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Top 10 Examples of "mkdirp in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'mkdirp' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

before(async () => {
      // Create user
      user = new User({
        username: 'Luna',
        password: 'password'
      await user.create()

      // Create directories for attachments
      mkdirp.sync( + config.attachments.path)

      await Promise.all(
        (size) => mkdirpAsync( + size.path)

      // "Upload" files
      const filesToUpload = {
        'test-image.150x150.png':              '1',
        'test-image.900x300.png':              '2',
        'test-image.1500x1000.png':            '3',
        'test-image.3000x2000.png':            '4',
        'test-image-exif-rotated.900x300.jpg': '5',
        'test-image-sgrb.png':                 '6',
        'test-image-animated.gif':             '7',
        'sample.mp3':                          '8',
var config = {};
config.repoPath = path.resolve(process.env.REPO_PATH || "/tmp/repos");
config.port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
config.externalPort = process.env.EXTERNAL_PORT || config.port;
config.externalHost = process.env.EXTERNAL_HOST || 'localhost';

// Web Server Requirements
var http = require('http');
var Handlebars = require('handlebars');

// Git Server Requirements
var pushover = require('pushover');
var repos = pushover(config.repoPath);

// mkdir -p ReposPath
mkdirp.sync(config.repoPath, 0777);

repos.on('push', function (push) {
  // TODO: Reject if more than config.maxRepoSize
  // TODO: Reject if URL hasn't actually been generated
  console.log('push ' + push.repo + '/' + push.commit
    + ' (' + push.branch + ')'

repos.on('fetch', function (fetch) {
  console.log('fetch ' + fetch.repo + '/' + fetch.commit);

var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
templateCouples.forEach(templateCouple => {
        // unpack
        const [templatePrefix, templateFileDir] = templateCouple
        const dirChunks = templateFileDir.split('/')
        let installedFileName = dirChunks.slice(-1)[0]
                                         .replace(templatePrefix, '')
        if (templatePrefix === '_') {
          installedFileName = `${}_${installedFileName}`
        const installedFolderDir = path.join(project.dir, 'bundler')
        const installedFileDir = path.join(installedFolderDir, installedFileName)
        const templateFile = fs.readFileSync(templateFileDir, 'utf-8')
        fs.writeFileSync(installedFileDir, formatString(templateFile, this))
for(var destination in installPaths) {
      if( installPaths.hasOwnProperty(destination) ) {
        // config goes in project root, rest in install folder
        installPaths[destination] = (destination == 'config' || destination == 'configFolder')
          ? path.normalize( path.join(manager.root, installPaths[destination]) )
          : path.normalize( path.join(installFolder, installPaths[destination]) )

    // create project folders
    try {
    catch(error) {
      console.error('NPM does not have permissions to create folders at your specified path. Adjust your folders permissions and run "npm install" again');

    console.log('Installing to \x1b[92m' + answers.semanticRoot + '\x1b[0m');'Copying UI definitions');
    wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.definitions, installPaths.definition, settings.wrench.overwrite);'Copying UI themes');
    wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.themes, installPaths.theme, settings.wrench.merge);
    wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.defaultTheme, installPaths.defaultTheme, settings.wrench.overwrite);'Copying gulp tasks');
    wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.tasks, installPaths.tasks, settings.wrench.overwrite);
this.state.forEach(function(name, value) {
            var basename; // filename without path.

            if (value.file) {
                basename = task_parameters.fnRename(path.basename(value.file), task_parameters.prefix, task_parameters.suffix);
            } else {
                basename = task_parameters.fnRename(name, task_parameters.prefix, task_parameters.suffix);

            if (!fs.existsSync(path.dirname(task_parameters.dest))) {
                var self = this;

                mkdirp(path.dirname(task_parameters.dest), function(err) {
                    self.state.write(path.join(task_parameters.dest, basename), value, function(err) {
                        if (err) {
                            return status.emit('failure', 'write', 'Could not write: ' + err);

                        if (!--todo) {
                            return status.emit('complete', 'write', 'Items written.');
                    }, self);
            } else {
                var self = this;

                self.state.write(path.join(task_parameters.dest, basename), value, function(err) {
                    if (err) {
                        return status.emit('failure', 'write', 'Could not write: ' + err);
HTTPServer.prototype.validateConfig = function(done) { done() }

// Rhizome servers and connection manager
manager = new rhizome.connections.ConnectionManager({ store: config.server.tmpDir })
httpServer = new HTTPServer()
wsServer = new rhizome.websockets.Server({ serverInstance: httpServer._httpServer })
oscServer = new rhizome.osc.Server({ port: config.osc.port })

// Set error handlers
;([wsServer, oscServer, manager]).forEach((server) => {
  server.on('error', (err) => console.error(err.stack ? err.stack : err))

// Create tmp and build folders
asyncOps.push(mkdirp.bind(mkdirp, buildDir))

// If `config.instruments` are provided, write it to a config file
if (config.instruments) {
    fs.writeFile.bind(fs, instrumentConfigFile, 'fields.config = ' + config.instruments.toString())

// Start servers
asyncOps.push(rhizome.starter.bind(rhizome.starter, manager, [oscServer, httpServer, wsServer]))

// Async operations
async.series(asyncOps, function(err) {
  if (err) throw err
  console.log(clc.bold('Fields ' + version +' running') )
  console.log('GPL license. Copyright (C) 2016 Sébastien Piquemal, Tim Shaw'))
runAsync: _asyncToGenerator(function* (env) {
    var argv = env.argv;
    var args = argv._;

    // Here is what this will do

    // 0. If there is a command line argument, make a new directory in the current directory and chdir to it
    var dirName = args[1];
    var originalCwd = process.cwd();
    if (dirName) {
      dirName = dirName.toString();
      yield mkdirp.promise(dirName);
      log('Setting up an Exponent project at', path.resolve(dirName));

    // 1. If there is no package.json in the current directory, run npm init
    var pkgJsonFile = jsonFile('package.json');
    var pkg;
    try {
      pkg = yield pkgJsonFile.readAsync();
    } catch (e) {

      // No package.json, so let's create it
      log(crayon.cyan('No package.json file found. Using `npm init` to help you create one.'));
      log(crayon.cyan('Answer the questions and a package.json will be created for you.'));
      var _zero = yield spawnAsync('npm', ['init'], { stdio: 'inherit' });
const TS_SRC_FOLDER = 'src'
  const folders = [
  const extension = _.toLower(generator.templateConfig.language) === 'javascript' ? 'js' : 'ts';
  const srcFolder = _.toLower(generator.templateConfig.language) === 'javascript' ? '' : TS_SRC_FOLDER;

  // create the echo bot folder structure common to both languages
  if (_.toLower(generator.templateConfig.language) === LANG_TS) {
    for (let cnt = 0; cnt < folders.length; ++cnt) {
  // create a src directory if we are generating TypeScript
  if (_.toLower(generator.templateConfig.language) === LANG_TS) {

  let sourcePath = path.join(templatePath, folders[DEPLOYMENT_SCRIPTS]);
  let destinationPath = path.join(generator.destinationPath(), folders[DEPLOYMENT_SCRIPTS]);
   // if we're writing out TypeScript, then we need to add a webConfigPrep.js
   if(_.toLower(generator.templateConfig.language) === LANG_TS) {
       path.join(sourcePath, 'webConfigPrep.js'),
       path.join(destinationPath, 'webConfigPrep.js')

  // write out the index.js and bot.js
  destinationPath = path.join(generator.destinationPath(), srcFolder);

  // gen the main index file
perfSuiteSource = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../lib/assets/perf-suite.js'), 'utf-8'),
        configSource = fs.readFileSync(srcConfigPath, 'utf-8'),

    // Turn the config string into an object
    vm.runInNewContext(perfSuiteSource + configSource, context);
    suite = context.suite.exportConfig();

    if (options.node) {
        suite.runner = 'node';

    // Create the target directory if it doesn't exist
    if (!fs.existsSync(targetDir)) {

    // Compile the suite
    compiled = compile(suite, srcDir);

    // Log the configuration object
    log.debug('Suite Configuration');
    log.debug(JSON.stringify(suite, null, 4));

    // Write the HTML & assets to the filesystem
    writeSuite(compiled, targetDir);
async function prepareBuildFolder(basePath, buildPath) {
  //basePath = basePath || process.cwd()
  //var buildPath = path.join(basePath, "./.zero")
  // await rimraf(buildPath)
  await del([path.join(buildPath, "/**"), '!' + buildPath, '!'+path.join(buildPath, '/node_modules/**') ]);
  await copy(basePath, buildPath, { filter: ['**/*', "!.zero"] })

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