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Top 10 Examples of "watch in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'watch' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // We write sketch actions to a specitic file, so we can listen to this file
    // to know in node when an action has been fired
    watch.createMonitor(ACTIONS_FOLDER_PATH, monitor => {
      monitor.on('created', () => {
        // NOTE: for some reason the action API doesn't work when running a plugin
        // from anywhere else than the plugin folder, so we cannot rely on it to
        // resolve the promise
        // TODO: find alternative way!
        // saveDocument();
        // setTimeout(() => {
        //   resolve();
        //   monitor.stop();
        // }, 200);

      // Run command with current plugin and given identifier
function fileWatch(monitorPath, remote) {
  var monitor;
  // start watch
  file.walk(monitorPath, onFileWalk);

  watch.createMonitor(monitorPath, function(_monitor) {
    monitor = _monitor;
    monitor.on('created', function(f, stat) {
      f = resolvePath(f);
      console.log('file added:', f);
      if (validFile(f) && ! stat.isDirectory()) {
        remote.emit('file added', f);

    monitor.on('removed', function(f) {
      f = resolvePath(f);
      if (validFile(f)) remote.emit('file removed', f);


function runScript(scriptPath, args, callback) {
  var process = childProcess.fork(scriptPath, args);

  process.on('error', callback);

  process.on('exit', function (code) {
    var err = code === 0 ? null : new Error('exit code ' + code);

var isAlreadyGenerating = false;

watch.watchTree(watchPath, watchOptions, function onChange(file, curr, prev) {

  if (typeof file === 'string' && prev !== null && curr !== null && curr.nlink !== 0) {
    // file was changed
    var fileName = file.match(/[\w.-]+$/)[0];
    console.log('File changed:', fileName);

    if (isAlreadyGenerating){
      console.log('Documentation generation is in progress, change skipped');

    isAlreadyGenerating = true;
    runScript(path.resolve(__dirname, './generate-documentation.js'), [fileName], function (err) {
      isAlreadyGenerating = false;
      if (err) {
function watchShop ( shopConfig ) {
	var directory =;
	if ( directory ) {
		if ( fs.existsSync( directory ) ) {

			var shopify = new ShopifySyncer( shopConfig ),
				shopOptions = shopConfig.options;

			console.log( util.format( "Walking directory tree: %s\n", directory) );

			watch.watchTree( directory, shopOptions, function sync( f, curr, prev ) {
				if ( typeof f == "object" && prev === null && curr === null ) {
					// we're done walking!

					console.log( util.format( "Now watching directory tree: %s\n", directory ).rainbow );

				// we can't actually delete the root (at Shopify), so don't try.
				else if ( f !== directory ) {

					// `walk` sometimes lets dot files through (usually on creation), so we need to double check.
					if ( shopOptions.ignoreDotFiles && path.basename(f)[0] === "." ) {
						console.log( util.format( "dotFile file ignored: %s\n", f ) );

					// `walk` sometimes lets filtered files through (usually on creation), so we need to double check.
export default async (cmd: { watch: boolean; force: boolean }) => {
  await checkIfOnline();
  await loadAPICredentials();
  await isValidManifest();
  const { rootDir } = await getProjectSettings();

  if ( {
    const patterns = await DOTFILE.IGNORE();
     * @see
    // TODO check alternative
    watchTree(rootDir || '.', async (f, curr, prev) => {
      // The first watch doesn't give a string for some reason.
      if (typeof f === 'string') {
        if (multimatch([f], patterns, { dot: true }).length) {
          // The file matches the ignored files patterns so we do nothing
      if (!cmd.force && (await manifestHasChanges()) && !(await confirmManifestUpdate())) {
        console.log('Stopping push...');
  } else {
logger.success('Vegetables started, at this address: localhost:' + config.port);'It is available %s', ( ? 'from this computer only' : 'from your network'));

	require('./generate')(argv, true, function(err) {
		if (err) {
			logger.error('First regeneration finished with errors');
		if (config.serveAutoOpen) {
			openBrowser('http://localhost:' + config.port);
		}'Waiting for file updates...');

	var firstTime = true;
	// and watch:
			'ignoreDotFiles': true,
			'ignoreUnreadableDir': true,
			'filter': function(file) {
				// watch template, root, not .vegetables
				if (['.vegetables', 'node_modules'].indexOf(file.split(path.sep)[0]) !== -1) {
					return false;
				logger.debug('Watched file:', file);
				return true;
		function (f) {
			if (firstTime) {
				firstTime = false;
compile: function(options, callback) {
    this.options = options;

    if ( {
      console.log(moment().format('[[]h:mm:ss YYYY-D-MM[]] ') + 'watch start...');

      watch.watchTree(this.options.root, {
          interval: 1000
        }, function (f, curr, prev) {
        if (typeof f == 'object' && prev === null && curr === null) {
          // Finished walking the tree
        } else {
// compile and save
      var compiled = dust.compile(String(data), templateId);
      var dirname = path.dirname(output_path);
      if (!fs.existsSync(dirname)) {

      fs.writeFile(output_path, compiled, function(err) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log('Saved ' + output_path);

  watch.createMonitor(input_path, {
    persistent: true,
    interval: 100
  }, function (monitor) {
    console.log("Watching " + input_path);
    monitor.files = ['*.dust', '*/*'];
    monitor.on("created", function (f, stat) {
      if (fs.lstatSync(f).isDirectory()) {
    monitor.on("changed", function (f, curr, prev) {
      if (fs.lstatSync(f).isDirectory()) {
fs.outputJson( + '/manifest.json', manifest);

    // Copy framework
    console.log('Copy satchel framework');
    fs.emptyDirSync( + '/Satchel.framework');
    fs.copySync(paths.framework, + '/Satchel.framework');

    // Done :)
    console.log('✓ Compiled successfully.'));

    // Start watching
    if (!watching) {
      console.log('Start watching...');
      watching = true;
      watch.createMonitor(paths.src, function (monitor) {
        monitor.on("created", build);
        monitor.on("changed", build);
        monitor.on("removed", build);
  }).catch(function (e) {
    // Catch any possible parse errors
monitor: function(){
    var watch = require('watch'), me = this;
      monitor.on("created", function (filename, stat) {
        if (!me.running)
          return; // Ignore if the server isn't running
         * @event filecreated
         * Fired when a new file is created in the server directory (recursive)
        me.syslog.log((filename+' created.'));
      monitor.on("changed", function (filename, curr, prev) {
        if (!me.running)
          return; // Ignore if the server isn't running
         * @event fileupdated
         * Fired when a file is modified somewhere in the server directory (recursive)

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