Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'bole' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
const logger = bole('wrapper');
const outputs = [];
if (/^dev/.test(process.env.NODE_ENV))
const prettystream = require('bistre')({ time: true });
outputs.push({ level: 'debug', stream: prettystream });
outputs.push({ level: 'info', stream: process.stdout });
// resolve ./ to the current working directory executing jthoober.
const rulesModule = argv.rules.match(/^.\//) ? path.resolve(process.cwd(), argv.rules) : argv.rules;
const ruleInput = require(rulesModule);
const rules = [];
ruleInput.forEach(data =>
const r = new jthoober.Rule(data);
logger.info(`loaded ${r.name}`);
const opts = {
name: 'jthoober',
port: process.env.PORT || argv.port,
host: process.env.HOST || argv.host,
outputs.push({ level: 'info', stream: fs.createWriteStream(fname) });
if (opts.logging.console)
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'dev')
var prettystream = require('bistre')({time: true}); // pretty
outputs.push({ level: 'debug', stream: prettystream });
outputs.push({level: 'info', stream: process.stdout });
var cf = path.resolve(process.cwd(), process.argv[2]);
var config = require(cf);
var outputs = [];
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'dev')
var prettystream = require('bistre')({ time: true }); // pretty
outputs.push({ level: 'debug', stream: prettystream });
outputs.push({level: 'info', stream: process.stdout });
var opsbot = new Opsbot(config);
config.saveDiffs = argv.saveDiffs
const options = {
version: config.version
if (argv.tokenFile) {
options.data = inquire.loadTokens(argv.tokenFile)
if (config.scale) {
options.scale = config.scale
level: argv.verbose ? 'debug' : 'info',
stream: debugOut
config.version = await version.getVersion(config)
await hikaru.deployCluster(argv.source, options)
.catch(async err => {
if (!err.tokens) {
console.error(`There was a problem in the specification at '${argv.source}'.\n ${err.stack}`)
console.log(`${err.tokens.length} tokens were found in the specification. When prompted, please provide a value for each.`)
const tokens = await inquire.acquireTokens(err.tokens)
if (options.data !== undefined) {
options.data = Object.assign(options.data, tokens)
} else {
if (argv.tokenFile) {
options.data = inquire.loadTokens(argv.tokenFile)
if (config.scale) {
options.scale = config.scale
if (!argv.job || !/[.]/.test(argv.job)) {
console.log(`the job name is required and must include the namespace and job name in 'namespace.job' format`)
const [ namespace, jobName ] = argv.job.split('.')
options.namespace = namespace
options.job = jobName
level: argv.verbose ? 'debug' : 'info',
stream: debugOut
config.version = await version.getVersion(config)
await hikaru.runJob(argv.source, options)
.catch(async err => {
if (!err.tokens) {
console.error(`There was a problem in the specification at '${argv.source}'.\n ${err.stack}`)
console.log(`${err.tokens.length} tokens were found in the specification. When prompted, please provide a value for each.`)
const tokens = await inquire.acquireTokens(err.tokens)
if (options.data !== undefined) {
options.data = Object.assign(options.data, tokens)
} else {
const cached = aliasCache.getAlias(argv.alias)
Object.assign(config, cached)
const options = {
version: config.version
if (argv.tokenFile) {
options.data = inquire.loadTokens(argv.tokenFile)
if (config.scale) {
options.scale = config.scale
level: argv.verbose ? 'debug' : 'info',
stream: debugOut
config.version = await version.getVersion(config)
await hikaru.removeCluster(argv.source, options)
.catch(async err => {
if (!err.tokens) {
console.error(`There was a problem in the specification at '${argv.source}'.\n ${err.stack}`)
console.log(`${err.tokens.length} tokens were found in the specification. When prompted, please provide a value for each.`)
const tokens = await inquire.acquireTokens(err.tokens)
return hikaru.removeCluster(err.specPath, Object.assign(
config.username = argv.user
if (argv.password) {
config.password = argv.password
if (argv.token) {
config.token = argv.token
if (argv.url) {
config.url = argv.url
if (argv.apiVersion) {
config.version = argv.apiVersion
level: 'info',
stream: debugOut
config.version = await version.getVersion(config)
hikaru.aliasCluster(aliasCache, config)
() => console.log(`Alias '${config.alias}' for '${config.url}' was written to '${aliasCache.cacheFile}' successfully.`),
() => {
console.error(`There was a problem connecting to '${config.url}' with the information provided, alias was not created.`)
const bole = require('bole')('bench')
const fs = require('fs')
const plog = pino(pino.destination(('/dev/null')))
delete require.cache[require.resolve('../')]
const plogExtreme = require('../')(pino.extreme('/dev/null'))
const max = 10
const blog = bunyan.createLogger({
name: 'myapp',
streams: [{
level: 'trace',
stream: fs.createWriteStream('/dev/null')
level: 'info',
stream: fs.createWriteStream('/dev/null')
const run = bench([
function benchBunyanCreation (cb) {
var child = blog.child({ a: 'property' })
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
child.info({ hello: 'world' })
function benchBoleCreation (cb) {
var child = bole('child')
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
child.info({ hello: 'world' })
const plogUnsafeExtreme = require('../')({safe: false}, pino.extreme('/dev/null'))
const loglevel = require('./utils/wrap-log-level')(dest)
const deep = Object.assign({}, require('../package.json'), { level: 'info' })
const max = 10
const blog = bunyan.createLogger({
name: 'myapp',
streams: [{
level: 'trace',
stream: dest
level: 'info',
stream: dest
const chill = winston.createLogger({
transports: [
new winston.transports.Stream({
stream: fs.createWriteStream('/dev/null')
const run = bench([
function benchBunyanDeepObj (cb) {
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
const loglevel = require('./utils/wrap-log-level')(dest)
const plog = pino(dest)
delete require.cache[require.resolve('../')]
const plogExtreme = require('../')(pino.extreme('/dev/null'))
delete require.cache[require.resolve('../')]
const plogUnsafe = require('../')({safe: false}, dest)
delete require.cache[require.resolve('../')]
const plogUnsafeExtreme = require('../')({safe: false}, pino.extreme('/dev/null'))
const blog = bunyan.createLogger({
name: 'myapp',
streams: [{
level: 'trace',
stream: dest
level: 'info',
stream: dest
const chill = winston.createLogger({
transports: [
new winston.transports.Stream({
stream: fs.createWriteStream('/dev/null')
const max = 10
const run = bench([
function benchBunyanObj (cb) {
for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {