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Top 10 Examples of "aws-iot-device-sdk in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'aws-iot-device-sdk' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

if (argv.db) {
    MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
    // TODO: maybe add a mongouri config paramter to the config.json so people can set this explicitly
    var mongoUri = process.env.MONGOLAB_URI|| process.env.MONGOHQ_URI || 'mongodb://' + argv.db;

    MongoClient.connect(mongoUri, function(err, db) {
        if(err) throw err;
        collectionS = dbo.collection('tesla_stream');
        collectionA = dbo.collection('tesla_aux');
if (argv.awsiot) {
    var device = awsIot.device({
        keyPath: creds.awsiot.keyPath,    //path to your AWS Private Key
        certPath: creds.awsiot.certPath,  //path to your AWS Public Key
        caPath: creds.awsiot.caPath,      //path tp your AWS Root Certificate
        clientId: creds.awsiot.clientId,  //Your AWS IoT Client ID
        region: creds.awsiot.region       //The AWS region in whcih your IoT account is registered
    if (!argv.topic) {
        console.log('No AWS IOT topic specified. Using teslams/{id} where {id} is the vehicle id of the car');
        argv.topic = 'teslams';
    // Device is an instance returned by mqtt.Client(), see mqtt.js for full
    // documentation.
    device.on('connect', function() {
        ulog('awsiot device connected!');
const awsIot = require("aws-iot-device-sdk");
const turf = require("@turf/along").default;
const route = require("./route.json");

const device = awsIot.device({
  keyPath: "./harness-private.pem.key",
  certPath: "./harness-certificate.pem.crt",
  caPath: "./AmazonRootCA1.pem",
  clientId: "testing",
  host: "$$INSERT$$"

device.on("connect", () => {
  // * Uncomment this out to subscribe
  // * Then uncomment the message event handler below
  // device.subscribe("assetingest");

device.on("reconnect", () => {
var awsIot = require('aws-iot-device-sdk');

var thingName = 'Led';
var thingShadows = awsIot.thingShadow({
    keyPath: 'certs/fa635d3140-private.pem.key',
    certPath: 'certs/fa635d3140-certificate.pem.crt',
    caPath: 'certs/root-CA.crt',
    clientId: thingName,
    region: 'us-west-2'

thingShadows.on('connect', function () {

    // An update right away causes a timeout error, so we wait about 2 seconds
    setTimeout(function () {
        console.log("Updating Led Status...");
        var led = thingShadows.update(thingName, {
            "state": {
constructor(getKeysResponse: GetKeysResponse) {
		this.device = new awsIot.device({
			region: getKeysResponse.region,
			protocol: "wss",
			// debug: true,
			clientId: getKeysResponse.identityId,
			accessKeyId: getKeysResponse.accessKeyId,
			secretKey: getKeysResponse.secretAccessKey,
			sessionToken: getKeysResponse.sessionToken,
			port: 443,
			host: getKeysResponse.iotEndpoint

		if (getKeysResponse) {
			this.identityId = getKeysResponse.identityId || "";

		this.device.on("error", err => {
// Initialize our configuration.
AWS.config.region = AWSConfiguration.region;

AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({
   IdentityPoolId: AWSConfiguration.poolId

// Create the AWS IoT device object.  Note that the credentials must be 
// initialized with empty strings; when we successfully authenticate to
// the Cognito Identity Pool, the credentials will be dynamically updated.
const mqttClient = AWSIoTData.device({
   // Set the AWS region we will operate in.
   region: AWS.config.region,
   ////Set the AWS IoT Host Endpoint,
   // Use the clientId created earlier.
   clientId: clientId,
   // Connect via secure WebSocket
   protocol: 'wss',
// Initialize our configuration.
AWS.config.region = AWSConfiguration.region;

AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({
   IdentityPoolId: AWSConfiguration.poolId

// Create the AWS IoT device object.  Note that the credentials must be 
// initialized with empty strings; when we successfully authenticate to
// the Cognito Identity Pool, the credentials will be dynamically updated.
const mqttClient = AWSIoTData.device({
   // Set the AWS region we will operate in.
   region: AWS.config.region,
   // Set the AWS IoT Host Endpoint
   // //,
   // Use the clientId created earlier.
   clientId: clientId,
   // Connect via secure WebSocket
   protocol: 'wss',
AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({
   IdentityPoolId: AWSConfiguration.poolId

// Keep track of whether or not we've registered the shadows used by this
// example.
var shadowsRegistered = false;

// Create the AWS IoT shadows object.  Note that the credentials must be 
// initialized with empty strings; when we successfully authenticate to
// the Cognito Identity Pool, the credentials will be dynamically updated.
const shadows = AWSIoTData.thingShadow({
   // Set the AWS region we will operate in.
   region: AWS.config.region,
   //Set the AWS IoT Host Endpoint
   // Use a random client ID.
   clientId: 'temperature-control-browser-' + (Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000) + 1)),
   // Connect via secure WebSocket
   protocol: 'wss',
app.setup = function() {
  app.device = awsIot.device({
    keyPath: __dirname + "/certs/MagicMirror.private.key",
    certPath: __dirname + "/certs/MagicMirror.cert.pem",
    caPath: __dirname + "/certs/root-CA.crt",
    clientId: "MirrorMirror" + (new Date().getTime()),
    region: "us-east-1",
    host: "",

  app.device.on('connect', function() {

  app.device.on('message', function(topic, payload) {
    console.log('message', topic, payload.toString());
app.setup = function() {
  app.device = awsIot.device({
    keyPath: __dirname + "/certs/MagicMirror.private.key",
    certPath: __dirname + "/certs/MagicMirror.cert.pem",
    caPath: __dirname + "/certs/root-CA.crt",
    clientId: "MagicMirror" + (new Date().getTime()),
    region: "us-east-1",
    host: "",

   * AWS IoT - Connecting MagicMirror as a device to our AWS IoT topics
  console.log("Attempt to connect to AWS ");
  app.device.on("connect", function() {
    console.log("Connected to AWS IoT");


var awsIot = require("aws-iot-device-sdk");
var config = require("./device.json");
const commandLineArgs = require('command-line-args');

const optionDefinitions = [
  { name: 'verbose', alias: 'v', type: Boolean, defaultValue: false },
  { name: 'region', alias: 'r', type: String, defaultValue: config.region },
  { name: 'unitid', alias: 'u', type: String, defaultValue: config.deviceId }
const options = commandLineArgs(optionDefinitions);

var data = [];
try {
  var device = awsIot.device({
    keyPath: "cert/private.pem.key",
    certPath: "cert/certificate.pem.crt",
    caPath: "cert/root.pem.crt",
    clientId: options.unitid,
    region: options.region

  var topic = "test/"+options.unitid;

  var messages = [
    {"line1":"I :heart: beer!","line2":"How about you?"},
    {"line1":"Step right up...","line2":"and grab a beer!"},
    {"line1":"What a beautiful","line2":"day for a beer!"},
    {"line1":"HEY! YOU!","line2":"Want a beer?"}

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