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Top 10 Examples of "flow in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'flow' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

// listen for events to track cache rate and errors
    cacher.on("hit", function (key) {
        console.log("Using Cached response for: " + key)

    cacher.on("miss", function (key) {
        console.log("No cached response for: " + key + ".  Generating.")

    cacher.on("error", function (key) {
        console.log("Error with cache. " + err)

    //Show specific GP operation
    //Cacher will use in-memory cache for 1 day.
    app.all('/services/custom/custom_operation', cacher.cache('days', 1), flow.define(function (req, res) {
    //app.all('/services/custom/custom_operation', flow.define(function (req, res) {
        this.args = {};
        this.req = req;
        this.res = res;

        //Grab POST or QueryString args depending on type
        if (req.method.toLowerCase() == "post") {
            //If a post, then arguments will be members of the this.req.body property
            this.args = req.body;
        } else if (req.method.toLowerCase() == "get") {
            //If request is a get, then args will be members of the this.req.query property
            this.args = req.query;

        if (JSON.stringify(this.args) != '{}') {
shortid = require('shortid');
var operation = {};

/* METADATA */ = "GetThemeFeaturesByID";
operation.description = "Gets theme-based features and properties based on GADM ID and level.";
operation.inputs = {};

operation.outputImage = false;

operation.inputs["ids"] = {}; //comma separated list of ids
operation.inputs["theme"] = {}; //string - theme name

operation.Query = "SELECT ST_AsGeoJSON(geom) as geom, theme_count, level FROM vw_theme_{{theme}}_gadm WHERE stack_guid IN ({{ids}})";

operation.execute = flow.define(
    function (args, callback) {
        this.args = args;
        this.callback = callback;
        //Step 1

        //Generate UniqueID for this Task = shortid.generate();

        //See if inputs are set. Incoming arguments should contain the same properties as the input parameters.
        if (operation.isInputValid(args) === true) {
            operation.inputs["ids"] = args.ids;
            operation.inputs["theme"] = args.theme.toLowerCase();

            //need to wrap ids in single quotes
            //Execute the query
            var query;
var operation = {};

/* METADATA */ = "GetAggregatedThemeFeaturesByID";
operation.description = "Gets theme-based features and properties based on GADM ID and level.";
operation.inputs = {};

operation.outputImage = false;

operation.inputs["ids"] = {}; //comma separated list of ids
operation.inputs["theme"] = {}; //string - theme name
operation.inputs["gadm_level"] = {}; //string - gadm_level (0 -5)

operation.Query = "SELECT sum(count{{gadm_level}}) as project_count, guid{{gadm_level}} as guid, ST_ASGeoJSON(geom{{gadm_level}}) FROM sf_aggregated_gadm_{{theme}}_counts WHERE guid{{gadm_level}} IN ({{ids}}) GROUP BY guid{{gadm_level}}, geom{{gadm_level}}";

operation.execute = flow.define(
    function (args, callback) {
        this.args = args;
        this.callback = callback;
        //Step 1

        //Generate UniqueID for this Task = shortid.generate();

        //See if inputs are set. Incoming arguments should contain the same properties as the input parameters.
        if (operation.isInputValid(args) === true) {
            operation.inputs["ids"] = args.ids;
            operation.inputs["theme"] = args.theme.toLowerCase();
					  operation.inputs["gadm_level"] = args.gadm_level.toLowerCase();

            //need to wrap ids in single quotes
            //Execute the query
/* METADATA */ = "GetBreadCrumbsWithThemeCountsByID";
operation.description = "Gets full stack for breadcrumbs (including theme counts at each level) based on GADM ID and level.";
operation.inputs = {};

operation.outputImage = false;

operation.inputs["ids"] = {}; //comma separated list of ids
operation.inputs["theme"] = {}; //string - theme name
operation.inputs["gadm_level"] = {}; //string - gadm_level (0 -5)

//operation.Query = "SELECT sum(count{{gadm_level}}) as project_count, guid{{gadm_level}} as guid, ST_ASGeoJSON(geom{{gadm_level}}) as geom FROM sf_aggregated_gadm_{{theme}}_counts WHERE guid{{gadm_level}} IN ({{ids}}) GROUP BY guid{{gadm_level}}, geom{{gadm_level}}";

//SELECT guid2, name2, guid1, name1, guid0, name0, guidarc, namearc, guidarc FROM gadmrollup WHERE guid2 IN ('ca4f7dd8-3023-4e18-b644-13449e14b4b3')

operation.execute = flow.define(
    function (args, callback) {
        this.args = args;
        this.callback = callback;
        //Step 1

        //Generate UniqueID for this Task = shortid.generate();

        //See if inputs are set. Incoming arguments should contain the same properties as the input parameters.
        if (operation.isInputValid(args) === true) {
            operation.inputs["ids"] = args.ids;
            operation.inputs["theme"] = args.theme.toLowerCase();
			operation.inputs["gadm_level"] = args.gadm_level.toLowerCase();

            //need to wrap ids in single quotes
            //Execute the query
function fetchTableNames(cb) {
    var queryStr = "SELECT * FROM pg_tables;";

    query(queryStr, function(err, rows) {
        var tables = {};
            tables[row.tablename] = true;

 Wrap insertRows in a Flow.  Each step is dependant upon the previous.
var insertRows = flow.define(

	function(queryTable, rows, queryStr, cb) {

		this.queryTable = queryTable;
		this.rows = rows;
		this.queryStr = queryStr;
		this.cb = cb;

		//Get an array of proper field names
		this.fields = getTableFieldNamesFromQuery(this.queryStr);

		//Get table names from postgres

	},function (tables) { //TODO: Only look up table names once.  Move this out of here.
		// See if a query table exists.
"inner join (SELECT ST_Union(ST_transform( ST_BUFFER( ST_transform(geom, {srid}), {buffer_distance}), 4326 )) as geom " +
"FROM {country}_cicos " +
"WHERE {where_clause} " +
") b on " +
"st_intersects(a.geom, b.geom) " +
"GROUP BY a.landuse,,; " +
"CREATE INDEX _gptemp_gix ON _gptemp USING GIST (geom); " +
"END$$; " +
"SELECT SUM((_st_summarystats(ST_Clip(rast,_gptemp.geom, true), 1, true, 1)).sum) as  sum, _gptemp.landuse,,, ST_AsGeoJSON(_gptemp.geom) as geom " +
"FROM {country}_population_raster, _gptemp " +
"WHERE ST_Intersects(_gptemp.geom,rast) " +
"GROUP BY _gptemp.landuse, _gptemp.geom,,; ";

operation.execute = flow.define(
    function (args, callback) {
        this.args = args;
        this.callback = callback;
        //Step 1

        //Generate UniqueID for this GP Task = shortid.generate();

        //See if inputs are set. Incoming arguments should contain the same properties as the input parameters.
        if (operation.isInputValid(args) === true) {
            operation.inputs["where_clause"] = args.where_clause;
            operation.inputs["buffer_distance"] = args.buffer_distance;
            operation.inputs["country_code"] = args.country_code.toUpperCase();

            //Take the point and buffer it in PostGIS
            var query = { text: operation.Query.replace("{where_clause}", operation.inputs["where_clause"]).replace("{buffer_distance}", operation.inputs["buffer_distance"]).split("{country}").join(countries[operation.inputs["country_code"]].name).replace("{srid}", countries[operation.inputs["country_code"]].srid), values: [] };
"ST_UNION(st_intersection(a.geom,b.geom)) as geom " +
"from {country}_district_landuse a " +
"inner join (SELECT ST_Union(ST_transform( ST_BUFFER( ST_transform(ST_GeomFromGeoJson('{geojson}'), {srid}), {buffer_distance}), 4326 )) as geom " +
") b on " +
"st_intersects(a.geom, b.geom) " +
"GROUP BY a.landuse,,; " +
"CREATE INDEX \"_gptemp{gpid}_gix\" ON \"_gptemp{gpid}\" USING GIST (geom); " +
"END$$; " +
"SELECT SUM((_st_summarystats(ST_Clip(rast,c.geom, true), 1, true, 1)).sum) as  sum, c.landuse,,, ST_AsGeoJSON(c.geom) as geom " +
"FROM {country}_population_raster, \"_gptemp{gpid}\" c " +
"WHERE ST_Intersects(c.geom,rast) " +
"GROUP BY c.landuse, c.geom,,; ";

operation.execute = flow.define(
    function (args, callback) {
        this.args = args;
        this.callback = callback;
        //Step 1

        //Generate UniqueID for this GP Task = shortid.generate();

        //See if inputs are set. Incoming arguments should contain the same properties as the input parameters.
        if (operation.isInputValid(args) === true) {
            operation.inputs["geojson"] = args.geojson;
            operation.inputs["buffer_distance"] = args.buffer_distance;
            operation.inputs["country_code"] = args.country_code.toUpperCase();

            //Take the point and buffer it in PostGIS
            var query = { text: operation.Query.replace("{geojson}", operation.inputs["geojson"]).split("{gpid}").join("{buffer_distance}", operation.inputs["buffer_distance"]).split("{country}").join(countries[operation.inputs["country_code"]].name).replace("{srid}", countries[operation.inputs["country_code"]].srid), values: [] };
exports.createCachedFolder = function (table) {
    var folder = './public/cached_nodetiles/' + table;
    //create a folder for this table in public/cached_nodetiles if it doesn't exist
    fs.exists(folder, function (exists) {
        if (exists === false) {
            //make it
            console.log("Didn't find cache folder.  Tyring to make folder: " + folder);
            fs.mkdir(folder, function () {
                console.log("Made " + folder);
//Create a static renderer that will always use the default styling
exports.createPGTileRenderer = flow.define(function (app, table, geom_field, epsgSRID, cartoFile) { = app;
    this.table = table;
    this.epsg = epsgSRID;

    var name;
    var stylepath = __dirname + '/cartocss/';
    var fullpath = "";

    //Set the path to the style file
    if (cartoFile) {
        //Passed in
        fullpath = stylepath + cartoFile;
    } else {
        fullpath = stylepath + table + styleExtension;
fs.exists(folder, function (exists) {
        if (exists === false) {
            //make it
            console.log("Didn't find cache folder.  Tyring to make folder: " + folder);
            fs.mkdir(folder, function () {
                console.log("Made " + folder);

//Create a renderer that will accept dynamic GeoJSON Objects and styling and bring back a single image to fit the map's extent.
exports.createGeoJSONQueryRenderer = flow.define(function (app, geoJSON, epsgSRID, cartoFile, id, callback) { = app;
    this.geoJSON = geoJSON;
    //this.geom_field = geom_field;
    this.epsg = epsgSRID;

    var _self = this;
    var dynamicURL = '/services/GeoJSONQueryMap/' + id;

    //Create Route for this table - TODO:  Figure out how/when to kill this endpoint, function (req, res) {

        //Check for correct args
        //Needs: width (px), height (px), bbox (xmin, ymax, xmax, ymin), where, optional styling
        var args = {};
if (gp && gp.names) {
			for ( i = 0; i < gp.names.length; i++) {
					name : gp.names[i],
					link : "geoprocessing_operation?name=" + gp.names[i]

		//Render HTML page with results at bottom
		common.respond(req, res, args);


	//Show specific GP operation
	app.all('/services/geoprocessing/geoprocessing_operation', flow.define(function(req, res) {
		this.args = {};
		this.req = req;
		this.res = res;

		//Grab POST or QueryString args depending on type
		if (req.method.toLowerCase() == "post") {
			//If a post, then arguments will be members of the this.req.body property
			this.args = req.body;
			//Add in req.files if present
			if(req.files) this.args.files = req.files;
		} else if (req.method.toLowerCase() == "get") {
			//If request is a get, then args will be members of the this.req.query property
			this.args = req.query;

		if (JSON.stringify(this.args) != '{}') {

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