id sequence is encountered
            var next = text.indexOf('{{');
            while (next > 0) {
                var subst = text.substr(0, next);
                subst = He.unescape(subst);
                elements.push(React.createElement("span", { key: this.key++ }, subst));
                text = text.substr(next);
                next = text.indexOf('{{');
            // Return remainder leak sequence
            if (len == text.length) {
                text = He.unescape(text);
                elements.push(React.createElement("span", { key: this.key++ }, text));
        return elements.filter(function (el) { return !!el; });
    /// MarkedRenderer overrides
while (true) {
            var len = text.length;
            // Consume elementIds until string end or a leak sequence is encountered
            text = text.replace(re, function (match) {
                var index = Number(match.match(/\d+/)[0]);
                _this.elements[index] = null;
                return '';
            if (text.length == 0)
            // Consume leak sequences until string end or an id sequence is encountered
            var next = text.indexOf('{{');
            while (next > 0) {
                var subst = text.substr(0, next);
                subst = He.unescape(subst);
                elements.push(React.createElement("span", { key: this.key++ }, subst));
                text = text.substr(next);
                next = text.indexOf('{{');
            // Return remainder leak sequence
            if (len == text.length) {
                text = He.unescape(text);
                elements.push(React.createElement("span", { key: this.key++ }, text));
        return elements.filter(function (el) { return !!el; });
    /// MarkedRenderer overrides
highlight: function(code, lang) {
      // TODO(philipwalton): come up with a better way to do code marking.
      let mark = true;
      if (lang.includes(':no-mark')) {
        mark = false;
        lang = lang.replace(':no-mark', '');

      code = lang ? hljs.highlight(lang, code).value :
          // Since we're not using highlight.js here, we need to
          // espace the html, but we have to unescape first in order
          // to avoid double escaping.

      // Allow for highlighting portions of code blocks
      // using `**` before and after
      if (mark) {
        code = code.replace(/\*\*(.+)?\*\*/g, '<mark>$1</mark>');

      return code;

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