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Top 10 Examples of "tar-stream in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'tar-stream' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

https.get(url, (response: http.IncomingMessage) => {
			if (response.statusCode === 200) {
				/** A promise for each file that needs to be saved. Each promise will be resolved when the file has been saved, or rejected if an error occurs */
				const promises: Promise[] = [];

				const tarStream = tar.extract();
				tarStream.on("error", (err: Error) => {
					reject(new VError(err, "Error reading tarball stream"));

				const championJsonRegex = XRegExp(`^(.\\/)?${XRegExp.escape(ddragonVersion)}\\/data\\/en_US\\/champion\\.json$`);
				const profileIconRegex = XRegExp(`^(.\\/)?${XRegExp.escape(ddragonVersion)}\\/img\\/profileicon\\/.+[^\\/]$`);
				const championIconRegex = XRegExp(`^(.\\/)?${XRegExp.escape(ddragonVersion)}\\/img\\/champion\\/.+[^\\/]$`);

				let entriesChecked: number = 0;
				tarStream.on("entry", (header: { name: string }, entryStream: stream.Readable, next: Function) => {
					if (++entriesChecked % 1000 === 0) {
						console.log(`Checked ${entriesChecked} entries in the tarball...`);
					if (profileIconRegex.test( {
						const promise: Promise = saveEntry(entryStream, profileIconsPath,;
						// This is needed to suppress an UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning (the rejection will actually be handled later by Promise.all())

  tarballStream.on('error', console.error).pipe(extract);
  return pack;

function inspect(obj, depth) {
  console.error(require('util').inspect(obj, false, depth || 5, true));

// Test
if (!module.parent && typeof window === 'undefined') {
  var dir = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'tmp');  
  var resdir = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'result');  
  var pack = tar.pack();
  var extract = tar.extract();

  var gunzip = require('zlib').createGunzip();

  var ins = fs.createReadStream(dir + '/in.tar.gz', 'utf8').pipe(gunzip);

  go(ins, true)
    .on('error', console.error)
    .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(resdir + '/out.tar', 'utf8'));
return new Promise(resolve => {
      let extract = tar.extract()
      extract.on('entry', (header, stream, next) => {
        let p = path.join(dir,
        let opts = {mode: header.mode}
        switch (header.type) {
          case 'directory':
            this.fs.mkdirpSync(p, opts)
          case 'file':
            stream.pipe(this.fs.createWriteStream(p, opts))
          case 'symlink':
            // ignore symlinks since they will not work on windows
          default: throw new Error(header.type)
// System Objects
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');

// Third Party Dependencies
var gunzip = require('zlib').createGunzip();
var extract = require('tar-stream').extract();
var Progress = require('t2-progress');
var request = require('request');
var streamToBuffer = require('stream-to-buffer');
var urljoin = require('url-join');
var semver = require('semver');

// Internal
var log = require('./log');
var remote = require('./remote');

const BUILD_SERVER_ROOT = `https://${remote.BUILDS_HOSTNAME}/t2`;
const FIRMWARE_PATH = urljoin(BUILD_SERVER_ROOT, 'firmware');
const BUILDS_JSON_FILE = urljoin(FIRMWARE_PATH, 'builds.json');
const OPENWRT_BINARY_FILE = 'openwrt.bin';
const FIRMWARE_BINARY_FILE = 'firmware.bin';
EmberTranslator.prototype.startTranslation = function (inputPath, outputPath) {
    // create the tar -> gzip -> file stream
    this.fstream = fs.createWriteStream( outputPath );
    this.gzip = zlib.createGzip();
    this.pack = tar.pack();

    this.gzip.pipe( this.fstream );
    this.pack.pipe( this.gzip );
    // write the settings

    return DLPTranslator.prototype.startTranslation.apply( this, [inputPath, outputPath] );
mfeed.ready(function () {
    // re-pack syncfile multifeed dir into tarball
    var tarPath = path.join(self._syncdir, 'osm-p2p-db.tar')
    var tarSize = 0
    var tcount = through(function (chunk, _, next) { tarSize += chunk.length; next(null, chunk) })

    // 1. create new tar.pack() stream, to be piped to fs.createWriteStream inside self._syncdir
    var pack = tar.pack()

    // 2. recursively walk files in self._syncdir (skip new tar file)
    var rd = readdirp({root: path.join(self._syncdir, 'multifeed')})

    // 3. write all to the tar file
    var twrite = through.obj(function (file, _, next) {
      if (file.path === 'osm-p2p-db.tar') return next()
      debug('file', file.fullPath, file.stat.size)
      var entry = pack.entry({ name: file.path, size: file.stat.size }, function (err) {
        debug('wrote', file.path)
        if (err) return next(err)
        else next()
      pump(fs.createReadStream(file.fullPath), entry)
async function _generateExamineResultsTarFile(
  examineResults: ExamineResult[],
  envMeta: DoctorMetaData
): Promise {
  const pack = tar.pack(); // pack is a streams2 stream
  const debugLog = await _getDebugLogAsStream();
  const consumerInfo = await _getConsumerInfo();
  let bitmap;
  if (consumerInfo && consumerInfo.path) {
    bitmap = _getBitMap(consumerInfo.path);
  pack.entry({ name: 'env-meta.json' }, JSON.stringify(envMeta, null, 2));
  pack.entry({ name: 'doc-results.json' }, JSON.stringify(examineResults, null, 2));
  if (debugLog) {
    pack.entry({ name: 'debug.log' }, debugLog);
  if (bitmap) {
    pack.entry({ name: '.bitmap' }, bitmap);
  if (consumerInfo && consumerInfo.consumerConfig) {
    pack.entry({ name: 'config.json' }, JSON.stringify(consumerInfo.consumerConfig.toPlainObject(), null, 4));
function appendMeta (fd, pos, meta, cb) {
  var data = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(meta), 'utf8')

  var header = tarHeader.encode({
    name: '___index.json',
    type: 'file',
    mode: parseInt('644', 8),
    uid: 0,
    gid: 0,
    mtime: new Date(),
    size: data.length

  // leftover bytes to reach 512 block boundary, plus another 512 * 2 = 1024 to mark the end-of-file
  var padding = Buffer.alloc(512 - (data.length % 512) + 512 + 512).fill(0)

  var buf = Buffer.concat([header, data, padding])

  fs.write(fd, buf, 0, buf.length, pos, cb)
function write (archive, start) {
      // 3. Prepare the tar archive for appending.
      var fsOpts = {
        flags: 'r+',
        start: start !== undefined ? start : 0
      if (fsOpts.start < 0) fsOpts.start = 0
      var appendStream = fs.createWriteStream(self.filepath, fsOpts)

      // 4. Write tar header, without size info (yet).
      var header = tarHeader.encode({
        name: filepath,
        type: 'file',
        mode: parseInt('644', 8),
        uid: 0,
        gid: 0,
        mtime: new Date(),
        size: 0

      // 5. Write data.
      t.on('end', function () {
        // 6. Pad the remaining bytes to fit a 512-byte block.
        var leftover = 512 - (size % 512)
        if (leftover === 512) leftover = 0
setupAndClose(function (err) {
        t.equal(fs.readdirSync(dir).length, 1)
        t.notEqual(fs.readdirSync(dir).indexOf('sync.tar'), -1)

        var seen = []
        var ex = tar.extract()
        ex.on('entry', function (header, stream, next) {
          stream.on('end', next)
        ex.on('finish', function () {
          t.deepEquals(seen.sort(), ['___index.json', 'osm-p2p-db.tar'])

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