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Top 10 Examples of "jsonc-parser in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'jsonc-parser' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

public async readAllDebugConfigs(workspaceFolder: WorkspaceFolder): Promise {
        const filename = path.join(workspaceFolder.uri.fsPath, '.vscode', 'launch.json');
        if (!(await this.fs.fileExists(filename))) {
            return [];
        try {
            const text = await this.fs.readFile(filename);
            const parsed = parse(text, [], { allowTrailingComma: true, disallowComments: false });
            if (!parsed.version || !parsed.configurations || !Array.isArray(parsed.configurations)) {
                throw Error('malformed launch.json');
            // We do not bother ensuring each item is a DebugConfiguration...
            return parsed.configurations;
        } catch (exc) {
            traceError('could not get debug config', exc);
            const appShell = this.serviceContainer.get(IApplicationShell);
            await appShell.showErrorMessage('Could not load unit test config from launch.json');
            return [];
    private resolveWorkspaceFolder(cwd: string): WorkspaceFolder {

    let firstToken = scanNext();
    if (firstToken !== Json.SyntaxKind.EOF) {
        let firstTokenStart = scanner.getTokenOffset() + rangeOffset;
        let initialIndent = repeat(indentValue, initialIndentLevel);
        addEdit(initialIndent, rangeOffset, firstTokenStart);

    while (firstToken !== Json.SyntaxKind.EOF) {
        let firstTokenEnd = scanner.getTokenOffset() + scanner.getTokenLength() + rangeOffset;
        let secondToken = scanNext();

        let replaceContent = '';
        while (!lineBreak && (secondToken === Json.SyntaxKind.LineCommentTrivia || secondToken === Json.SyntaxKind.BlockCommentTrivia)) {
            // comments on the same line: keep them on the same line, but ignore them otherwise
            let commentTokenStart = scanner.getTokenOffset() + rangeOffset;
            addEdit(' ', firstTokenEnd, commentTokenStart);
            firstTokenEnd = scanner.getTokenOffset() + scanner.getTokenLength() + rangeOffset;
            replaceContent = secondToken === Json.SyntaxKind.LineCommentTrivia ? newLineAndIndent() : '';
            secondToken = scanNext();

        if (secondToken === Json.SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken) {
            if (firstToken !== Json.SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) {
                replaceContent = newLineAndIndent();
        } else if (secondToken === Json.SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken) {
            if (firstToken !== Json.SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken) {
export function fromConfigFile(filePath: string, overrides: PartialCertaConfig): CertaConfig {
    const fileContents = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
    const fileOpts = parse(fileContents.toString()); // Parsing with jsonc-parser lets us safely handle comments.
    resolvePaths(path.dirname(filePath), fileOpts);
    return fromObject(lodash.defaultsDeep(overrides, fileOpts));
// Check which properties changed, and fire new ones
      let current: string | undefined;
      try {
        current = fs.readFileSync(file.fsPath, 'utf8');
      } catch (error) {

      if (current === undefined) {
        this.lastConfig = defaultConfig;[]);[]);;

      const parsed: IEditorConfig = jsonc.parse(current);
    vscode.workspace.findFiles(this.gradleJsonFileGlob, wp.uri.fsPath).then(async (f) => {
public async loadConfigs(): Promise {
    this.toolchains = [];

    let file = '';
    try {
      file = await readFileAsync(path.join(this.workspace.uri.fsPath, 'build', this.configFile), 'utf8');
    } catch (err) {;;
      return false;

    this.toolchains = jsonc.parse(file) as IToolChain[];

    if (this.selectedName.Value === 'none') {
      // Look for roborio release first
      const c = this.toolchains[0];
      let name = getToolchainName(c);
      for (const t of this.toolchains) {
        if ( === 'linuxathena' && t.buildType === 'release') {
          name = getToolchainName(t);

      this.selectedName.Value = name;
      this.statusBar.text = this.selectedName.Value;
// Check which properties changed, and fire new ones
      let current: string | undefined;
      try {
        current = fs.readFileSync(file.fsPath, 'utf8');
      } catch (error) {

      if (current === undefined) {
        this.lastConfig = defaultConfig;[]);[]);;

      const parsed: IEditorConfig = jsonc.parse(current);
public async loadTheme(themePath: string, defaultStyle: ThemeStyle): Promise {
        let rules: TextMateRule[][] = [];
        if (await util.checkFileExists(themePath)) {
            let themeContentText: string = await util.readFileText(themePath);
            let themeContent: any;
            let textMateRules: TextMateRule[];
            if (themePath.endsWith("tmTheme")) {
                themeContent = plist.parse(themeContentText);
                if (themeContent) {
                    textMateRules = themeContent.settings;
            } else {
                themeContent = jsonc.parse(themeContentText);
                if (themeContent) {
                    textMateRules = themeContent.tokenColors;
                    if (themeContent.include) {
                        // parse included theme file
                        let includedThemePath: string = path.join(path.dirname(themePath), themeContent.include);
                        rules = await this.loadTheme(includedThemePath, defaultStyle);

                    if (themeContent.colors && themeContent.colors["editor.background"]) {
                        this.editorBackground = themeContent.colors["editor.background"];

            if (textMateRules) {
                // Convert comma delimited scopes into an array
private readPackageJsonInfo(folder: Uri, tree: JsonNode) {
		const engine = tree && findNodeAtLocation(tree, ['engines', 'vscode']);
		const repo = tree && findNodeAtLocation(tree, ['repository', 'url']);
		const info: PackageJsonInfo = {
			isExtension: !!(engine && engine.type === 'string'),
			hasHttpsRepository: !!(repo && repo.type === 'string' && repo.value && parseUri(repo.value).scheme.toLowerCase() === 'https')
		const str = folder.toString();
		const oldInfo = this.folderToPackageJsonInfo[str];
		if (oldInfo && (oldInfo.isExtension !== info.isExtension || oldInfo.hasHttpsRepository !== info.hasHttpsRepository)) {
			this.packageJsonChanged(folder); // clears this.folderToPackageJsonInfo[str]
		this.folderToPackageJsonInfo[str] = info;
		return info;
private parseTree(): void  {
        // Get our work space configuration object
        // let fileExcludeObject: any = this.getFilesExcludeObject();
        let fileExcludeObject: any = Util.getItemFromJsonFile(
            this.getSettingPath(), 'files.exclude'

        // FIX
        fileExcludeObject = this.fixRemove__Error( fileExcludeObject );

        if( fileExcludeObject != null ){
            // Update the tree Parse tree accordingly
            this.excludeList = fileExcludeObject;

            this.tree = json.parseTree( JSON.stringify(
            ) );
private parse_tree(): void 
        // Get our work space configuration object
        let workspace_config = this.get_workspace_configuration();

        // Parse Tree accordingly
        this.tree =  json.parseTree(
            JSON.stringify( workspace_config )

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