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Top 10 Examples of "esutils in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'esutils' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

export function adjustMultilineComment(value: string, base: string = '', specialBase: any) {
  var array, i, len, line, j, spaces, previousBase, sn;

  array = value.split(/\r\n|[\r\n]/);
  spaces = Number.MAX_VALUE;

  // first line doesn't have indentation
  for (i = 1, len = array.length; i < len; ++i) {
      line = array[i];
      j = 0;
      while (j < line.length && esutils.code.isWhiteSpace(line.charCodeAt(j))) {
      if (spaces > j) {
          spaces = j;

  if (typeof specialBase !== 'undefined') {
      // pattern like
      // {
      //   var t = 20;  /*
      //                 * this is comment
      //                 */
      // }
      previousBase = base;
      if (array[1][spaces] === '*') {
const value = convertAttributeValue(node.value || t.booleanLiteral(true));

  if (t.isStringLiteral(value) && !t.isJSXExpressionContainer(node.value)) {
    value.value = value.value.replace(/\n\s+/g, ' ');

    // "raw" JSXText should not be used from a StringLiteral because it needs to be escaped.
    if (value.extra && value.extra.raw) {
      delete value.extra.raw;

  if (t.isJSXNamespacedName( { = t.stringLiteral( + ':' +,
  } else if (esutils.keyword.isIdentifierNameES6( { = 'Identifier';
  } else { = t.stringLiteral(;

  return t.inherits(t.objectProperty(, value), node);
if (comment.type !== 'Line') {
                this.result.push(new CommentBlock(comment));
                return this;

            if (!this.current) {
                this.current = new CommentBlock(comment);
                return this;

            // Both comment and this.current are single line comments.
            for (i = this.current.comments[this.current.comments.length - 1].range[1], iz = comment.range[0]; i < iz; ++i) {
                code = source.charCodeAt(i);
                if (!esutils.code.isLineTerminator(code) && !esutils.code.isWhiteSpace(code)) {
                    // Not contiguous.
                    this.current = new CommentBlock(comment);
                    return this;


            return this;
const isValidIdentifier = (name) => {
  if (typeof name !== 'string' || keyword.isReservedWordES6(name, true)) {
    return false;
  } else if (name === 'await') {
    // invalid in module, valid in script; better be safe (see #4952)
    return false;
  } else {
    return keyword.isIdentifierNameES6(name);
[].push.apply(result, fn(xs[i]));
  return result;

// filter :: forall a. (a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a]
function filter(xs, predicate) {
  var filtered = [];
  for (var i = 0, l = xs.length; i < l; ++i) {
    if (predicate(xs[i])) filtered.push(xs[i]);
  return filtered;

// isExpression :: Node -> Boolean
var isExpression = esutils.ast.isExpression;
// isStatement :: Node -> Boolean
var isStatement = esutils.ast.isStatement;
// isSourceElement :: Node -> Boolean
var isSourceElement = esutils.ast.isSourceElement;
// directives :: [Maybe Node] -> [Node]
function directives(stmts) {
  if (stmts && stmts.length > 0) {
    var s = stmts[0];
    if (s && s.type === "ExpressionStatement" && s.expression && s.expression.type === "Literal" && typeof s.expression.value === "string")
      return [s.expression.value].concat(directives([], 1)));
  return [];

var OBJECT_PROPERTY_KINDS = ["init", "get", "set"];
var VARIABLE_DECLARATION_KINDS = ["var", "let", "const"];
const isValidIdentifier = (name) => {
  if (typeof name !== 'string' || keyword.isReservedWordES6(name, true)) {
    return false;
  } else if (name === 'await') {
    // invalid in module, valid in script; better be safe (see #4952)
    return false;
  } else {
    return keyword.isIdentifierNameES6(name);
exports.XJSIdentifier = function (node) {
  if (esutils.keyword.isIdentifierName( {
    node.type = "Identifier";
  } else {
    return t.literal(;
function convertJSXIdentifier (node, parent) {
    if (t.isJSXIdentifier(node)) {
      if ( === 'this' && t.isReferenced(node, parent)) {
        return t.thisExpression()
      } else if (esutils.keyword.isIdentifierNameES6( {
        node.type = 'Identifier'
      } else {
        return t.stringLiteral(
    } else if (t.isJSXMemberExpression(node)) {
      return t.memberExpression(
        convertJSXIdentifier(node.object, node),
        convertJSXIdentifier(, node)
    return node
export function isValidIdentifier(name: string): boolean {
  if (typeof name !== "string" || esutils.keyword.isReservedWordES6(name, true)) {
    return false;
  } else {
    return esutils.keyword.isIdentifierNameES6(name);
strict = state.strict || any(function(d) { return d === "use strict"; }, directives(node.body.body));
            if (strict && !state.strict)
              recursionFn = errorsP(merge({}, state, {strict: true, inFunc: true}));
            [].push.apply(errors, recursionFn({type: "Program", body: node.body.body}));
          } else {
            [].push.apply(errors, recursionFn(node.body));

      case "Identifier":
        if ( == null)
          errors.push(new E(node, "Identifier `name` member must be non-null"));
        else if (!esutils.keyword.isIdentifierName(
          errors.push(new E(node, "Identifier `name` member must be a valid IdentifierName"));
        else if (esutils.keyword.isReservedWordES5(, state.strict))
          errors.push(new E(node, "Identifier `name` member must not be a ReservedWord"));

      case "IfStatement":
        if (!isExpression(node.test))
          errors.push(new E(node, "IfStatement `test` member must be an expression node"));
        if (!isStatement(node.consequent))
          errors.push(new E(node, "IfStatement `consequent` member must be a statement node"));
        if (node.alternate != null && !isStatement(node.alternate))
          errors.push(new E(node, "IfStatement `alternate` member must be a statement node or null"));
        if (node.alternate != null && node.consequent != null && esutils.ast.isProblematicIfStatement(node))
          errors.push(new E(node, "IfStatement with null `alternate` must not be the `consequent` of an IfStatement with a non-null `alternate`"));
        if (node.test != null)
          [].push.apply(errors, recurse(node.test));
        if (node.consequent != null)
          [].push.apply(errors, recurse(node.consequent));

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