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Top 10 Examples of "jasmine-marbles in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'jasmine-marbles' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it('should show quote after getQuote (marbles)', () => {
    // observable test quote value and complete(), after delay
    // #docregion test-quote-marbles
    const q$ = cold('---x|', { x: testQuote });
    // #enddocregion test-quote-marbles
    getQuoteSpy.and.returnValue( q$ );

    fixture.detectChanges(); // ngOnInit()
    expect(quoteEl.textContent).toBe('...', 'should show placeholder');

    // #docregion test-scheduler-flush
    getTestScheduler().flush(); // flush the observables
    // #enddocregion test-scheduler-flush

    fixture.detectChanges(); // update view

    expect(quoteEl.textContent).toBe(testQuote, 'should show quote');
    expect(errorMessage()).toBeNull('should not show error');
  // #enddocregion get-quote-test
it('should return a LoadConfigsSuccess when the configService serve configuration', () => {
            const expectedConfig = {value: {subValue1: 1, subValue2: 2}};

            const localActions$ = new Actions(hot('-a--', {a: new LoadConfig()}));

            // const localMockConfigService = jasmine.createSpyObj('ConfigService', ['fetchConfiguration']);

            configService.fetchConfiguration.and.returnValue(hot('---b', {b: expectedConfig}));
            const expectedAction = new LoadConfigSuccess({config: expectedConfig});
            const localExpected = hot('---c', {c: expectedAction});

            effects = new ConfigEffects(mockStore, localActions$, configService);

        it('should return a LoadConfigsFailure when the configService doesn\'t serve configuration', () => {
it('should trigger ClearLightCardSelection if navigating from feed/cards/* to somewhere else', () => {

            const navigation = {
                type: ROUTER_REQUEST,
                payload: {
                    routerState: {
                        url: "/feed/cards/myCardId"
                    event: new NavigationStart(1,"/archive/")

            const localActions$ = new Actions(hot('-a-', { a: navigation}));

            const expectedAction = new ClearLightCardSelection();
            const localExpected = hot('-b-', {b: expectedAction});

            effects = new CustomRouterEffects(mockStore, localActions$);


test(`should handle a delay with a specific retry date time`, () => {
      const waitTime = time(`${'-'.repeat(100)  }|`);
      const emissionTime = new Date(getTestScheduler().now() + waitTime);

      const retryErrorWithSpecificDelay = new HttpErrorResponse({
        status: 429,
        headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'Retry-After': emissionTime.toString() }),

      getTestScheduler().maxFrames = 1500;

        errorAfter(3, retryErrorWithSpecificDelay, 1).pipe(
          httpRetryer({ scheduler: getTestScheduler() }),
      ) as any).toBeObservable(
        // Note the '- 2' account for the time it takes to get to the first error
        cold(`ab${  '-'.repeat(100 - 2)  }abcd`, {
          a: 1,
          b: 2,
          c: 3,
          d: 4,
test(`should handle a delay with a specific retry date time`, () => {
      const waitTime = time(`${'-'.repeat(100)  }|`);
      const emissionTime = new Date(getTestScheduler().now() + waitTime);

      const retryErrorWithSpecificDelay = new HttpErrorResponse({
        status: 429,
        headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'Retry-After': emissionTime.toString() }),

      getTestScheduler().maxFrames = 1500;

        errorAfter(3, retryErrorWithSpecificDelay, 1).pipe(
          httpRetryer({ scheduler: getTestScheduler() }),
      ) as any).toBeObservable(
        // Note the '- 2' account for the time it takes to get to the first error
        cold(`ab${  '-'.repeat(100 - 2)  }abcd`, {
// there is no i18n file referenced in the store
        const cachedI18n$ = hot('-b', {b:new Map>()});$);


        // an UpdateTranslation is expected
        const expectedVersions=new Set(>card.publisherVersion));
        const expectedThirdAndVersion=generateThirdWithVersion('testPublisher',expectedVersions);
        const expectedEmittedActions = hot('-c'
            , {
                c: new UpdateTranslation({versions: expectedThirdAndVersion})
it('should return a [ngrx-forms] SetErrors action if the register service throws', () => {
      const result = {
        error: {
          errors: { invalid: 'Invalid data' } as Errors,
      const registerAction = AuthActions.register();
      const setErrors = new SetErrors(result.error.errors);

      actions$ = hot('-a---', { a: registerAction });
      const response = cold('-#', {}, result);
      service.register = jest.fn(() => response);
      const expected = cold('--b', { b: setErrors });

it("should dispatch a showMessageAction", () => {
      const message = {
        type: MessageType.Success,
        content: "Job Created Successfully",
        duration: 5000
      const action = fromActions.submitJobCompleteAction({ job });
      const outcome = showMessageAction({ message });

      actions = hot("-a", { a: action });

      const expected = cold("-b", { b: outcome });
it("CheckExportStatus should dispatch another CheckExportStatus action if the download isn't ready", () => {
      actions = hot('a', {
        a: new Actions.CheckExportStatus({ reportId, taskId }),
      const response = cold('-b', { b: { state: 'newp' } });
      const expected = cold(delay + 'c', {
        c: new Actions.CheckExportStatus({ reportId, taskId }),


it('should initialize product$', () => {
      facade.product$ = hot('ab', { a: null, b: mockProduct });
      const expected = cold('ab', { a: null, b: mockProduct });

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