Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'merkle-patricia-tree' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
export async function getTxProof(tx, block) {
const txTrie = new Trie()
for (let i = 0; i < block.transactions.length; i++) {
const siblingTx = block.transactions[i]
const path = rlp.encode(siblingTx.transactionIndex)
const rawSignedSiblingTx = getTxBytes(siblingTx)
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
txTrie.put(path, rawSignedSiblingTx, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
// promise
static branchContains(path, branch){
// console.log(path, branch)
let complete, error, response = false
let encodedBranch = []
for (let i = 0; i < branch.length; i++) {
Trie.verifyProof(toHex(this.branchRootOf(branch)) , path, encodedBranch, (e,r)=>{
error = e
response = r
complete = true
throw Error(error)
return response
// so the miner knows it should immediately mine another block once it is
// done with its current work.
this.pending = pending;
} else {
this._isMining = true;
const blockTransactions: Transaction[] = [];
let blockGasLeft = this.options.gasLimit.toBigInt();
let counter = 0;
const transactionsTrie = new Trie(null, null);
const receiptTrie = new Trie(null, null);
const promises: Promise[] = [];
const receipts: any[] = [];
await this._checkpoint();
const priced = this.priced;
const rejectedTransactions: Transaction[] = [];
const blockData = {
gasUsed: 0n,
export async function getTxProof(tx, block) {
const txTrie = new Trie()
for (let i = 0; i < block.transactions.length; i++) {
const siblingTx = block.transactions[i]
const path = rlp.encode(siblingTx.transactionIndex)
const rawSignedSiblingTx = getTxBytes(siblingTx)
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
txTrie.put(path, rawSignedSiblingTx, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
// promise
database.on("ready", async () => {
// TODO: get the latest block from the database
// if we have a latest block, `root` will be that block's header.stateRoot
// and we will skip creating the genesis block alltogether
const root: Buffer = null;
this.trie = new Trie(database.trie, root);
this.blocks = new BlockManager(this, database.blocks);
this.vm = this.createVmFromStateTrie(this.trie, options.hardfork, options.allowUnlimitedContractSize);
const miner = new Miner(this.vm, options);
this.transactions = new TransactionManager(this, database.transactions, options);
this.accounts = new AccountManager(this);
await this._initializeAccounts(options.accounts);
let lastBlock = this._initializeGenesisBlock(options.timestamp, options.gasLimit);
const readyNextBlock = async () => {
const previousBlock = await lastBlock;
const previousHeader = previousBlock.value.header;
const previousNumber = Quantity.from(previousHeader.number).toBigInt() || 0n;
return this.blocks.createBlock({
number: Quantity.from(previousNumber + 1n).toBuffer(),
// done with its current work.
this.pending = pending;
} else {
this._isMining = true;
const blockTransactions: Transaction[] = [];
let blockGasLeft = this.options.gasLimit.toBigInt();
let counter = 0;
const transactionsTrie = new Trie(null, null);
const receiptTrie = new Trie(null, null);
const promises: Promise[] = [];
const receipts: any[] = [];
await this._checkpoint();
const priced = this.priced;
const rejectedTransactions: Transaction[] = [];
const blockData = {
gasUsed: 0n,
// Run until we run out of items, or until the inner loop stops us.
this._common = new Common(chain, hardfork, supportedHardforks)
// Set list of opcodes based on HF
this._opcodes = getOpcodesForHF(this._common.hardfork()!)
if (opts.stateManager) {
this.stateManager = opts.stateManager
} else {
const trie = opts.state || new Trie()
if (opts.activatePrecompiles) {
for (let i = 1; i <= 8; i++) {
trie.put(new BN(i).toArrayLike(Buffer, 'be', 20), new Account().serialize())
this.stateManager = new StateManager({ trie, common: this._common })
this.pStateManager = new PStateManager(this.stateManager)
this.blockchain = opts.blockchain || new Blockchain({ common: this._common })
this.allowUnlimitedContractSize =
opts.allowUnlimitedContractSize === undefined ? false : opts.allowUnlimitedContractSize
// We cache this promisified function as it's called from the main execution loop, and
constructor(opts: StateManagerOpts = {}) {
let common = opts.common
if (!common) {
common = new Common('mainnet', 'petersburg')
this._common = common
this._trie = opts.trie || new Trie()
this._storageTries = {} // the storage trie cache
this._cache = new Cache(this._trie)
this._touched = new Set()
this._touchedStack = []
this._checkpointCount = 0
this._originalStorageCache = new Map()
each(trieNode.getChildren(), (childData, next) => {
let key = nibbleToPath(childData[0])
let value = childData[1]
if (EthTrieNode.isRawNode(value)) {
// inline child root
let childNode = new EthTrieNode(value)
path: key,
value: childNode
// inline child non-leaf subpaths
exports.treeFromObject(multicodec, childNode, options, (err, subtree) => {
if (err) return next(err)
subtree.forEach((path) => {
path.path = key + '/' + path.path
paths = paths.concat(subtree)
} else {
trieNode.getChildren().forEach(([nibble, value]) => {
let valueToAdd
if (EthTrieNode.isRawNode(value)) {
// inline child root
const childNode = new EthTrieNode(value)
if (childNode.type === 'leaf') {
// Make sure the object is nested correctly
valueToAdd = getLeafValue(childNode, leafResolver)
} else {
valueToAdd = childNode
} else {
// other nodes link by hash
valueToAdd = cidFromHash(codec, value)
addNibbleToObject(finalNode, nibble, valueToAdd)