Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'node-opcua-crypto' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
} from "node-opcua-crypto";
import { AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader, SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader } from "node-opcua-service-secure-channel";
import { SecureMessageChunkManager, SequenceNumberGenerator } from "../source";
// tslint:disable:no-var-requires
const getFixture = require("node-opcua-test-fixtures").getFixture;
const senderCertificate = readCertificate(getFixture("certs/client_cert_1024.pem"));
const senderPrivateKey = readKeyPem(getFixture("certs/client_key_1024.pem"));
const receiverCertificate = readCertificate(getFixture("certs/server_cert_1024.pem"));
const receiverCertificateThumbprint = makeSHA1Thumbprint(receiverCertificate);
const receiverPublicKey = fs.readFileSync(getFixture("certs/server_public_key_1024.pub", "ascii")).toString();
const sequenceNumberGenerator = new SequenceNumberGenerator();
export type ChunkVisitorFunc = (err: Error | null, chunk?: Buffer) => void;
export function iterateOnSignedMessageChunks(buffer: Buffer, callback: ChunkVisitorFunc) {
const params = {
algorithm: "RSA-SHA1",
privateKey: senderPrivateKey,
} from "node-opcua-crypto";
import { AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader, SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader } from "node-opcua-service-secure-channel";
import { SecureMessageChunkManager, SequenceNumberGenerator } from "../source";
// tslint:disable:no-var-requires
const getFixture = require("node-opcua-test-fixtures").getFixture;
const senderCertificate = readCertificate(getFixture("certs/client_cert_1024.pem"));
const senderPrivateKey = readKeyPem(getFixture("certs/client_key_1024.pem"));
const receiverCertificate = readCertificate(getFixture("certs/server_cert_1024.pem"));
const receiverCertificateThumbprint = makeSHA1Thumbprint(receiverCertificate);
const receiverPublicKey = fs.readFileSync(getFixture("certs/server_public_key_1024.pub", "ascii")).toString();
const sequenceNumberGenerator = new SequenceNumberGenerator();
export type ChunkVisitorFunc = (err: Error | null, chunk?: Buffer) => void;
export function iterateOnSignedMessageChunks(buffer: Buffer, callback: ChunkVisitorFunc) {
const params = {
algorithm: "RSA-SHA1",
privateKey: senderPrivateKey,
signatureLength: 128,
return (chunk: Buffer) => {
const options = {
algorithm: "RSA-SHA256",
signatureLength: 128,
const buf = makeMessageChunkSignature(chunk, options); // Buffer
assert(buf instanceof Buffer, "expecting a Buffer");
return buf;
return function (chunk) {
const options = {
algorithm: "RSA-SHA256",
signatureLength: 128,
privateKey: privateKey
const buf = crypto_utils.makeMessageChunkSignature(chunk, options); // Buffer
assert(buf instanceof Buffer, "expecting a Buffer");
return buf;
} from "node-opcua-crypto";
import { AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader, SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader } from "node-opcua-service-secure-channel";
import { SecureMessageChunkManager, SequenceNumberGenerator } from "../source";
// tslint:disable:no-var-requires
const getFixture = require("node-opcua-test-fixtures").getFixture;
const senderCertificate = readCertificate(getFixture("certs/client_cert_1024.pem"));
const senderPrivateKey = readKeyPem(getFixture("certs/client_key_1024.pem"));
const receiverCertificate = readCertificate(getFixture("certs/server_cert_1024.pem"));
const receiverCertificateThumbprint = makeSHA1Thumbprint(receiverCertificate);
const receiverPublicKey = fs.readFileSync(getFixture("certs/server_public_key_1024.pub", "ascii")).toString();
const sequenceNumberGenerator = new SequenceNumberGenerator();
export type ChunkVisitorFunc = (err: Error | null, chunk?: Buffer) => void;
export function iterateOnSignedMessageChunks(buffer: Buffer, callback: ChunkVisitorFunc) {
const params = {
algorithm: "RSA-SHA1",
privateKey: senderPrivateKey,
signatureLength: 128,
function _check_certificate_validity(certificate) {
// Is the signature on the SoftwareCertificate valid .?
if (!certificate) {
// missing certificate
return StatusCodes.BadSecurityChecksFailed;
//-- const split_der = require("node-opcua-crypto").crypto_explore_certificate.split_der;
//-- const chain = split_der(securityHeader.senderCertificate);
//-- //xx console.log("xxx NB CERTIFICATE IN CHAIN = ".red,chain.length);
// Has SoftwareCertificate passed its issue date and has it not expired ?
// check dates
const cert = crypto_utils.exploreCertificateInfo(certificate);
const now = new Date();
if (cert.notBefore.getTime() > now.getTime()) {
// certificate is not active yet
" Sender certificate is invalid : certificate is not active yet !".red +
" not before date =" +
return StatusCodes.BadCertificateTimeInvalid;
if (cert.notAfter.getTime() <= now.getTime()) {
// certificate is obsolete
" Sender certificate is invalid : certificate has expired !".red + " not after date =" + cert.notAfter
// then verify the signature
const signatureLength = cert.publicKeyLength; // 1024 bits = 128Bytes or 2048=256Bytes or 3072 or 4096
assert(signatureLength === 128 || signatureLength === 256 || signatureLength === 384 || signatureLength === 512 );
const chunk = binaryStream._buffer;
const signatureIsOK = this.cryptoFactory.asymmetricVerifyChunk(chunk, this.securityHeader.senderCertificate);
if (!signatureIsOK) {
this._report_error("SIGN and ENCRYPT asymmetricVerify : Invalid packet signature");
return false;
// remove signature
binaryStream._buffer = crypto_utils.reduceLength(binaryStream._buffer, signatureLength);
// remove padding
if (this.securityHeader.receiverCertificateThumbprint) {
binaryStream._buffer = crypto_utils.removePadding(binaryStream._buffer);
return true; // success
OPCUAClient.prototype._getApplicationUri = function () {
// get applicationURI from certificate
const exploreCertificate = require("node-opcua-crypto").exploreCertificate;
const certificate = this.getCertificate();
let applicationUri;
if (certificate) {
const e = exploreCertificate(certificate);
if (!e.tbsCertificate.extensions || !e.tbsCertificate.extensions.subjectAltName) {
console.log(chalk.red(" Warning: client certificate is invalid : subjectAltName is missing"));
applicationUri = makeApplicationUrn(hostname, this.applicationName);
} else {
applicationUri = e.tbsCertificate.extensions.subjectAltName.uniformResourceIdentifier[0];
} else {
applicationUri = makeApplicationUrn(hostname, this.applicationName);
return applicationUri;
// We shall decrypt it with the receiver private key.
const buf = binaryStream.buffer.slice(binaryStream.length);
if (!securityTokenData.derivedKeys) {
console.log("xxxxxxx NO DERIVED KEYX");
return false;
const derivedKeys: DerivedKeys = securityTokenData.derivedKeys;
assert(derivedKeys !== null);
assert(derivedKeys.signatureLength > 0, " must provide a signature length");
if (this.securityMode === MessageSecurityMode.SignAndEncrypt) {
const decryptedBuffer = decryptBufferWithDerivedKeys(buf, derivedKeys);
// replace decrypted buffer in initial buffer
decryptedBuffer.copy(binaryStream.buffer, binaryStream.length);
// adjust length
binaryStream.buffer = binaryStream.buffer.slice(0, binaryStream.length + decryptedBuffer.length);
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (doDebug) {
// now check signature ....
switch (request.securityMode) {
case MessageSecurityMode.None:
securityHeader = new AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader({
receiverCertificateThumbprint: null, // message not encrypted
securityPolicyUri: "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#None",
senderCertificate: null // message not signed
case MessageSecurityMode.Sign:
case MessageSecurityMode.SignAndEncrypt:
default: {
// get the thumbprint of the client certificate
const thumbprint = this.receiverCertificate
? makeSHA1Thumbprint(this.receiverCertificate)
: null;
if (!this.clientSecurityHeader) {
throw new Error("Internal");
const asymmClientSecurityHeader = this.clientSecurityHeader as AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader;
securityHeader = new AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader({
receiverCertificateThumbprint: thumbprint, // message not encrypted (????)
securityPolicyUri: asymmClientSecurityHeader.securityPolicyUri,
senderCertificate: this.getCertificateChain() // certificate of the private key used to sign the message
return securityHeader;