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Top 10 Examples of "haraka-net-utils in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'haraka-net-utils' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.


        if (/^SMTPUTF8/.test(smtp_client.response[line])) {
            smtp_client.smtputf8 = true;

        if (/^STARTTLS/.test(smtp_client.response[line]) && !secured) {

            let hostBanned = false
            let serverBanned = false

            // Check if there are any banned TLS hosts
            if (smtp_client.tls_options.no_tls_hosts) {
                // If there are check if these hosts are in the blacklist
                hostBanned = net_utils.ip_in_list(smtp_client.tls_config.no_tls_hosts,;
                serverBanned = net_utils.ip_in_list(smtp_client.tls_config.no_tls_hosts, smtp_client.remote_ip);

            if (!hostBanned && !serverBanned && config.enable_tls) {
                smtp_client.socket.on('secure', on_secured);
                smtp_client.secured = false;  // have to wait in forward plugin before we can do auth, even if capabilities are there on first EHLO

        let auth_matches = smtp_client.response[line].match(/^AUTH (.*)$/);
        if (auth_matches) {
            smtp_client.auth_capabilities = [];
            auth_matches = auth_matches[1].split(' ');
            for (let i = 0; i < auth_matches.length; i++) {

        if (/^SMTPUTF8/.test(smtp_client.response[line])) {
            smtp_client.smtputf8 = true;

        if (/^STARTTLS/.test(smtp_client.response[line]) && !secured) {

            let hostBanned = false
            let serverBanned = false

            // Check if there are any banned TLS hosts
            if (smtp_client.tls_options.no_tls_hosts) {
                // If there are check if these hosts are in the blacklist
                hostBanned = net_utils.ip_in_list(smtp_client.tls_config.no_tls_hosts,;
                serverBanned = net_utils.ip_in_list(smtp_client.tls_config.no_tls_hosts, smtp_client.remote_ip);

            if (!hostBanned && !serverBanned && config.enable_tls) {
                smtp_client.socket.on('secure', on_secured);
                smtp_client.secured = false;  // have to wait in forward plugin before we can do auth, even if capabilities are there on first EHLO

        let auth_matches = smtp_client.response[line].match(/^AUTH (.*)$/);
        if (auth_matches) {
            smtp_client.auth_capabilities = [];
            auth_matches = auth_matches[1].split(' ');
            for (let i = 0; i < auth_matches.length; i++) {
// Check for SIZE parameter and limit
                matches = r.match(/^SIZE\s+(\d+)$/);
                if (matches) {
                    smtp_properties.max_size = matches[1];
                // Check for AUTH
                matches = r.match(/^AUTH\s+(.+)$/);
                if (matches) {
                    smtp_properties.auth = matches[1].split(/\s+/);

        // TLS
        if (!net_utils.ip_in_list(tls_cfg.no_tls_hosts, self.todo.domain) &&
            !net_utils.ip_in_list(tls_cfg.no_tls_hosts, host) &&
            smtp_properties.tls && cfg.enable_tls && !secured)
            socket.on('secure', function () {
                // Set this flag so we don't try STARTTLS again if it
                // is incorrectly offered at EHLO once we are secured.
                secured = true;
                send_command(mx.using_lmtp ? 'LHLO' : 'EHLO', mx.bind_helo);
            return send_command('STARTTLS');

        // IMPORTANT: we do STARTTLS before we attempt AUTH for extra security
        if (!authenticated && (mx.auth_user && mx.auth_pass)) {
            // We have AUTH credentials to send for this domain
            if (!(Array.isArray(smtp_properties.auth) && smtp_properties.auth.length)) {
                // AUTH not offered
var matches;
                // Check for SIZE parameter and limit
                matches = r.match(/^SIZE\s+(\d+)$/);
                if (matches) {
                    smtp_properties.max_size = matches[1];
                // Check for AUTH
                matches = r.match(/^AUTH\s+(.+)$/);
                if (matches) {
                    smtp_properties.auth = matches[1].split(/\s+/);

        // TLS
        if (!net_utils.ip_in_list(tls_cfg.no_tls_hosts, self.todo.domain) &&
            !net_utils.ip_in_list(tls_cfg.no_tls_hosts, host) &&
            smtp_properties.tls && cfg.enable_tls && !secured)
            socket.on('secure', function () {
                // Set this flag so we don't try STARTTLS again if it
                // is incorrectly offered at EHLO once we are secured.
                secured = true;
                send_command(mx.using_lmtp ? 'LHLO' : 'EHLO', mx.bind_helo);
            return send_command('STARTTLS');

        // IMPORTANT: we do STARTTLS before we attempt AUTH for extra security
        if (!authenticated && (mx.auth_user && mx.auth_pass)) {
            // We have AUTH credentials to send for this domain
            if (!(Array.isArray(smtp_properties.auth) && smtp_properties.auth.length)) {
addresses.forEach(addr => {
            // Handle MX records that are IP addresses
            // This is invalid - but a lot of MTAs allow it.
            if (net_utils.get_ipany_re('^\\[','\\]$','').test( {
                connection.logwarn(plugin, domain + ': invalid MX ' +
                if (c.allow_mx_ip) {
                    records[] = 1;
            net_utils.get_ips_by_host(, (err2, addresses2) => {
                if (!txn) return;
                if (err2 && err2.length === 2) {
                    results.add(plugin, {msg: err2[0].message});
                    connection.logdebug(plugin, domain + ': MX ' +
                            addr.priority + ' ' + +
                            ' => ' + err2[0].message);
exports.dynamic = function (next, connection, helo) {
    const plugin = this;

    if (plugin.should_skip(connection, 'dynamic')) { return next(); }

    // Skip if no dots or an IP literal or address
    if (!/\./.test(helo)) {
        connection.results.add(plugin, {skip: 'dynamic(no dots)'});
        return next();

    if (net_utils.get_ipany_re('^\\[?(?:IPv6:)?','\\]?$','').test(helo)) {
        connection.results.add(plugin, {skip: 'dynamic(literal)'});
        return next();

    if (net_utils.is_ip_in_str(connection.remote.ip, helo)) {
        connection.results.add(plugin, {fail: 'dynamic'});
        if (plugin.cfg.reject.dynamic) {
            return next(DENY, 'HELO is dynamic');
        return next();

    connection.results.add(plugin, {pass: 'dynamic'});
    return next();
exports.bare_ip = function (next, connection, helo) {
    const plugin = this;

    if (plugin.should_skip(connection, 'bare_ip')) { return next(); }

    // RFC 2821,  Address literals must be in brackets
    // RAW IPs must be formatted: "[]" not "" in HELO
    if (net_utils.get_ipany_re('^(?:IPv6:)?','$','').test(helo)) {
        connection.results.add(plugin, {fail: 'bare_ip(invalid literal)'});
        if (plugin.cfg.reject.bare_ip) {
            return next(DENY, "Invalid address format in HELO");
        return next();

    connection.results.add(plugin, {pass: 'bare_ip'});
    return next();
addresses.forEach(addr => {
            // Handle MX records that are IP addresses
            // This is invalid - but a lot of MTAs allow it.
            if (net_utils.get_ipany_re('^\\[','\\]$','').test( {
                connection.logwarn(plugin, domain + ': invalid MX ' +
                if (c.allow_mx_ip) {
                    records[] = 1;
            net_utils.get_ips_by_host(, (err2, addresses2) => {
                if (!txn) return;
                if (err2 && err2.length === 2) {
                    results.add(plugin, {msg: err2[0].message});
                    connection.logdebug(plugin, domain + ': MX ' +
                            addr.priority + ' ' + +
                            ' => ' + err2[0].message);
                connection.logdebug(plugin, domain + ': MX ' + addr.priority +
                        ' ' + + ' => ' + addresses2);
                for (let i=0; i < addresses2.length; i++) {
                    // Ignore anything obviously bogus
                    if (net.isIPv4(addresses2[i])){
                        if (plugin.re_bogus_ip.test(addresses2[i])) {
exports.implicit_mx = function (connection, domain, mxDone) {
    const plugin = this;
    const txn = connection.transaction;

    net_utils.get_ips_by_host(domain, (err, addresses) => {
        if (!txn) return;
        if (!addresses || !addresses.length) {
            txn.results.add(plugin, {fail: 'has_fwd_dns'});
            return mxDone(((plugin.cfg.main.reject_no_mx) ? DENY : DENYSOFT),
                'No MX for your FROM address');

        connection.logdebug(plugin, domain + ': A/AAAA => ' + addresses);
        let records = {};
        for (let i=0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
            const addr = addresses[i];
            // Ignore anything obviously bogus
            if (net.isIPv4(addr)){
                if (plugin.re_bogus_ip.test(addr)) {
                    connection.logdebug(plugin, domain + ': discarding ' + addr);
// Set-up timer
    let timed_out = false;
    const timer = setTimeout(() => {
        timed_out = true;
        const err = new Error('timeout resolving: ' + host);
        err.code = dns.TIMEOUT;
        return cb(err);
    }, (plugin.cfg.main.dns_timeout || 30) * 1000);

    // fully qualify, to ignore any search options in /etc/resolv.conf
    if (!/\.$/.test(host)) { host = host + '.'; }

    // do the queries
    net_utils.get_ips_by_host(host, (errs, ips) => {
        // results is now equals to: {queryA: 1, queryAAAA: 2}
        if (timed_out) { return; }
        if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); }
        let err = '';
        for (const error of errs) {
            switch (error.code) {
                case dns.NODATA:
                case dns.NOTFOUND:
                case dns.SERVFAIL:
                    err = `${err}, ${error.message}`;
        if (!ips.length && err) { return cb(err, ips); }
        // plugin.logdebug(plugin, host + ' => ' + ips);

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