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Top 10 Examples of "underscore in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'underscore' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it('should parse the specified keys to CSV', function (done) {
                // Create a copy so we don't modify the actual options object
                var opts = _.extend(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(options)), {KEYS: ['', 'year']});
                converter.json2csv(json_arrayValue, function (err, csv) {
                }, opts);
tiles: tiles
                assert.equal(job.size, size, 'size');

                assert.deepEqual(job._encodedTiles, expected, 'encoded');

                let encjob = newJob({
                    zoom: zoom,
                    _encodedTiles: job._encodedTiles

                assert.equal(encjob.size, size, 'size2');
                let expectedDecoded = _.reject(tiles, v => Array.isArray(v) && v[0] === v[1]);
                // Remove empty ranges
                expectedDecoded =, v => Array.isArray(v) && v[0] === v[1] + 1 ? v[0] : v);
                assert.deepEqual(encjob.tiles, expectedDecoded, 'roundtrip');
            } catch(err) {
                err.message = msg + ': ' + err.message;
                throw err;

 * _.range
_.range(0, 10)[4] == 4
// $ExpectError string. This type is incompatible with number
_.range(0, 'a');
// $ExpectError string cannot be compared to number
_.range(0, 10)[4] == 'a';

 * _.bind
_.bind(function(a,b){return this.x+a+b;}, {x: 1}, 2, 3);
// $ExpectError number. This type is incompatible with the expected param type of function type

 * _.bindAll
_.bindAll({msg: 'hi', greet: function(){ return this.msg;}}, 'greet');
_.bindAll({msg: 'hi', greet: function(){ return this.msg;}}, 'greet', 'toString');
_.bindAll({msg: 'hi', greet: function(){ return this.msg;}}, ['greet'], 'toString');

 * _.extend
us.each(form.evidence_profiles, function(prof){

			    // Mine out class expressions..
			    var cln_ce_str = [];
			    var cln_ce = [];
			    us.each(prof.class_expressions, function(ce){
				ce_cache[ce.class_id()] = true;

			    // Mine out source and with.
			    var cln_src = [];
			    var cln_with = [];
			    us.each(prof.annotations, function(ann){
				if( ann.key() === 'with' ){
				if( ann.key() === 'source' ){
var bindEdgeCollections = function(self, edgeCollections) {
  _.each(edgeCollections, function(key) {
    var obj = db._collection(key);
    var wrap = wrapCollection(obj);
    // save
    var old_save =; = function(from, to, data) {
      //check, if edge is allowed
        function(edgeDefinition) {
          if (edgeDefinition.collection === key) {
            var fromCollection = from.split("/")[0];
            var toCollection = to.split("/")[0];
            if (! _.contains(edgeDefinition.from, fromCollection)
              || ! _.contains(, toCollection)) {
              throw "Edge is not allowed between " + from + " and " + to + ".";
doFullBackup: function() {
        chatHandler.announceRoom('mods', "Backing up server...", "blue");

        var deploySh = spawn('sh', [ '' ], {
          //cwd: process.env.HOME + '/myProject',
          cwd: '/root',
          env:_.extend(process.env, {
            PATH: process.env.PATH + ':/usr/local/bin'

        deploySh.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
          chatHandler.announceRoom('mods', data, "red");
          //console.log('stderr: ' + data);

        // handle error so server doesn't crash...
        deploySh.on('error', function(err) {
            log('Error doing full backup!', err);

        deploySh.on('exit', function (code) {
            chatHandler.announceRoom('mods', "Backup complete!", "blue");
// Check arguments
	if (arguments.length != 4) {
		var error			= new Error('Please call svg-sprite.createSprite() with exactly 4 arguments');
		error.errno			= 1391852448;
		return error;
	// Keep the intermediate files
	options				= _.extend({}, defaultOptions, options || {});
	options.verbose		= Math.max(0, Math.min(3, parseInt(options.verbose, 10) || 0));
	// Temporarily alter the configuration options to keep intermediate files and suppress all output rendering
	options._keep		= options.keep;
	options.keep		= 1;
	options._render		= _.extend({css: true}, options.render);
	options.render		= {css: false};
	// Create the SVG sprite
	var sprite			= SVGSprite.createSprite(inputDir, outputDir, options, function(error, results) {
		// Restore configuration options
		results.options	= restoreOptions(results.options);
		// If an error occured while creating the SVG sprite: Abort
		if (error) {
			callback(error, results);
		// Else: Create icon kit
		} else {
			new Iconizr(results).createIconKit(callback);
if (!options) options = {};

  if (options.configPath) {
    if (fs.existsSync(options.configPath)) {
      config = require(options.configPath);
    } else {
      // self.log isn't setup until after config is loaded
      console.warn('The config file you passed does not exist: %s'.yellow, options.configPath);
  } else if (fs.existsSync(defaults.configPath)) {
    config = require(path.resolve(defaults.configPath));

  return _.extend(defaults, config, options);
                        else {
                            this.$set(this.items[i], 'selected', false);
            // 配置用户自定义的value
            if (item.value && typeof item.value === 'function') {
                let value = item.value();
                if (u.isDate(value)) {
                    if (['date', 'datetime'].indexOf(this.type) > -1) {
                        this.$emit('set-date-handler', value, '');
                if (u.isArray(value) && value.length === 2 && u.isDate(value[0]) && u.isDate(value[1])) {
                    if (['daterange', 'daterangetime'].indexOf(this.type) > -1) {
                        this.$emit('set-date-handler', value[0], value[1]);
            // 调用用户自定义的点击事件函数
            if (item.onClick && typeof item.onClick === 'function') {
            // 如果配置了快捷面板点击自动关闭
            if (this.autoClose && !this.confirm) {
            // 暴露对外点击接口
            this.$emit('on-shortcut-click', item);
return this._change("@error", evtargs) ;
    // Event not found, try higher level of event (e.g. readFile.done becomes readFile)
    splitevt = evtname.split('.') ;
    splitevt.pop() ;
    if (splitevt.length) {
      evtname = splitevt.join('.') ;
      evtlevel += 1 ;
      evtRightMatch = _calcRightMatch(evtRightMatch, evtname) ;
    } else {
      if (this.parent) {
        // Bubble event up to parent
        if (_.isArray(inevent)) {
          inevent[0] = fullevtname ;
        } else {
          inevent = fullevtname ;
        this.parent._inject(this, inevent, argshift) ;
      } else {
        if (this.debugEmitter) {
          this.debugEmitter.emit('warn', this, this.stateName, evtname, "Unexpected event '"+fullevtname+"'.") ;
        if (this.jsmFactory.options.strict) {
          evtargs.unshift(new Error("Event ["+evtname+"] received in ["+this.stateName+"].")) ;
          return this._change("@error") ;
        // Otherwise ignore

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