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Top 10 Examples of "azure-iot-common in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'azure-iot-common' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

'use strict'

const logger = require('../lib').logger;
const iotClient = require('./iotClient');
const deviceManager = require('./deviceManager');
const testService = require('./testService');
const async  = require('async');
const errors = require('azure-iot-common').errors;

function runTest(deviceConnectionString, protocol, label, done) {'');'Starting ' + label + ' Test...');
  iotClient.runTest(deviceConnectionString, protocol, function(err) {
    if(err) {
      logger.crit('--> Failed to run ' + label + ' test, error: ' + err);
    } else {'--> Successfully ran ' + label + ' test.');

    // Don't pass out error (if the test completed, it will just state it failed, but still run the next test)
    return done(null, deviceConnectionString);
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

'use strict';

var amqp10 = require('amqp10');
var Promise = require('bluebird');

var anHourFromNow = require('azure-iot-common').anHourFromNow;
var ConnectionString = require('azure-iot-common').ConnectionString;
var EventHubReceiver = require('./eventhubreceiver.js');
var SharedAccessSignature = require('azure-iothub').SharedAccessSignature;

var managementEndpoint = '$management';

function createConfig(connectionString, entityPath) {
  var cn = ConnectionString.parse(connectionString);
  var host = cn.HostName || (cn.Endpoint || '').slice('sb://'.length);
  return {
    host: host,
    namespace: host.split('.')[0],
    keyName: cn.SharedAccessKeyName,
    key: cn.SharedAccessKey,
    eventHubName: entityPath
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

'use strict';

var ConnectionString = require('azure-iot-common').ConnectionString;
var runTests = require('azure-iot-device-amqp/lib/_client_test_integration.js');
var AmqpWs = require('./amqp_ws.js');

var host = ConnectionString.parse(process.env.IOTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING).HostName;
var deviceId = process.env.IOTHUB_DEVICE_ID;
var key = process.env.IOTHUB_DEVICE_KEY;

function makeConnectionString(host, device, key) {
  return 'HostName='+host+';DeviceId='+device+';SharedAccessKey='+key;

var connectionString = makeConnectionString(host, deviceId, key);

var badConnStrings = [
  makeConnectionString('bad', 'device', 'key'),
  makeConnectionString('host', 'bad', 'key'),
  makeConnectionString('host', 'device', 'bad')

describe('Over AMQP/WS', function () {
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

'use strict';

var assert = require('chai').assert;

var Client = require('azure-iot-device').Client;
var ConnectionString = require('azure-iot-common').ConnectionString;
var Message = require('azure-iot-common').Message;
var Amqp = require('./amqp.js');

var host = ConnectionString.parse(process.env.IOTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING).HostName;
var deviceId = process.env.IOTHUB_DEVICE_ID;
var key = process.env.IOTHUB_DEVICE_KEY;

function makeConnectionString(host, device, key) {
  return 'HostName='+host+';DeviceId='+device+';SharedAccessKey='+key;

var connectionString = makeConnectionString(host, deviceId, key);

var badConnStrings = [
  makeConnectionString('bad', deviceId, key),
  makeConnectionString(host, 'bad', key),
  makeConnectionString(host, deviceId, 'bad')

function badConfigTests(opName, badConnStrings, Transport, requestFn) {
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

'use strict'

const logger = require('../lib').logger;
const iothub = require('azure-iothub');
const errors = require('azure-iot-common').errors;
const Registry = iothub.Registry;
const ConnectionString = require('azure-iothub').ConnectionString;

function getDevice(iotHubConnectionString, deviceId, done) {
  var registry = Registry.fromConnectionString(iotHubConnectionString);
  registry.get(deviceId, done);

function getDeviceConnectionString(iotHubConnectionString, deviceInfo) {
  var deviceConnectionString = 'HostName=' + ConnectionString.parse(iotHubConnectionString).HostName + ';DeviceId=' + deviceInfo.deviceId + ';SharedAccessKey=' + deviceInfo.authentication.symmetricKey.primaryKey;
  logger.trace('Connectionstring: ' + deviceConnectionString);
  return deviceConnectionString;

// Create a new device
function createDevice(iotHubConnectionString, deviceId, done) {
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

'use strict';

var assert = require('chai').assert;
var Client = require('./client.js');
var errors = require('azure-iot-common').errors;
var Message = require('azure-iot-common').Message;
var AmqpReceiver = require('azure-iot-amqp-base').AmqpReceiver;

function transportSpecificTests(opts) {
  describe('Client', function () {
    var testSubject;
    var deviceId;

    before('prepare test subject', function (done) {
      /*Tests_SRS_NODE_IOTHUB_CLIENT_05_008: [The open method shall open a connection to the IoT Hub that was identified when the Client object was created (e.g., in Client.fromConnectionString).]*/
      /*Tests_SRS_NODE_IOTHUB_CLIENT_05_009: [When the open method completes, the callback function (indicated by the done argument) shall be invoked with the following arguments:
      err - standard JavaScript Error object (or subclass)]*/
      /*Tests_SRS_NODE_IOTHUB_CLIENT_05_010: [The argument err passed to the callback done shall be null if the protocol operation was successful.]*/
      if (opts.transport && opts.connectionString)'test setup error');
      if (opts.transport) testSubject = new Client(opts.transport());
      else testSubject = Client.fromConnectionString(opts.connectionString);
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

'use strict';

var assert = require('chai').assert;

var Client = require('azure-iot-device').Client;
var ConnectionString = require('azure-iot-common').ConnectionString;
var Message = require('azure-iot-common').Message;
var Amqp = require('./amqp.js');

var host = ConnectionString.parse(process.env.IOTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING).HostName;
var deviceId = process.env.IOTHUB_DEVICE_ID;
var key = process.env.IOTHUB_DEVICE_KEY;

function makeConnectionString(host, device, key) {
  return 'HostName='+host+';DeviceId='+device+';SharedAccessKey='+key;

var connectionString = makeConnectionString(host, deviceId, key);

var badConnStrings = [
  makeConnectionString('bad', deviceId, key),
  makeConnectionString(host, 'bad', key),
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

'use strict';

var ConnectionString = require('azure-iot-common').ConnectionString;
var runTests = require('azure-iot-device/lib/_client_test.js');
var Http = require('./http.js');

var host = ConnectionString.parse(process.env.IOTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING).HostName;
var deviceId = process.env.IOTHUB_DEVICE_ID;
var key = process.env.IOTHUB_DEVICE_KEY;

var connectionString = 'HostName=' + host + ';DeviceId=' + deviceId + ';SharedAccessKey=' + key;
var badConnStrings = [
  'HostName=bad;DeviceId=' + deviceId + ';SharedAccessKey=' + key,
  'HostName=' + host + ';DeviceId=bad;SharedAccessKey=' + key,
  'HostName=' + host + ';DeviceId=' + deviceId + ';SharedAccessKey=bad;'

describe('Over real HTTPS', function () {
  this.timeout(15000); {
        if (err) {
            console.error('Could not connect: ' + err.message);
        } else { // {"Name":"TurnFanOn","Parameters":""}
            var data = JSON.stringify({ "Name":command,"Parameters":null });
            var message = new Message (data);
            console.log('Sending message: ' + data);
            iotHubClient.send(deviceId, message, printResultFor('send'));
function ConnectionConfig(connectionString, path) {
  var cn = aziot.ConnectionString.parse(connectionString);

  this.isIotHub = !!cn.HostName; // HostName is present in IoTHub connection strings, Endpoint in the case of Event Hubs
  this.keyName = cn.SharedAccessKeyName;
  this.key = cn.SharedAccessKey;

  if(this.isIotHub) { = cn.HostName;
    var hubName ='.')[0];
    this.sharedAccessSignature = aziot.SharedAccessSignature.create(, this.keyName, this.key, aziot.anHourFromNow());
    this.path = path || 'messages/events/';
    this.saslPlainUri  = 'amqps://' +
                        encodeURIComponent(this.keyName) +
                        '%40sas.root.' +
                        hubName +
                        ':' +
                        encodeURIComponent(this.sharedAccessSignature) +
                        '@' +
  } else {
    var endpoint = cn.Endpoint || ''; = (endpoint.match('sb://([^/]*)') || [])[1];
    this.path = cn.EntityPath || path;
    this.saslPlainUri  = 'amqps://' +
                        encodeURIComponent(this.keyName) + ':' +
                        encodeURIComponent(this.key) + '@' +

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