Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'flasgger' in functional components in Python. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
def manualvalidation_bp():
In this example you need to call validate() manually
passing received data, Definition (schema: id), specs filename
data = request.json
validate(data, 'User', "test_validation.yml")
return jsonify(data)
def get(self):
외출신청 정보 엑셀 다운로드
return self.get_response_object_with_excel_file()
def post(self):
uuid = request.form['uuid']
id = request.form['id']
pw = request.form['pw']
m = sha256()
pw = m.hexdigest()
student = SignupRequiredModel.objects(uuid=uuid).first()
if student:
# Valid UUID
StudentModel(id=id, pw=pw, name=student.name, number=student.number).save()
def put(self, id: str) -> Iterable[Any]:
Updates table description (passed as a request body)
:param table_uri:
description = json.loads(request.data).get('description')
self.client.put_table_description(table_uri=id, description=description)
return None, HTTPStatus.OK
except NotFoundException:
return {'message': 'table_uri {} does not exist'.format(id)}, HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
def delete(self):
FAQ 제거
admin = AdminModel.objects(id=get_jwt_identity()).first()
if not admin:
return Response('', 403)
id = request.form.get('id')
return Response('', 200)
@swag_from("simple_get.yml", methods=["GET"])
@swag_from("simple_post.yml", methods=["POST"])
def post_or_get_example():
if request.method == "GET":
get_input = request.args["get_input"]
get_output = "output of " + get_input
return jsonify({"get_output": get_output})
post_input = request.form["post_input"]
post_output = "output of " + post_input
return jsonify({"post_output": post_output})
def delete(self):
11시 연장신청 취소
student = StudentModel.objects(id=get_jwt_identity()).first()
return Response('', 200)
@swag_from(str(Path(r"swagger/patch_result_with_id.yaml")), endpoint="result_with_id")
def patch(self, id):
"""Update a Result."""
data = request.get_json()
result = db_Result.get(id)
if result.organization_id != g.node.organization_id:
f"{g.node.name} tries to update a result that does not belong "
f"to him. ({result.organization_id}/{g.node.organization_id})"
return {"msg": "This is not your result to PATCH!"}, HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED
if result.finished_at is not None:
return {"msg": "Cannot update an already finished result!"}, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
def get(self):
잔류신청 정보 엑셀 다운로드
return self.get_response_object_with_excel_file()
def get(self):
학생 12시 연장 신청 정보 조회
extension = ExtensionApply12Model.objects(student=g.user).first()
return self.unicode_safe_json_dumps({
'classNum': extension.class_,
'seatNum': extension.seat
}) if extension else Response('', 204)