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Top 10 Examples of "duration in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'duration' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

'use strict';

import Duration from 'duration';
import P from './promise';

// The CERT_DURATION_MS is an offset from the fxa-auth-server clock, which we can reasonably assume to
// be accurate and, more importantly, in sync with the clocks of fxa-oauth-server and other consumers
// of these assertions.
const CERT_DURATION_MS =  new Duration('6h').milliseconds();
// The ASSERTION_DURATION_MS is an offset from the client's local clock, which may be wildly
// inaccurate in practice. If a user's local clock is more than ASSERTION_DURATION_MS off
// from the clock on fxa-oauth-server, then it will generate assertions with an expiry timestamp
// in the past, which will always be rejected by the server. The Firefox desktop code uses a 25-year
// assertion lifetime too, giving this clock-skew issue as the explicit reason:
const ASSERTION_DURATION_MS = new Duration('52w').milliseconds() * 25; //25 years

function importJwCrypto () {
  return import(/* webpackChunkName: "jwcryptoShim" */ './jwcrypto-shim')
    .then(module => module.default);

function ensureCryptoIsSeeded() {
  // The jwcrypto RNG needs to be seeded with entropy. If the browser
  // supports window.crypto.getRandomValues, it will fetch its entropy
  // from there, otherwise it collects entropy from the user's mouse
  // movements. In older browsers that do not support crypto.getRandomValues,
  // the tests timeout waiting for entropy, which is not awesome. If
  // the browser does not support crypto.getRandomValues, go collect
  // entropy from the server and seed the RNG.

  // browser has native crypto, no need to fetch entropy from the server.
function formatDuration (startTime: ?string, endTime: ?string) {
  if (!startTime || !endTime) {
    return ''
  const duration = new Duration(new Date(startTime), new Date(endTime)).toString(1, 1) // format: 10y 2m 6d 3h 23m 8s
  return <span>{duration}</span>

var DEFAULT_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_MS = new Duration('10s').milliseconds();
var NOT_REPORTED_VALUE = 'none';
var UNKNOWN_CAMPAIGN_ID = 'unknown';

// convert a hash of metrics impressions into an array of objects.
function flattenHashIntoArrayOfObjects(hashTable) {
  return _.reduce(
    function(memo, key) {
      return memo.concat(, function(value) {
          return value;
* @returns {Function}
function ifFormValuesChanged(handler) {
  return function () {
    if (this.updateFormValueChanges()) {
      return this.invokeHandler(handler, arguments);

const proto = BaseView.prototype;

var FormView = BaseView.extend({

  // Time to wait for a request to finish before showing a notice
  LONGER_THAN_EXPECTED: new Duration('10s').milliseconds(),

  events: {
    'change form': ifFormValuesChanged(cancelEventThen('onFormChange')),
    'input form': ifFormValuesChanged(cancelEventThen('onFormChange')),
    'keyup form': ifFormValuesChanged(cancelEventThen('onFormChange')),
    'submit form': preventDefaultThen('onFormSubmit')

  _notifiedOfEngaged: false,
  onFormChange () {
    // the change event can be called after the form is already
    // submitted if the user presses "enter" in the form. If the
    // form is in the midst of being submitted, bail out now.
    if (this.isSubmitting() || this.isHalted()) {
* file, You can obtain one at */

 * A two way channel. Messages can be sent and received. The channel requires
 * both a sender and a receiver. A sender and a receiver are the concrete
 * strategies used to send and receive messages. The decoupling of each
 * direction allows a channel to e.g., send messages via a CustomEvent and
 * receive messages via a postMessage (Fx Desktop Sync v1).

import _ from 'underscore';
import BaseChannel from 'lib/channels/base';
import Duration from 'duration';
import Logger from 'lib/logger';

var DEFAULT_SEND_TIMEOUT_LENGTH_MS = new Duration('90s').milliseconds();

function OutstandingRequests(options) {
  this._window = options.window;
  this._sendTimeoutLength =
    options.sendTimeoutLength || DEFAULT_SEND_TIMEOUT_LENGTH_MS;
  this._requests = {};
  this._logger = new Logger(this._window);

OutstandingRequests.prototype = {
  add(messageId, request) {
    // remove any old outstanding messages with the same messageId

    request.timeout = this._window.setTimeout(
      function(command) {
function getDurationSummary(durationMsg) {
  const start = new Date(0)
  const end = new Date(durationToMilliseconds(durationMsg))
  const duration = new Duration(start, end)

  return (
    )}s` + `\n`
function formatDuration(start, end = new Date()) {
  return new Duration(start, end).toString(1);
export function displayDuration(ms) {
  if(ms == null) {
    return null;
  const duration = new Duration(new Date(0), new Date(ms));
  return duration.toString(1);
* Consumers must expose a `resend` function which returns a promise
 * and actually resends the message.
 * When #resend is clicked, a .resend event is logged.
 * @module ResendMixin

import _ from 'underscore';
import Duration from 'duration';
import EmailResend from '../../models/email-resend';
import preventDefaultThen from '../decorators/prevent_default_then';

const t = msg =&gt; msg;

const SHOW_RESEND_IN_MS = new Duration('5m').milliseconds();

 * Creates the mixin to be used by views.
 * @param {Object} [options={}] options
 *   @param {String} successMessage success message to display when complete.
 *     Defaults to `Email resent`. If falsey, no message is displayed.
 * @return {Function} the mixin to be consumed by views.
export default function(options = {}) {
  const { successMessage } = _.defaults(options, {
    successMessage: t(
      'Email resent. Add to your contacts to ensure a smooth delivery.'
var durationFormat = function(ms, strings, precision) {
        var oneDay = strings ? ' ' + strings[''] : ' day';
        var days = strings ? ' ' + strings['duration.days'] : ' days';
        var oneHour = strings ? ' ' + strings['duration.short.hour'] : ' hour';
        var hours = strings ? ' ' + strings['duration.short.hours'] : ' hours';
        var oneMinute = strings ? ' ' + strings['duration.short.minute'] : ' min';
        var minutes = strings ? ' ' + strings['duration.short.minutes'] : ' mins';
        var seconds = strings ? strings['duration.short.seconds'] : 's';
        var milliseconds = strings ? strings['duration.short.millisecs'] : 'ms';

        var round;

        if (_.isUndefined(precision) || _.isNull(precision)) {
            precision = 1;

        if (!isFinite(ms)) {
            return ms === Infinity ? '\u221e' : ms === -Infinity ? '-\u221e' : String(ms);

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