Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'pycodestyle' in functional components in Python. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
def parse_argv(argstring):
_saved_argv = sys.argv
sys.argv = shlex.split('pycodestyle %s /dev/null' % argstring)
return pycodestyle.StyleGuide(parse_argv=True)
sys.argv = _saved_argv
def check_code_for_debugger_statements(code):
"""Process code using pycodestyle Checker and return all errors."""
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
test_file = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
report = CaptureReport(options=_debugger_test_style)
lines = [line + "\n" for line in code.split("\n")]
checker = pycodestyle.Checker(filename=test_file.name, lines=lines, options=_debugger_test_style, report=report)
return report._results
Test all check functions with test cases in docstrings.
count_failed = count_all = 0
report = BaseReport(options)
counters = report.counters
checks = options.physical_checks + options.logical_checks
for name, check, argument_names in checks:
for line in check.__doc__.splitlines():
line = line.lstrip()
match = SELFTEST_REGEX.match(line)
if match is None:
code, source = match.groups()
lines = [part.replace(r'\t', '\t') + '\n'
for part in source.split(r'\n')]
checker = Checker(lines=lines, options=options, report=report)
error = None
if code == 'Okay':
if len(counters) > len(options.benchmark_keys):
codes = [key for key in counters
if key not in options.benchmark_keys]
error = "incorrectly found %s" % ', '.join(codes)
elif not counters.get(code):
error = "failed to find %s" % code
# Keep showing errors for multiple tests
for key in set(counters) - set(options.benchmark_keys):
del counters[key]
count_all += 1
if not error:
if options.verbose:
print("%s: %s" % (code, source))
def selftest(options):
Test all check functions with test cases in docstrings.
count_failed = count_all = 0
report = BaseReport(options)
counters = report.counters
checks = options.physical_checks + options.logical_checks
for name, check, argument_names in checks:
for line in check.__doc__.splitlines():
line = line.lstrip()
match = SELFTEST_REGEX.match(line)
if match is None:
code, source = match.groups()
lines = [part.replace(r'\t', '\t') + '\n'
for part in source.split(r'\n')]
checker = Checker(lines=lines, options=options, report=report)
error = None
if code == 'Okay':
if len(counters) > len(options.benchmark_keys):
def selftest(options):
Test all check functions with test cases in docstrings.
count_failed = count_all = 0
report = BaseReport(options)
counters = report.counters
checks = options.physical_checks + options.logical_checks
for name, check, argument_names in checks:
for line in check.__doc__.splitlines():
line = line.lstrip()
match = SELFTEST_REGEX.match(line)
if match is None:
code, source = match.groups()
lines = [part.replace(r'\t', '\t') + '\n'
for part in source.split(r'\n')]
checker = Checker(lines=lines, options=options, report=report)
error = None
if code == 'Okay':
if len(counters) > len(options.benchmark_keys):
def test_pep8_conformance():
"""Test that we conform to PEP-8."""
style = pycodestyle.StyleGuide(ignore=['E501', 'E402', 'W503'])
py_files = [y for x in os.walk(os.path.abspath('.')) for y in glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.py'))]
result = style.check_files(py_files)
assert result.total_errors == 0, "Found #{0} code style errors".format(result.total_errors)
def setUp(self):
self.style = pycodestyle.StyleGuide(show_source=True,
def test_check_unicode(self):
# Do not crash if lines are Unicode (Python 2.x)
pycodestyle.register_check(DummyChecker, ['Z701'])
source = '#\n'
if hasattr(source, 'decode'):
source = source.decode('ascii')
pep8style = pycodestyle.StyleGuide()
count_errors = pep8style.input_file('stdin', lines=[source])
self.assertEqual(count_errors, 0)
def test_pep8_conformance(self):
pep8style = pycodestyle.StyleGuide(quiet=False)
pep8style.options.ignore = pep8style.options.ignore + tuple(['E501'])
result = pep8style.check_files()
self.assertEqual(result.total_errors, 0, "PEP8 POLICE - WOOOOOWOOOOOOOOOO")
def test_register_invalid_check(self):
class InvalidChecker(DummyChecker):
def __init__(self, filename):
def check_dummy(logical, tokens):
if False:
pycodestyle.register_check(InvalidChecker, ['Z741'])
pycodestyle.register_check(check_dummy, ['Z441'])
for checkers in pycodestyle._checks.values():
self.assertTrue(DummyChecker not in checkers)
self.assertTrue(check_dummy not in checkers)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, pycodestyle.register_check)