Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'mobx' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
it("redirect to promo scene", function(done){
when (()=>statem.promoScene.active, done);
// it("expect login scene with history", function(done){
function tests(model) {
const viewModel = utils.createViewModel(model)
let tr
let vr
// original rendering
const d1 = mobx.autorun(() => {
tr =
model.title +
":" +
model.done +
",interested:" +
model.usersInterested.slice().toString() +
",unobservedProp:" +
model.unobservedProp +
",usersCount:" +
// view model rendering
const d2 = mobx.autorun(() => {
vr =
viewModel.title +
":" +
function dataExprFn() {
oldVal = curVal
curVal = exprType === 'string' ? getByPath(context, expr) : expr.call(context)
if (handler.deep) {
curVal = toJS(curVal, false)
} else if (isObservableArray(curVal)) {
// 强制访问,让数组被观察
return curVal
width: window.innerWidth,
height: window.innerHeight
const feedback = getRoot(self).feedback
if (feedback.isValid) {
metadata.feedback = toJS(feedback.rules)
// TODO store intervention metadata if we have a user...
classification.completed = true
// Convert from observables
const classificationToSubmit = toJS(classification, { exportMapsAsObjects: false })
delete classificationToSubmit.id // remove temp id
classificationToSubmit.annotations = convertMapToArray(classificationToSubmit.annotations)
const convertedMetadata = {}
Object.entries(classificationToSubmit.metadata).forEach((entry) => {
const key = _.snakeCase(entry[0])
convertedMetadata[key] = entry[1]
classificationToSubmit.metadata = convertedMetadata
const subject = getRoot(self).subjects.active
self.onComplete(classification.toJSON(), subject.toJSON())
if (process.browser) {
console.log('Completed classification', classificationToSubmit)
blackMarble.setTrait(CommonStrata.user, "opacity", 1.0);
new BaseMapViewModel(
const positron = new OpenStreetMapCatalogItem("basemap-positron", terria);
runInAction(() => {
positron.setTrait(CommonStrata.user, "name", "Positron (Light)");
// https://cartodb.com/basemaps/ gives two different attribution strings. In any case HTML gets swallowed, so we have to adapt.
// 1 '© <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, ©
// <a href="http://cartodb.com/attributions">CartoDB</a>'
// 2 Map tiles by <a href="http://cartodb.com/attributions#basemaps">CartoDB</a>, under <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">
// CC BY 3.0</a>. Data by <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/">OpenStreetMap</a>, under ODbL.
"© OpenStreetMap contributors ODbL, © CartoDB CC-BY 3.0"
ngOnInit() {
this.virtualScroll = this.treeModel.virtualScroll;
this._dispose = [
// return node indexes so we can compare structurally,
reaction(() => {
return this.virtualScroll.getViewportNodes(this.nodes).map(n => n.index);
}, (nodeIndexes) => {
this.viewportNodes = nodeIndexes.map((i) => this.nodes[i]);
}, { compareStructural: true, fireImmediately: true } as any
reaction(() => this.nodes, (nodes) => {
this.viewportNodes = this.virtualScroll.getViewportNodes(nodes);
const self = this
const entry = d.entry(args)
// cache hit, return
if (entry.exists()) return entry.get().get()
// if function is invoked, and its a cache miss without reactive, there is no point in caching...
if (!opts.keepAlive && !_isComputingDerivation()) {
if (!memoWarned) {
"invoking a computedFn from outside an reactive context won't be memoized, unless keepAlive is set"
memoWarned = true
return fn.apply(self, args)
// create new entry
const c = computed(
() => {
return fn.apply(self, args)
name: `computedFn(${fn.name}#${++i})`
// clean up if no longer observed
if (!opts.keepAlive)
onBecomeUnobserved(c, () => {
// return current val
return c.get()
onInit() {
// 监听当前编辑组件变化
observe(this.viewport, 'currentEditComponentMapUniqueKey', (newValue: string, oldValue: string) => {
// 过 150 毫秒再显示编辑区域,不让动画被阻塞
setTimeout(() => {
this.viewport.showEditComponents = !!newValue
}, 150)
const selectClass = 'gaea-selected'
// 把上一个元素选中样式置空
if (oldValue !== null) {
const prevEditDom = this.viewport.componentDomInstances.get(oldValue)
if (hasClass(prevEditDom, selectClass)) {
removeClass(prevEditDom, selectClass)
// 设置新元素为选中样式
export const ObjectAPIExample = asComponent(() => {
class Todo {
@observable description = '';
@observable done = false;
constructor(description) {
this.description = description;
const firstTodo = new Todo('Write Chapter');
const todos = observable.array([firstTodo]);
// eslint-disable-next-line
const todosMap = observable.map({
'Write Chapter': firstTodo,
// Reactions to track changes
autorun(() => {
console.log(`metadata present: ${has(firstTodo, 'metadata')}`);
console.log(get(firstTodo, 'metadata'), get(firstTodo, 'user'));
autorun(() => {
// Arrays
const secondTodo = get(todos, 1);
console.log('Second Todo:', toJS(secondTodo));
setTableData({ nameOfIdentifier: 'asset', objectToSet: state.assetKeyholdersTable })
const setRepoVotesTableData = action(
setTableData({ nameOfIdentifier: 'interval', objectToSet: state.repoVotesTable })
const setRepoVoteResultsTableData = action(
setTableData({ nameOfIdentifier: 'interval', objectToSet: state.repoVoteResultsTable })
const setCGPAllocationVotesTableData = action(
setTableData({ nameOfIdentifier: 'interval', objectToSet: state.cgpAllocationVotesTable })
const setCGPPayoutVotesTableData = action(
setTableData({ nameOfIdentifier: 'interval', objectToSet: state.cgpPayoutVotesTable })
const setCGPAllocationResultsTableData = action(
setTableData({ nameOfIdentifier: 'interval', objectToSet: state.cgpAllocationResultsTable })
const setCGPPayoutResultsTableData = action(
setTableData({ nameOfIdentifier: 'interval', objectToSet: state.cgpPayoutResultsTable })
// add also setters to control both types at the same time
const setCGPVotesTablesData = action((params = {}) => {
const setCGPVoteResultsTablesData = action((params = {}) => {
const saveToStorage = action(state => {