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Top 7 Examples of "terminal-image in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'terminal-image' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

async function retrieveArticleImage(article) {
  // Verifies that the article parsed via Mercury has a lead image, and tries to fetch it
  const imageLoadingSpinner = ora('Descargando y preparando imágen...');
  try {
    logger('Working on image: %s', article.lead_image_url);


    // Fetch the image using the "got" package
    const response = await got(article.lead_image_url).buffer();

    // Prepare the image for displaying it in the terminal
    const articleImage = await terminalImage.buffer(response);

    return articleImage;
  } catch (err) {
    imageLoadingSpinner.warn('No se pudo desplegar la imágen! ' + err.message);
    return '';
case COPY: {
  Image copied to clipboard! 😌`
			default: {
  The file can be found here: ${downloadedAs} 😌`

				if (process.env.TERM_PROGRAM && process.env.TERM_PROGRAM.match('iTerm')) {
  iTerm2 should display the image below. 😊

  ${await terminalImage.file(downloadedAs)}`


	} catch (error) {
  ${red('Error: Sending code to went wrong.')}

  This is mostly due to:

  – Insensical input like \`--start 10 --end 2\`
  – Carbon being down or taking too long to respond
.split(' ')
		.map(x => chalk[randomColor()](x))
		.join(' ');

	const seedBox = boxen(seed, {
		float: 'center',
		padding: 1,
		borderStyle: 'round',
		borderColor: 'yellow',
		dimBorder: true

	if (isIterm) {
		termImg(dogeImage, {width: '100%'});
	} else {
		console.log(await terminalImage.file(dogeImage));

	console.log(seedBox, '\n\n\n');
(async() => {
          console.log(await terminalImage.file('./img/logo.png'))
          console.log(`Assistant Relay is now setup and running for${ => ` ${u}`)} \n`)
          console.log(`You can now visit ${global.db.get("baseUrl").value()} in a browser, or send POST requests to it`);
        if (!global.db.get("muteStartup").value()) {
async function previewImage(imageData) {
  const imageAsJimp = await arrayToJimp(imageData);
  const pngBuffer = await imageAsJimp.getBufferAsync(jimp.MIME_PNG);
  console.log(await terminalImage.buffer(pngBuffer));
const showPreview = async (objName, modelJSON, isDirScan = false) => {
  if (objName === true) {
    console.log(await terminalImage.buffer(Buffer.from(
  } else if (objName && objName !== true && modelJSON.foundObjects.indexOf(objName) == -1 && !isDirScan) {
    console.log(`\n'${ objName.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + objName.substr(1) }' not found. ` + 
      `After the --show flag, provide an object name from the list above or 'colormap' to view the highlighted object colormap.`)
  } else if (objName && objName !== true && modelJSON.foundObjects.indexOf(objName) == -1 && isDirScan) {
    console.log(objName.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + objName.substr(1) + ' not found in this image.')
  else {
    console.log(await terminalImage.buffer(Buffer.from(await cropObject(, modelJSON), 'base64')))

  if (modelJSON.foundObjects.indexOf(objName) !== -1) {

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