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Top 9 Examples of "lxml in functional component" in Python

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'lxml' in functional components in Python. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

comment = etree.Comment("This Test Campaign was AUTOMATICALLY" +
                                "generated from input ACS report file: %s" %
        root.insert(0, comment)
        # remove all test cases
        test_cases = root.findall('TestCases')[0]
        # replace them with the ones in the Test Report
        children = []
        for element in self.all_tc_name:
            if element not in self.failed_tc_names:
                        etree.tostring(etree.Element('TestCase', Id=element))))
                children.append(etree.Element('TestCase', Id=element))
        print "Output Failed Tests Campaign can be found here: ", \
def test_getting_standard_product_from_upc(self):
        upc = '1234567890'
        profile = factories.AmazonProfileFactory(product__upc=upc)
        spi = profile.get_standard_product_id()
            PRODUCT_TYPE_XML.format('UPC', upc)
def test_collect_dao_hrefs():
    """Tests that the function collect_dao_hrefs returns a list with
    hrefs without leading slashes from ead3 test data.
    ead3 = (''
    xml = ET.fromstring(ead3)
    hrefs = compile_structmap.collect_dao_hrefs(xml)
    assert hrefs == ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt']
from lxml import html
import requests
import time

from get_stock_data import _get_company_primary_stats as get_company_primary_stats
from company_page import CompanyPage

stock_company = "NTPC"
page = requests.get('' % stock_company)
tree = html.fromstring(page.text)
company = CompanyPage(tree)

def test_get_company_primary_stats():
    primary_stats = get_company_primary_stats(company, tree)
    assert primary_stats.get('pe_ratio') > 0
    assert all([primary_stats.get('eps') > 0, primary_stats.get('price_of_stock') > 0, primary_stats.get('fifty_two_wk_high') > 0, primary_stats.get('fifty_two_wk_low') > 0])
# Extract the state from the redirect
                redirect_url = urlparse.urlparse(response.headers['Location'])
                params = urlparse.parse_qs(redirect_url.query, keep_blank_values=True)
                state = params['state'][0]  # this is a random value
                response = session.get(
                    URL + '/github/oauth',
                        'code': '01234567890123456789',
                        'state': state
                self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)

                response = session.get(URL + '/prefs')
                self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
                tree = html.fromstring(response.content)
                return (''.join(tree.xpath('//div[@id="warning"]/text()')).strip(),
                # disable callback again
                updateMockData(self.mockdata, postcallback="")
def testURLInvocation_externalGeneralEntity_attribute_defaults(self):                                    
		#Reset the server back to "0"                                           
		r = requests.get("")                         
		url_counter = ""                        
		r = requests.get(url_counter)                                           
		request_content = r.text.replace("\r\n","")                             
		self.assertEqual("0", request_content)  

		parser = XMLParser(attribute_defaults=True) 
		with self.assertRaises(XMLSyntaxError):
			root = parse('../../xml_files_windows/ssrf/url_invocation_externalGeneralEntity.xml',parser)

		#Check if a request has been made                                       
		r = requests.get(url_counter)                                           
		request_content = r.text.replace("\r\n","")                             
		self.assertEqual("0", request_content)
def testDOS_entitySize(self):
			parser = XMLParser()
			tree = parse('../../xml_files_windows/dos/dos_entitySize.xml',parser)
			root = tree.getroot()
			count = root.text.count("dos")
			expectedCount = 3400000 
			self.assertEqual(expectedCount, count)
def testParameterEntity_doctype_dtd_validation_no_network(self):		
		parser = XMLParser(dtd_validation=True, no_network=False)
		tree = parse('../../xml_files_windows/xxep/parameterEntity_doctype.xml',parser)
		root = tree.getroot()
		self.assertEquals("it_works", root.text)
def lxml(self):
        """Get an lxml etree if possible."""
        if ('html' not in self.mimetype and 'xml' not in self.mimetype):
            raise AttributeError('Not an HTML/XML response')
        from lxml import etree
            from lxml.html import fromstring
        except ImportError:
            fromstring = etree.HTML
        if self.mimetype=='text/html':
            return fromstring(
        return etree.XML(
    lxml = cached_property(lxml)

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