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Top 10 Examples of "leaflet in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'leaflet' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

wheelDebounceTime: 30,
	wheelPxPerZoomLevel: 25,
	tap: false,
	tapTolerance: 10,
	bounceAtZoomLimits: false

mapOptions.doubleClickZoom = true;
mapOptions.doubleClickZoom = 'center'; = latLng; = latLngLiteral; = latLngTuple;

mapOptions.layers = [];
mapOptions.layers = [L.tileLayer('')]; // add layers of other types

mapOptions.maxBounds = latLngBounds;
mapOptions.maxBounds = [];
mapOptions.maxBounds = latLngBoundsLiteral;

// mapOptions.renderer = ?

mapOptions.scrollWheelZoom = true;
mapOptions.scrollWheelZoom = 'center';

mapOptions.touchZoom = false;
mapOptions.touchZoom = 'center';

let layer: L.Layer;

const htmlElement = document.getElementById('foo');
example = () => {
	const myIcon = L.icon({
		iconUrl: 'my-icon.png',
		iconSize: L.point(20, 20),
		iconAnchor: L.point(10, 10),
		labelAnchor: L.point(6, 0) // as I want the label to appear 2px past the icon (10 + 2 - 6)
	L.marker(L.latLng(-37.7772, 175.2606), {
		icon: myIcon
	}).bindLabel('Look revealing label!').addTo(map);
L.marker([1, 2], {
	icon: L.icon({
		iconUrl: 'my-icon.png'
	autoPan: true,
	autoPanPadding: [10, 20],
	autoPanSpeed: 5,

L.marker([1, 2], {
	icon: L.divIcon({
		className: 'my-icon-class'
	iconUrl: 'my-icon.png'
	className: 'my-div-icon'

let polygon: L.Polygon;

// simple polygon
const simplePolygonLatLngs: L.LatLngExpression[] = [[37, -109.05], [41, -109.03], [41, -102.05], [37, -102.04]];
polygon = L.polygon(simplePolygonLatLngs);
polygon = new L.Polygon(simplePolygonLatLngs);
const simplePolygonLatLngs2: L.LatLng[] = polygon.getLatLngs() as L.LatLng[];

// complex polygon (polygon with holes)
const complexPolygonLatLngs: L.LatLngExpression[][] = [
	[[37, -109.05], [41, -109.03], [41, -102.05], [37, -102.04]], // outer ring
	[[37.29, -108.58], [40.71, -108.58], [40.71, -102.50], [37.29, -102.50]] // hole
var L = require('leaflet');
var SvgOverlay = global.SvgOverlay = require('../../src/svgoverlay');
var xhr = global.xhr = require('xhr');

global.SvgLayer = require('../../src/svglayer');

// create the slippy map
var map = ='image-map', {
  minZoom: 0,
  maxZoom: 20,
  center: [0, 0],
  zoom: 1,
  crs: L.CRS.Simple,
  inertia: !

var svg = global.svg = null;

map.on('click', function(e) {

var select = document.querySelector('#select-schematic');
function onSelect() {
export const toLatLngBounds = function(arrayBounds) {
  if (_isEmpty(arrayBounds)) {
    return null
  else if (_isArray(arrayBounds) && arrayBounds.length === 4) {
    const southWest = new LatLng(arrayBounds[1], arrayBounds[0])
    const northEast = new LatLng(arrayBounds[3], arrayBounds[2])
    return new LatLngBounds(southWest, northEast)
  else if (_isFunction(arrayBounds.toBBoxString)) {
    // they gave us a LatLngBounds. Just return it.
    return arrayBounds
  else if (_isString(arrayBounds)) {
    const bounds = _split(arrayBounds, ',')
    if (bounds && bounds.length === 4) {
      return toLatLngBounds(bounds)
    else {
      throw new Error("Invalid bounds given: " + arrayBounds)
  }, element, opts);


    if (this.options._useTangram) {
      var tangramOptions = opts.tangramOptions || {};

      // debugTangram is deprecated; remove in v1.0
      if (this.options.debugTangram) {
        // tangramOptions = L.extend({}, tangramOptions, {debug: true});
        console.warn('Mapzen.js warning: `options.debugTangram` is deprecated.');

      // As of v1.0, scene will need to be part of tangramOptions
      if (this.options.scene) {
        tangramOptions = L.extend({}, tangramOptions, {scene: this.options.scene});
        console.warn('Mapzen.js warning: `options.scene` is deprecated and will be removed in v1.0. Please use `options.tangramOptions.scene`.');

      this._tangram = L.Nextzen._tangram(tangramOptions);
      this._tangramLayer = this._tangram.addTo(this);

      // tangramloaded event is deprecated; remove in v1.0
      var self = this;
      self._tangram.on('loaded', function (e) {'tangramloaded', {
          tangramLayer: e.layer,
          tangramVersion: e.version
mapUtils.registerHook(mapUtils.COMPUTE_BBOX_HOOK, (center, zoom) => {
            let latLngCenter = L.latLng([center.y, center.x]);
            // this call will use map internal size
            let topLeftPoint =, zoom);
            let pixelBounds = new L.Bounds(topLeftPoint, topLeftPoint.add(;
            let southWest =, zoom);
            let northEast =, zoom);
            let bbox = new L.LatLngBounds(southWest, northEast).toBBoxString().split(',');
            return {
                bounds: {
                    minx: parseFloat(bbox[0]),
                    miny: parseFloat(bbox[1]),
                    maxx: parseFloat(bbox[2]),
                    maxy: parseFloat(bbox[3])
                crs: 'EPSG:4326',
                rotation: 0
        mapUtils.registerHook(mapUtils.GET_PIXEL_FROM_COORDINATES_HOOK, (pos) => {
this.addChange(rel, 'toggle members', change);

        'LOG (editing s.) Array highlight',
      const clickedNode: IPtStop = this.storageSrv.elementsMap.get(

      // create array of circles to highlight and add to map
      let membersHighlight = [];
      for (let id of Array.from(this.storageSrv.elementsToHighlight.values())) {
        const node = this.storageSrv.elementsMap.get(id);
        console.log('LOG (editing s.) Creating circle for node:', node);
        let circle = L.circleMarker([, node.lon], {
          radius : 15,
          color  : '#00ffff',
          opacity: 0.75,
        console.log('LOG (editing s.) Created circle:', circle);
        'LOG (editing s.) Show all circles array membersHighlight:',
      this.mapSrv.membersHighlightLayer = L.layerGroup(membersHighlight);
_redraw: function (id) {
    var layer = this._layers[id];
    var geojson = layer.feature;

    // if this looks like a marker
    if (layer && layer.setIcon && this.options.pointToLayer) {
      // update custom symbology, if necessary
      if (this.options.pointToLayer) {
        var getIcon = this.options.pointToLayer(geojson, latLng(geojson.geometry.coordinates[1], geojson.geometry.coordinates[0]));
        var updatedIcon = getIcon.options.icon;

    // looks like a vector marker (circleMarker)
    if (layer && layer.setStyle && this.options.pointToLayer) {
      var getStyle = this.options.pointToLayer(geojson, latLng(geojson.geometry.coordinates[1], geojson.geometry.coordinates[0]));
      var updatedStyle = getStyle.options;
      this.setFeatureStyle(, updatedStyle);

    // looks like a path (polygon/polyline)
    if (layer && layer.setStyle && {

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