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Top 3 Examples of "html-inline-css-webpack-plugin in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'html-inline-css-webpack-plugin' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

? {
                            html5: true,
                            collapseWhitespace: true,
                            preserveLineBreaks: false,
                            minifyCSS: true,
                            minifyJS: true,
                            removeComments: false
                        : false

                // Inline 生成出来的css
                if (_inlineCSS) {
                    let pageName = path.normalize(entry).split(path.sep).pop();
                    if (pageName) {
                        cssInlinePlugins.push(new HTMLInlineCSSWebpackPlugin({
                            filter(fileName) {
                                let cssFileName = fileName;
                                if (/\.css$/.test(fileName)) {
                                    // file的hash默认是8个,如果另外定义数量请注意修改这里的截取位置(MiniCssExtractPlugin中)
                                    cssFileName = fileName.slice(0, fileName.length - 13);
                                return (pageName === cssFileName) || new RegExp(`${pageName}\.html$`).test(fileName);
if (options.useReact !== false) {
            // React, react-dom 通过cdn引入
        // 增加热更新组件
        devPlugins.push(new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin());
        // 抽离公共js
        // devPlugins.push(this.setCommonsChunkPlugin());
        // 多页面打包
        const {newEntry, htmlWebpackPlugins} = this.setMultiplePage(devConfig.entry, false, options.inject, false, '', '');
        devPlugins = devPlugins.concat(htmlWebpackPlugins);

        // Inline 生成出来的css
        if (options.inlineCSS) {
            devPlugins.push(new HTMLInlineCSSWebpackPlugin());

        devConfig.entry = newEntry;
        // 开发阶段增加sourcemap.
        devConfig.devtool = 'inline-source-map';
        // 这里还是依然按照原来的配置,将静态资源用根目录伺服
        devConfig.output = this.setOutput(false, '', '/', options.outDir);
        devConfig.module.rules = devRules;
        devConfig.plugins = devPlugins;
        devConfig.devServer = this.setDevServer(options.port || 8001);
        devConfig.resolve.alias = this.setAlias(options.alias);
        devConfig.resolve.extensions = ['.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx', '.json'];
        // 设置 loader 的npm包查找的相对路径,包括本地node_modules、.feflow、测试环境的node_module
        devConfig.resolveLoader = this.setResolveLoaderPath(options.runtime);

        return devConfig;
// React, react-dom 通过cdn引入
        // 抽离公共js
         * 这个地方应当支持配置
        // 支持Fis3的 inline 语法糖 多页面打包, 默认压缩html
        const {newEntry, htmlWebpackPlugins} = this.setMultiplePage(prodConfig.entry, options.minifyHTML, options.inject, options.inlineCSS, assetsPrefix, htmlPrefix);

        prodPlugins = prodPlugins.concat(htmlWebpackPlugins);

        // Inline 生成出来的css
        if (options.inlineCSS) {
            prodPlugins.push(new HTMLInlineCSSWebpackPlugin());

        // 给生成出来的js bundle增加跨域头(cross-origin),便于错误日志记录

        prodPlugins.push(this.setOffline(assetsPrefix, htmlPrefix, cdnUrl, serverUrl, domain, cdn, product, options.outDir));

        prodConfig.entry = newEntry;
        prodConfig.output = this.setOutput(true, assetsPrefix, cdnUrl + '/', options.outDir);
        prodConfig.module.rules = prodRules;
        prodConfig.plugins = prodPlugins;
        prodConfig.resolve.alias = this.setAlias(options.alias);
        prodConfig.resolve.extensions = ['.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx', '.json'];
        // 设置 loader 的npm包查找的相对路径,此处设置在全局的 .feflow 目录下
        prodConfig.resolveLoader = this.setResolveLoaderPath(options.runtime);

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