Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'libphonenumber-js' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
handleSubscribe = (evt: Object) => {
const { allowSMS, recipient, country } = this.state;
const { sendToGA, getWindowLocation, fromFeatured, experiment } = this.props;
const basketMsgId = `txp-${this.props.experiment.slug}`;
const source = "" + getWindowLocation();
// return early and show errors if submit attempt fails
if (!this.validateRecipient(recipient)) return this.setState({submitAttempted: true, isError: true});
if (allowSMS && isValidNumber(recipient, country)) {
sendToGA("event", {
eventCategory: "SMS Modal Interactions",
eventAction: "mobile link request",
eventLabel: "sms",
dimension11: experiment.slug,
dimension13: fromFeatured ? "Featured Experiment" : "Experiment Detail"
// country, lang, msgId
return subscribeToBasketSMS(recipient, country, basketMsgId).then(response => {
sendToGA("event", {
eventCategory: "SMS Modal Interactions",
eventAction: "request handled",
eventLabel: response.ok ? "success" : "error",
dimension11: experiment.slug,
dimension13: fromFeatured ? "Featured Experiment" : "Experiment Detail"
_onSubmit() {
// hack for issue with phonenumber lib - https://github.com/bl00mber/react-phone-input-2/issues/10
let phone = this.phoneNumber.state.formattedNumber;
// remove formatting from phone number
phone = "+" + phone.replace(/\D+/g, "");
// get dial code from phone number
const formatter = new asYouType();
const phoneCode = formatter.country_phone_code;
//format balance
let balance;
const web3 = web3Service.getWeb3();
if (this.props.balanceUnformatted) {
balance = web3.fromWei(this.props.balanceUnformatted, 'ether').toNumber();
// check that phone number is valid
const isValidNumber = (phone || "").length >= 9;
if (!isValidNumber) {
this.setState({ fetching: false, errorMessage: "Phone number is invalid", phoneError: true });
_onSubmit() {
// hack for issue with phonenumber lib - https://github.com/bl00mber/react-phone-input-2/issues/10
let phone = this.phoneNumber.state.formattedNumber;
// remove formatting from phone number
phone = "+" + phone.replace(/\D+/g, "");
// get dial code from phone number
const formatter = new asYouType();
const phoneCode = formatter.country_phone_code;
//format balance
let balance;
const web3 = web3Service.getWeb3();
if (this.props.balanceUnformatted) {
balance = web3.fromWei(this.props.balanceUnformatted, 'ether').toNumber();
// check that phone number is valid
if (!isValidPhoneNumber(phone) && phone !== "+71111111111") {
this.setState({ fetching: false, errorMessage: "Phone number is invalid", phoneError: true });
if (!country_code)
return undefined
// The phone number is being input in a country-specific format
const partial_national_number = parse_partial_number(value, country_code).national_number
if (!partial_national_number)
return undefined
// The value is converted to international plaintext
return format(partial_national_number, country_code, 'International_plaintext', metadata)
constructor(props) {
const queryParams = qs.parse(props.location.search.substring(1));
// parse phone params
let phone = queryParams.phone || queryParams.p;
const secretCode = (queryParams.code || queryParams.c);
this.networkId = queryParams.chainId || queryParams.n || "1";
phone = `+${phone}`;
const formatter = new asYouType();
this.phoneParams = {
phoneCode: formatter.country_phone_code,
phoneFormatted: "+" + formatter.country_phone_code + " " + format(phone, 'National')
this.state = {
errorMessage: "",
firstLoading: true,
fetching: false,
transfer: null,
hasCode: false,
codeFromUrl: (secretCode && secretCode.length > 10)
const CompletedSentScreen = ({transfer}) => {
const etherscanLink = getEtherscanLink({txHash: transfer.txHash, networkId: transfer.networkId});
const formattedPhone = format(transfer.receiverPhone, 'International');
return (
<div style="{styles.stepsBar}">
<div style="{styles.titleContainer}">
{ transfer.status === 'received' ?
/* received status if user has received,
completed - if someone else */
// If switching to International from a country
if (previous_country_code && !country_code)
// If no leading `+` sign
if (value[0] !== '+')
// Format the local phone number as an international one.
// The phone number entered not necessarily even starts with
// the previously selected country phone prefix.
// Even if the phone number belongs to whole another country
// it will still be parsed into some national phone number.
const national_number = parse_partial_number(value, previous_country_code, metadata).national_number
value = format(national_number, previous_country_code, 'International_plaintext', metadata)
// Update the adjusted `<input>` `value`
// and update `this.props.value` (in e.164 phone number format)
// according to the new `this.state.value`.
// (keep them in sync)
this.on_change(value, country_code, true)
// Disabling this feature because if a user selects a country
// then it means he doesn't know how to input his phone number
// in international format therefore not forcing it
// by prepending `+${getPhoneCode(country_code)}`.
// else
// {
// If the country code is specified
if (country_code)
// and the phone is in international format
// and should convert to national phone number
if (value[0] === '+' && convertToNational)
// If it's a fully-entered phone number
// that converts into a valid national number for this country
// then the value is set to be that national number.
const parsed = parse(value, metadata)
if (parsed.country === country_code)
const input_value = format(parsed.phone, country_code, 'National', metadata)
return this.format(input_value, country_code).text
// The country is not set.
// Must be an international phone number then.
else if (value[0] !== '+')
// The following causes the caret to move the end of the input field
// but it's unlikely any sane person would like to erase the `+` sign
// while inputting an international phone number without any country selected.
return '+' + value
status: 409
// It does not: strip out inert characters and continue.
number = number.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'');
// Ensure we a country code, 1 way or another ;).
if (number.length === 10) {
number = "1" + number;
number = "+" + number;
const locale = callInformation.locale || '';
const parsed = parseNumber(number);
// Verify that the number we've been given is a proper number
// for whatever country the country code said it was for.
if (!parsed.phone) {
return res.status(409).send({
'call_placed': false,
error: 'Phone number does not match the format required based on country code.',
status: 409
var form = new FormData();
form.append('userPhone', number);
form.append('userLocation', zip);
form.append('userCountry', parsed.country);
form.append('campaignId', COPYRIGHT_CAMPAIGN_ID);
// This is an optimization, it's like `shouldComponentUpdate()`.
// This is supposed to save some CPU cycles, maybe not much, I didn't check.
// Or maybe there was some other reason for this I don't remember now.
if (new_props.value !== this.state.value_property)
// Update the `value` because it was externally set
// Country code gets updated too
let country_code = this.state.country_code
// Autodetect country if `value` is set
// and is international (which it should be)
if (new_props.value && new_props.value[0] === '+')
// `parse().country` will be `undefined` in case of non-detection
country_code = parse(new_props.value).country || country_code
value: this.get_input_value_depending_on_the_country_selected(new_props.value, country_code),
// `this.state.value_property` is the `this.props.value`
// which corresponding to `this.state.value`.
// It is being compared in `componentWillReceiveProps()`
// against `newProps.value` to find out if the new `value` property
// needs `this.state.value` recalculation.
value_property: new_props.value