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Top 5 Examples of "temp-file in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'temp-file' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

if (checkOptions.signed) {
    packagerOptions = signed(packagerOptions)
  if (checkOptions.signedWin) {
    configuration.cscLink = WIN_CSC_LINK
    configuration.cscKeyPassword = ""
  else if ((configuration as Configuration).cscLink == null) {
    packagerOptions = deepAssign({}, packagerOptions, {config: {mac: {identity: null}}})

  const projectDirCreated = checkOptions.projectDirCreated
  let projectDir = path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "fixtures", fixtureName)
  // const isDoNotUseTempDir = platform === "darwin"
  const customTmpDir = process.env.TEST_APP_TMP_DIR
  const tmpDir = checkOptions.tmpDir || new TmpDir(`pack-tester: ${fixtureName}`)
  // non-macOS test uses the same dir as macOS test, but we cannot share node_modules (because tests executed in parallel)
  const dir = customTmpDir == null ? await tmpDir.createTempDir({prefix: "test-project"}) : path.resolve(customTmpDir)
  if (customTmpDir != null) {
    await emptyDir(dir){customTmpDir}, "custom temp dir used")

  await copyDir(projectDir, dir, {
    filter: it => {
      const basename = path.basename(it)
      // if custom project dir specified, copy node_modules (i.e. do not ignore it)
      return (packagerOptions.projectDir != null || basename !== "node_modules") && (!basename.startsWith(".") || basename === ".babelrc")
    isUseHardLink: USE_HARD_LINKS,
  projectDir = dir
exports.default = async function (configuration) {
    //, 'sign config');
    // Only process on one hash, we set hashes manually to control the order
    if (configuration.hash === 'sha1') {
    const vm = new _vm.VmManager();
    const tempDirManager = new tempFile.TmpDir('packager');

    // signtool.exe
    // const windowsCodeSign = require("app-builder-lib/out/codeSign/windowsCodeSign");
    // const vendorPath = await windowsCodeSign.getSignVendorPath();
    // const signTool = path.join(vendorPath, "windows-10", process.arch, "signtool.exe");

    const signTool = "azuresigntool";
    // Appending each sig puts it after the top one, so the order here is a bit odd
    // For 4 signatures, sign in the following order: 1 4 3 2

    // 1
    let argsSha256 = computeAzureSignToolArgs(configuration, vm, false);{hash: 'sha256', path: configuration.path, tool: signTool}, 'signing');
import { ElectronWebpackConfiguration } from "electron-webpack"
import { copy, emptyDir } from "fs-extra"
import MemoryFS from "memory-fs"
import * as path from "path"
import { TmpDir } from "temp-file"
import webpack, { Configuration, Stats } from "webpack"

export const tmpDir = new TmpDir()

export const rootDir = path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "..")

export async function doTest(configurationFile: string, electronWebpackConfiguration?: ElectronWebpackConfiguration) {
  const projectDir = await getMutableProjectDir()
  const finalConfiguration = {projectDir, ...electronWebpackConfiguration}
  const configuration = await require(`electron-webpack/${configurationFile}`)({configuration: finalConfiguration, production: true})
  await testWebpack(configuration, projectDir)

export async function getMutableProjectDir(fixtureName = "simple") {
  const projectDir = process.env.TEST_APP_TMP_DIR || await tmpDir.getTempDir()
  await emptyDir(projectDir)
  await copy(path.join(rootDir, "test/fixtures", fixtureName), projectDir)
  return projectDir
async function getGradleClasspathDependencies(p: Project): Promise {
    const lp = p as LocalProject;
    const initScript = `allprojects {
    apply plugin: "java"
    task listCompilePath(dependsOn: configurations.compileClasspath) {
        doLast {
            println "classpath=\${configurations.testCompileClasspath.collect { File file -> file }.join('${path.delimiter}')}"
    const tempFile = await new TmpDir().getTempFile({prefix: "init", suffix: ".gradle"});
    await fs.writeFile(tempFile, initScript);
    const log = new StringCapturingProgressLog();
    await spawnLog(await determineGradleCommand(p), ["--init-script", tempFile, "listCompilePath"], {log, cwd: lp.baseDir});
    const result = /classpath=(.*)/.exec(log.log);
    if (result) {
        return result[1]
            .map(element => {
                return element.substr(element.lastIndexOf(path.sep) + 1);
    } else {
        return [];
async function getMavenClasspathDependencies(p: Project): Promise {
    const lp = p as LocalProject;
    const log = new StringCapturingProgressLog();
    const tempFile = await new TmpDir().getTempFile({prefix: "classpath", suffix: ".txt"});
    await spawnLog(await determineMavenCommand(p), ["dependency:build-classpath", `-Dmdep.outputFile=${tempFile}`], {log, cwd: lp.baseDir});
    const classpath = await fs.readFile(tempFile, "UTF-8");
    return classpath
        .map(element => {
            return element.substr(element.lastIndexOf(path.sep) + 1);

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