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Top 10 Examples of "danger in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'danger' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

// @ts-ignore

import { schedule } from "danger"
import spellcheck from "danger-plugin-spellcheck"

// Warn if there are library changes, but not tests
const modifiedAppFiles = modified.filter(p => p.includes('src/'))
const hasAppChanges = modifiedAppFiles.length > 0

const testChanges = modifiedAppFiles.filter(filepath => /test/i.test(filepath))
const hasTestChanges = testChanges.length > 0

if (hasAppChanges && !hasTestChanges) {
    'There are library changes, but not tests. That\'s OK as long as you\'re refactoring existing code',

// Warn if someone wants to change peril settings
if (modified.filter(p => p.includes('peril')).length) {
  fail('Peril settings are being changed')

// TODO: fs won't work in peril

// // Be careful of leaving testing shortcuts in the codebase
// const onlyTestFiles = testChanges.filter(x => {
//   const content = fs.readFileSync(x).toString();
//   return (
//     content.includes('it.only') ||
//     content.includes('describe.only') ||
//     content.includes('fdescribe') ||
//     content.includes('fit(')
//   );
// });
// raiseIssueAboutPaths(fail, onlyTestFiles, 'an `only` was left in the test');
return configFilePattern.test(filePath);

const modifiedGenerateConfigScriptFiles = danger.git.modified_files.filter((filePath) => {
  const srcFilePattern = /\/scripts\/generate-app-config/i;
  return srcFilePattern.test(filePath);

const hasCHANGELOGChanges = modifiedChangelog.length > 0 || newChangelog.length > 0;
const hasModifiedSrcFiles = modifiedSrcFiles.length > 0;
const hasModifiedConfigFiles = modifiedConfigFiles.length > 0;
const hasModifiedGenerateConfigScriptFiles = modifiedGenerateConfigScriptFiles.length > 0;

// Fail if there are src code changes without a CHANGELOG update
if ((hasModifiedSrcFiles || hasModifiedConfigFiles || hasModifiedGenerateConfigScriptFiles) && !hasCHANGELOGChanges) {
  fail('Please include a CHANGELOG entry with this PR.');

if (logos.created) {
      ':art: Thanks for submitting a logo. <br>',
      'Please ensure your contribution follows our ',
      '[guidance]( ',
      'for logo submissions.',

if (capitals.created || underscores.created) {
      'JavaScript source files should be named with `kebab-case` ',
      '(dash-separated lowercase).',

const allFiles = danger.git.created_files.concat(danger.git.modified_files)

if (allFiles.length &gt; 100) {
  warn("Lots 'o changes. Skipping diff-based checks.")
} else {
  allFiles.forEach(file =&gt; {
    // eslint-disable-next-line promise/prefer-await-to-then
    danger.git.diffForFile(file).then(({ diff }) =&gt; {
      if (/serverSecrets/.test(diff) &amp;&amp; !secretsDocs.modified) {
async function run() {
  // Use git locally to grab the commit which represents the place
  // where the branches differ
  const upstreamRepo =;
  const upstreamRef =;
  try {
    await git(`remote add ${UPSTREAM_REMOTE}${upstreamRepo}.git`);
  } catch (err) {
    // ignore if it already exist for local testing
  await git(`fetch ${UPSTREAM_REMOTE}`);
  const mergeBaseCommit = await git(`merge-base HEAD ${UPSTREAM_REMOTE}/${upstreamRef}`);

  const commitRange = `${mergeBaseCommit}...${}`;

  const comparison = await loadComparison(mergeBaseCommit, upstreamRef);
  const results = Object.entries(comparison.bundles);
  const anyResultsChanges = results.filter(createComparisonFilter(1, 1));

  if (anyResultsChanges.length > 0) {
const modifiedSrcFiles = danger.git.modified_files.filter((filePath) => {
  const srcFilePattern = /^packages\/([a-z-])*\/src/i;
  return srcFilePattern.test(filePath);

const hasCHANGELOGChanges = modifiedChangelog.length > 0 || newChangelog.length > 0;
const hasModifiedSrcFiles = modifiedSrcFiles.length > 0;

// Fail if there are src code changes without a CHANGELOG update
if (hasModifiedSrcFiles && !hasCHANGELOGChanges) {
  fail('Please include a CHANGELOG entry with this PR.');

// Warn when there is a big PR
const bigPRThreshold = 1000;
if ( + > bigPRThreshold) {
  warn(':exclamation: Big PR. Consider breaking this into smaller PRs if applicaple');

    // Create a new copy of the service, with the breaking changes added
    if (breakingChanges.length) {
      servicesWithBreakingChanges[serviceName] = {

  // Reporting back to the PR - offer a single message for all of the potentially
  // failed services,
  const failedServiceNames = Object.keys(servicesWithBreakingChanges)
  const failedServicesSentence = danger.utils.sentence(failedServiceNames)

  if (failedServiceNames.length === 0) {
    console.log(`No breaking changes for ${failedServicesSentence}`)

  const version = isProductionDeployPR ? "staging" : "production"
  const message = isProductionDeployPR ? fail : warn
  const s = failedServiceNames.length === 1 ? "" : "s"
  const are = failedServiceNames.length === 1 ? "is" : "are"

    There ${are} a breaking difference${s} between the **${version}** deployed 
    schema${s} for **${failedServiceNames}**. 
    The changes you have made  to the local schema${s} in metaphysics are 
const [owner, repo] = repoSlug.split("/")
    try {
      const response = await api.repos.getContents({ repo, owner, path, ref })
      if (response && && === "file") {
        const buffer = Buffer.from(,
        return buffer.toString()
      } else {
        return ""
    } catch {
      return ""

  createUpdatedIssueWithID: createUpdatedIssueWithIDGenerator(api),
  // TODO: Is this right?
  //       Do I need to move the PR object into here if needed?
  createOrAddLabel: createOrAddLabel(undefined as any, api),
  createOrUpdatePR: createOrUpdatePR(undefined as any, api),
import { danger, fail, warn } from "danger"
import * as fs from "fs"

// Setup
const pr =
const modified = danger.git.modified_files
const bodyAndTitle = (pr.body + pr.title).toLowerCase()

// Custom modifiers for people submitting PRs to be able to say "skip this"
const trivialPR = bodyAndTitle.includes("trivial")

const filesOnly = (file: string) => fs.existsSync(file) && fs.lstatSync(file).isFile()

// Custom subsets of known files
const modifiedAppFiles = modified.filter(p => p.includes("src/")).filter(p => filesOnly(p))

// When there are app-changes and it's not a PR marked as trivial, expect
// there to be CHANGELOG changes.
const changelogChanges = modified.includes("")
if (modifiedAppFiles.length > 0 && !trivialPR && !changelogChanges) {
  fail("No CHANGELOG added.")
const includesSummary = &amp;&amp;'## summary');
if (! || &lt; 50) {
  fail(':grey_question: This pull request needs a description.');
} else if (!includesSummary) {
  const title = ':clipboard: Missing Summary';
  const idea =
    'Can you add a Summary? ' +
    'To do so, add a "## Summary" section to your PR description. ' +
    'This is a good place to explain the motivation for making this change.';
  message(`${title} - <i>${idea}</i>`);

// Warns if there are changes to package.json, and tags the team.
const packageChanged = includes(danger.git.modified_files, 'package.json');
if (packageChanged) {
  const title = ':lock: package.json';
  const idea =
    'Changes were made to package.json. ' +
    'This will require a manual import by a Facebook employee.';
  warn(`${title} - <i>${idea}</i>`);

// Provides advice if a test plan is missing.
const includesTestPlan = &amp;&amp;'## test plan');
if (!includesTestPlan) {
  const title = ':clipboard: Missing Test Plan';
  const idea =
    'Can you add a Test Plan? ' +

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