Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'meow' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
import { render, Instance } from 'ink'
import meow from 'meow'
import mls from 'multilines'
import ora from 'ora'
import updateNotifier from 'update-notifier'
import prompts from 'prompts'
import { IStarter } from './algolia'
import Emma from './Emma'
import { getDistDirectory, getStarterTemplateRepo } from './installer'
import { drawBox } from './structure'
import { mkdirSync } from 'fs'
/* Spec */
const cli = meow(
| Usage
| $ create-emma <dir>
* Make sure that user is on the latest version
* avaiable in case they have connection to NPM.
const notifier = updateNotifier(cli)
if (notifier.update) {</dir>
import meow from 'meow';
const cliBasic = meow('Do stuff');
const cli = meow(`
$ foo <input>
-r, --rainbow Include a rainbow
$ foo unicorns --rainbow
🌈 unicorns 🌈
`, {
alias: {
r: 'rainbow'
import meow from 'meow';
import chalk from 'chalk';
const cli = meow({
pkg: './../package.json',
help: [
' dictionary <input>',
' # if input match /[a-zA-Z]/ it will translate from english to , otherwise from to english',
' dictionary --en= <input>',
' # if input match /[а-яА-Я]/ it will translate from russian to , otherwise from to russian',
' dictionary --ru= <input>',
' dictionary --export',
' dictionary --export > history.txt'
const print = console.log.bind(console);
validOptions$.take(1).map(msg => [msg, LogAlways('\nStarting...')]),
size$.map(msg => [msg, R.compose(Log, Status)]),
invalidOptions$.map(msg => [msg, LogAlways(Help)]),
completion$.map(msg => [msg, BAR])
([msg, action]) => action(msg),
R.partial(LogError, ['Failure']),
R.partial(Log, ['Complete'])
const [validOptions$, invalidOptions$] = ValidOptions(
const [new$, resume$] = DownloadOptions(validOptions$)
const created$ = FlatMapShare(CreateMTDFile, new$).takeLast(1)
const mtdFile$ = O.merge(
Rx.sample([new$], created$).map(R.head)
const downloaded$ = FlatMapShare(DownloadFromMTDFile, mtdFile$)
const [{fdR$, meta$}] = demux(downloaded$, 'meta$', 'fdR$')
const finalized$ = FlatMapShare(
Rx.sample([fdR$, meta$], downloaded$.last())
.map(([fd, meta]) => ({fd$: O.just(fd), meta$: O.just(meta)}))
const completion$ = Completion(meta$.throttle(1000))
#!/usr/bin/env node
import path from "path";
import fs from "fs-extra";
import meow from "meow";
import resolveFrom from "resolve-from";
import standalone from "./standalone";
const cli = meow(
Usage generate-robotstxt [options]
--config Path to a specific configuration file.
flags: {
config: {
type: "string"
const optionsBase = {};
import meow from 'meow';
import preLogger from './helpers/logger';
import { generateImages } from './main';
import constants from './config/constants';
const cli = meow(
$ pwa-asset-generator --help
$ pwa-asset-generator [source] [output-folder]
The assets will be saved to the folder where the command is executed if no output-folder provided.
-b --background Page background to use when image source is provided: css value [default: transparent]
-o --opaque Shows white as canvas background and generates images without transparency [default: true]
-p --padding Padding to use when image source provided: css value [default: "10%"]
-s --scrape Scraping Apple Human Interface guidelines to fetch splash screen specs [default: true]
-m --manifest Web app manifest file path to automatically update manifest file with the generated icons
-i --index Index HTML file path to automatically put splash screen and icon meta tags in
-a --path Path prefix to prepend for href links generated for meta tags
import { getPlaylists, getTracks } from './playlists';
import { writeJson } from 'fs-extra';
import { resolve } from 'path';
import meow from 'meow';
import ora from 'ora';
const cli = meow(`
$ spotify-playlist-archive
async function main() {
await prechecks();
const cli = meow(
$ ${path.basename(process.argv[1])} --file=
--file, -f File Key from Figma
--help Show this message
$ ${path.basename(process.argv[1])} --file=EEggMA9IV81CYzCSI8LFEUOY
hardRejection: false,
flags: {
file: {
type: 'string',
import ora from "ora";
import { omitBy, isNull } from "lodash";
import patternplate from "../";
import patternplateInit from "../library/init/index.js";
const defaults = {
open: null,
"log.level": "info",
"log.colorize": null,
"log.timestamp": null,
"log.showLevel": null,
"server.autoPort": null
const cli = meow(
$ patternplate [command=start] [options]
start - start a patternplate instance in cwd
console - execute a task in patternplate console
init - initialize a patternplate project in cwd
help - show this help
Global Options (patternplate [=start, console, init])
env - set the runtime environment [=development, production]
log.level - log level [silly, =debug, info, warn, error]
log.colorize - enable/disable colored log output [=true, false]
log.timestamp - enable/disable timestamp on log output [=true, false]
log.showLevel - enable/disable level stamp on log outpu [=true, false]
#!/usr/bin/env node
import meow from 'meow'
import updateNotifier from 'update-notifier'
import pkg from '../package.json'
import PassandoNaTvCli from './passandoNaTv'
const notifier = updateNotifier({pkg})
const cli = meow(`
Como usar
$ passando-na-tv [canal]
--filmes, -f Apenas canais de filmes
--series, -s Apenas canais de séries
--esportes, -e Apenas canais de esportes
--infantil, -i Apenas canais infantis
--documentarios, -d Apenas canais de documentários
--noticias, -n Apenas canais de notícias
--abertos, -a Apenas canais abertos
--entretenimento, -t Apenas canais de entretenimento
--help, -h Apresentar ajuda
$ passando-na-tv --filmes