Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'vm2' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
process.addListener("unhandledRejection", listener);
// clearTimeout
process.on("uncaughtException", uncaughtException);
process.on("unhandledRejection", unhandledRejection as any);
const poweredCode = convertCode(code, {
assertAfterCallbackName: postCallbackName,
filePath: filePath
// total count of assert
const totalAssertionCount = poweredCode.split(CALLBACK_FUNCTION_NAME).length - 1;
// current count of assert
let countOfExecutedAssertion = 0;
const vm = new NodeVM({
console: options.console ? "inherit" : "off",
timeout: timeout,
sandbox: {
[postCallbackName]: (_id: string) => {
if (runMode === "all" && countOfExecutedAssertion === totalAssertionCount) {
// when all finish
} else if (runMode === "any") {
// when anyone finish
// User defined context
// See https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/8071#issuecomment-240259088
// It will prevent console.log from calling the "inspect" property,
// which can be kinda messy with Proxies
require("util").inspect.defaultOptions.customInspect = false;
if (argv["dangerous-vm"]) {
lib.verbose("Analyzing with native vm module (dangerous!)");
const vm = require("vm");
vm.runInNewContext(code, sandbox, {
displayErrors: true,
// lineOffset: -fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "patch.js"), "utf8").split("\n").length,
filename: "sample.js",
} else {
lib.debug("Analyzing with vm2 v" + require("vm2/package.json").version);
const vm = new VM({
timeout: (argv.timeout || 10) * 1000,
function ActiveXObject(name) {
lib.verbose(`New ActiveXObject: ${name}`);
name = name.toLowerCase();
if (name.match("xmlhttp") || name.match("winhttprequest"))
return require("./emulator/XMLHTTP");
if (name.match("dom")) {
return {
createElement: require("./emulator/DOM"),
url: details.url,
method: details.method,
frameId: 0,
parentFrameId: -1,
tabId: details.webContentsId,
type: details.resourceType,
timeStamp: details.timestamp
const lambdaScript = `
(function(request) {
// Run our guest code
const vm = new VM()
let modifier
try {
modifier = vm.run(lambdaScript)
} catch (ex) {
if (new Date().getTime() - this._blockingOnBeforeRequestErrorSuppress.last > BLOCKING_ON_BEFORE_REQUEST_ERROR_SUPPRESS_MS) {
this._blockingOnBeforeRequestErrorSuppress.last = new Date().getTime()
`Extension Error: Failed to execute blocking onBeforeRequest for extension`,
` Extension ID: ${this.extension.id}`,
` Subsequent errors will not be reported for another ${BLOCKING_ON_BEFORE_REQUEST_ERROR_SUPPRESS_MS}ms`,
` Total Errorred runs: ${this._blockingOnBeforeRequestErrorSuppress.total}`,
` Below is a log of the failed code:`,
' ---------------',
const options = {
console: 'inherit',
require: {
external: false,
builtin: [] as string[],
root: './',
options.require.builtin = process.env.NODE_FUNCTION_ALLOW_BUILTIN.split(',');
const vm = new NodeVM(options);
// Get the code to execute
const functionCode = this.getNodeParameter('functionCode') as string;
let jsonData: IDataObject;
try {
// Execute the function code
jsonData = await vm.run(`module.exports = async function() {${functionCode}}()`);
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
// Do very basic validation of the data
if (jsonData === undefined) {
throw new Error('No data got returned. Always an object has to be returned!');
// handle.cssFile = path.resolve(frameName, "..", name);
// wxAppCode[name]();
// }
let wxAppCode = {};
let handle = {cssFile: name};
let gg = new GwxCfg();
let tsandbox = {
$gwx: GwxCfg.prototype["$gwx"],
__mainPageFrameReady__: GwxCfg.prototype["$gwx"], //解决 $gwx is not defined
__vd_version_info__: GwxCfg.prototype["$gwx"], //解决 __vd_version_info__ is not defined
__wxAppCode__: wxAppCode,
setCssToHead: cssRebuild.bind(handle)
let vm = new VM({sandbox: tsandbox});
for (let name in wxAppCode) {
if (name.endsWith(".wxss")) {
handle.cssFile = path.resolve(frameName, "..", name);
function preRun(dir,frameFile,mainCode,files,cb){
export function compile(query: string, projectDir?: string): string {
let compiledQuery = query;
if (projectDir) {
const vm = new NodeVM({
wrapper: "none",
require: {
context: "sandbox",
root: projectDir,
external: true
sourceExtensions: ["js", "sql"],
compiler: (code, path) => compiler(code, path)
// This use of genIndex needs some rethinking. It uses the version built into
// @dataform/api instead of @dataform/core, which would be more correct, as done in compile.ts.
// Possibly query compilation as a whole needs a redesign.
const indexScript = indexFileGenerator(
{ projectDir },
`(function() {
run: (code, { filename, mainFilename, mainSource } = {}) => {
const script = new VMScript(code, filename)
const prefix = errorPrefix != null ? errorPrefix : 'Error ocurred.'
// NOTE: if we need to upgrade vm2 we will need to check the source of this function
// in vm2 repo and see if we need to change this,
// we needed to override this method because we want "displayErrors" to be true in order
// to show nice error when the compile of a script fails
script.compile = function compile () {
if (this._compiled) return this
this._compiled = new originalVM.Script(this.code, {
filename: this.filename,
displayErrors: true
return this
this.serverAddress = config.serverAddress || ''
this.serverPort = parseInt(config.serverPort)
this.responseDelay = parseInt(config.responseDelay)
this.delayUnit = config.delayUnit
this.unitId = config.unitId
this.minAddress = config.minAddress
this.splitAddress = config.splitAddress
this.showErrors = config.showErrors
this.funcGetCoil = new VMScript(config.funcGetCoil).compile()
this.funcGetDiscreteInput = new VMScript(config.funcGetDiscreteInput).compile()
this.funcGetInputRegister = new VMScript(config.funcGetInputRegister).compile()
this.funcGetHoldingRegister = new VMScript(config.funcGetHoldingRegister).compile()
this.funcSetCoil = new VMScript(config.funcSetCoil).compile()
this.funcSetRegister = new VMScript(config.funcSetRegister).compile()
let node = this
node.bufferFactor = 8
node.coilsBufferSize = parseInt(config.coilsBufferSize * node.bufferFactor)
node.registersBufferSize = parseInt(config.registersBufferSize * node.bufferFactor)
node.coils = Buffer.alloc(node.coilsBufferSize, 0)
node.registers = Buffer.alloc(node.registersBufferSize, 0)
node.modbusServer = null
mbBasics.setNodeStatusTo('initialized', node)
// 1...10000* address - 1 Coils (outputs) 0 Read/Write
// 10001...20000* address - 10001 Discrete Inputs 01 Read
await actions[api.action](api.payload);
} catch (error) {
// the code of the smart contarct comes as a Base64 encoded string
codeTemplate = codeTemplate.replace('###ACTIONS###', Base64.decode(code));
// compile the code for faster executions later on
const script = new VMScript(codeTemplate).compile();
const tables = {};
// prepare the db object that will be available in the VM
const db = {
// createTable is only available during the smart contract deployment
createTable: (tableName, indexes = []) => SmartContracts.createTable(
ipc, tables, name, tableName, indexes,
// perform a query find on a table of the smart contract
find: (table, query, limit = 1000, offset = 0, indexes = []) => SmartContracts.find(
ipc, name, table, query, limit, offset, indexes,
// perform a query find on a table of an other smart contract
findInTable: (contractName, table, query, limit = 1000, offset = 0, index = '', descending = false) => SmartContracts.find(
ipc, contractName, table, query, limit, offset, index, descending,
function getInjectedAPP_CONFIG(body: string) {
const $ = load(body);
const scriptContent = $("script#app-config").html();
const vm = new VM({ sandbox: { window: {} } });
return vm.run("window.APP_CONFIG");