Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'cli-ux' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
let data: any = []
latestTestRuns.forEach(testRun => {
iconStatus: `${statusIcon(testRun)}`,
number: testRun.number,
branch: testRun.commit_branch,
sha: testRun.commit_sha!.slice(0, 7),
status: testRun.status
cli.table(data, {
printHeader: undefined,
columns: [
{key: 'iconStatus', width: 1, label: ''}, // label '' is to make sure that widh is 1 character
{key: 'number', label: ''},
{key: 'branch'},
{key: 'sha'},
{key: 'status'}
if (watchOption) {
// Transforms string arrays to arrays
const parsedInputs = parseArrayInputs(inputs)
// Intialize ethers contract factory
const factory = new ethers.ContractFactory(
// Deploy contract
let contract: ethers.Contract
try {
contract = await factory.deploy(...parsedInputs, overrides)
`Deploying ${versionedContractName} to ${contract.address} `,
// TODO: add numConfirmations to .beltrc
const receipt = await contract.deployTransaction.wait(1) // wait for 1 confirmation
cli.action.stop(`Deployed in tx ${receipt.transactionHash}`)
return contract.address
} catch (e) {
try {
cli.action.start('Authenticating at Harvest')
// check if we have authorization using the provided credentials.
const user = await getClient(access).users.me()
this.log(chalk.bold(`Hello, ${user.first_name}! You are connected ;)`))
saveConfig({ access, user })
} catch (err) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
if (err.statusCode !== 401 || !err.error) {
'Please, try again:'
// try again.
return this.configure()
return getConfig()
let user: { username: string, password: string } = { username: '', password: '' };
const question = {
name: 'way',
message: 'There are two ways you can login:',
type: 'list',
choices: [{ name: 'Login by Username & Password' }, { name: 'Login by Browser' }]
const maxRepeat: number = 30; // for login with browser
const waitTime: number = 5000; // for login with browser
const code = makeId(); // for login with browser
const answer: { way: string } = await inquirer.prompt([question]);
if (answer.way === question.choices[0].name) { // login with username & password
user.username = await cli.prompt(messages.username_req, { required: true });
user.password = await cli.prompt(messages.password_req, { required: true, type: 'hide' });
try {
let data = (await authService.login(user)).data; // sends user credentials to the server
await writeToken(this, { token: data.result }); // write the access token in the file
let value = await authService.overview(this); // sends request the get the user's config
let overview = JSON.stringify(value.data.result);
await writeOverview(this, overview) // write the user's config to the file
catch (e) {
else { // login with browser
try {
await opn(`${auth_url}${code}`, { wait: false });
const code = request.query.code;
const token = await this.fetchToken(code);
return 'Thank you. You can close this tab.';
} catch (err) {
} finally {
const codeChallenge = this.base64url(createHash('sha256').update(this.codeVerifier).digest('base64'));
const authorizeUrl = this.buildAuthorizeUrl(codeChallenge);
cli.log(chalk.green('*') + ' ' + chalk.white('...if your browser does not open, open this:')
+ ' ' + chalk.underline(chalk.blue(authorizeUrl)));
} catch (e) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
console.log('Error inside of the execute:', e);
// Make sure that we have an Auth0 client id
const clientId = config.get('auth0.hereditasClientId')
if (!clientId) {
this.error('The Hereditas application hasn\'t been configured on Auth0 yet. Please run `hereditas auth0:sync` first')
return this.exit(1)
// Check if we have a passphrase passed as environmental variable (useful for development only)
let passphrase
if (process.env.HEREDITAS_PASSPHRASE) {
passphrase = process.env.HEREDITAS_PASSPHRASE
this.warn('Passphrase set through the HEREDITAS_PASSPHRASE environmental variable; this should be used for development only')
else {
// Ask for the user passphrase
passphrase = await cli.prompt('User passphrase', {type: 'mask'})
if (!passphrase || passphrase.length < 8) {
this.error('Passphrase needs to be at least 8 characters long')
return this.exit(1)
// Timer
const startTime = Date.now()
// Build the project
const builder = new Builder(passphrase, config)
await builder.build()
// Done!
const duration = (Date.now() - startTime) / 1000
async run () {
const {
flags: { 'per-page': per_page, page, ...options }
} = this.parse(LogListCommand)
cli.action.start('Loading your time entries')
const { time_entries } = await this.loadTimeEntries({ per_page, page })
cli.action.stop('here they are!')
/* istanbul ignore next */
id: {},
date: { get: ({ created_at }) => created_at },
client: { get: ({ client: { name } }) => name },
project: { get: ({ project: { name } }) => name },
task: { get: ({ task: { name } }) => name },
hours: {},
status: {
get: ({ is_running }) => (is_running ? 'Running' : 'Finished')
// console.log(JSON.stringify(time_entries, null, 2))
const githubDiff: any = await HTTP.get(`https://api.github.com/repos/${path}`, {
}).then(res => res.body)
cli.styledHeader(`${color.app(targetApp.name)} is ahead of ${color.app(downstreamApp.name)} by ${githubDiff.ahead_by} commit${githubDiff.ahead_by === 1 ? '' : 's'}`)
const mapped = githubDiff.commits.map((commit: any) => {
return {
sha: commit.sha.substring(0, 7),
date: commit.commit.author.date,
author: commit.commit.author.name,
message: commit.commit.message.split('\n')[0],
cli.table(mapped, {
sha: {
header: 'SHA',
date: {},
author: {},
message: {},
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-unused
} catch (error) {
cli.log(`\n${color.app(targetApp.name)} was not compared to ${color.app(downstreamApp.name)} because we were unable to perform a diff`)
cli.log('are you sure you have pushed your latest commits to GitHub?')
// Do the actual Github diff
try {
const path = `${targetApp.repo}/compare/${downstreamApp.hash}...${targetApp.hash}`
const headers: { authorization: string; 'user-agent'?: string} = {authorization: 'token ' + githubToken}
if (herokuUserAgent) {
headers['user-agent'] = herokuUserAgent
const githubDiff: any = await HTTP.get(`https://api.github.com/repos/${path}`, {
}).then(res => res.body)
cli.styledHeader(`${color.app(targetApp.name)} is ahead of ${color.app(downstreamApp.name)} by ${githubDiff.ahead_by} commit${githubDiff.ahead_by === 1 ? '' : 's'}`)
const mapped = githubDiff.commits.map((commit: any) => {
return {
sha: commit.sha.substring(0, 7),
date: commit.commit.author.date,
author: commit.commit.author.name,
message: commit.commit.message.split('\n')[0],
cli.table(mapped, {
sha: {
header: 'SHA',
date: {},
author: {},
message: {},
if (onLatest.length === relevantDynos.length) {
if (!released) {
cli.action.stop(`${releasedFraction}, done`)
if (released) {
released = false
cli.action.start(`Waiting for every dyno to be running v${latestRelease.version}`)
cli.action.status = releasedFraction
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await cli.wait(interval * 1000)