Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'elkjs' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
// also get their current positions and apply them to the internal list
const left = node.elRef.nativeElement.firstChild.offsetLeft;
const top = node.elRef.nativeElement.firstChild.offsetTop;
node.nodeTemplate.x = left;
node.nodeTemplate.y = top;
// get source and targets of relationships
relationshipTemplates.forEach((rel, index) => {
const sourceElement = rel.sourceElement.ref;
const targetElement = rel.targetElement.ref;
edges.push({id: index.toString(), sources: [sourceElement], targets: [targetElement]});
// initialize elk object which will layout the graph
const elk = new ELK({});
const graph = {
id: 'root',
properties: {
'elk.algorithm': 'layered',
'elk.spacing.nodeNode': '80',
'elk.direction': 'DOWN',
'elk.layered.spacing.nodeNodeBetweenLayers': '100'
children: children,
edges: edges,
return new Promise(resolve => {
const promise = elk.layout(graph);
promise.then((data) => {
this.applyPositions(data, nodeChildrenArray).then(() => {
.attr('transform', 'scale(0.02) rotate(90)')
.attr('d', 'M852.8,558.8c0,194.5-158.2,352.8-352.8,352.8c-194.5,0-352.8-158.3-352.8-352.8c0-190.8,152.4-346.7,341.8-352.5v117.4l176.4-156.9L489,10v118C256.3,133.8,68.8,324.8,68.8,558.8C68.8,796.6,262.2,990,500,990c237.8,0,431.2-193.4,431.2-431.2H852.8z')
if (!$('#qtip')[0]) {
// add qtip to the document
$(document.body).append("<div id="qtip"><span id="qtipArrow">ā</span><div id="qtipContent"></div></div>")
if (activations) {
$(wskflowContainer).append("<div style="position: absolute; display:none; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); color: white; font-size: 0.75em; padding: 1ex; width:225px; right: 5px; top: 5px;" id="actList"></div>")
const root = svg.append('g')
let elkData
const elk = new ELK()
const doneRendering = elk.layout(JSONgraph, {
layoutOptions: Object.assign({
'elk.algorithm': 'org.eclipse.elk.layered',
'org.eclipse.elk.direction': 'DOWN',
'org.eclipse.elk.edgeRouting': 'ORTHOGONAL',
'org.eclipse.elk.layered.nodePlacement.bk.fixedAlignment': 'BALANCED',
'elk.layered.spacing.nodeNodeBetweenLayers': 15, // org.eclipse. prefix doesn't work (elk bug???)
// 'org.eclipse.elk.layered.cycleBreaking.strategy': "DEPTH_FIRST",
'org.eclipse.elk.insideSelfLoops.activate': true
}, layoutOptions)
.then(data => {
elkData = data
// By default, the graph resizes to fit the size
// of the container i.e. zoom-to-contain, showing
// also get their current positions and apply them to the internal list
const left = node.elRef.nativeElement.firstChild.offsetLeft;
const top = node.elRef.nativeElement.firstChild.offsetTop;
node.nodeTemplate.x = left;
node.nodeTemplate.y = top;
// get source and targets of relationships
relationshipTemplates.forEach((rel, index) => {
const sourceElement = rel.sourceElement.ref;
const targetElement = rel.targetElement.ref;
edges.push({id: index.toString(), sources: [sourceElement], targets: [targetElement]});
// initialize elk object which will layout the graph
const elk = new ELK({});
const graph = {
id: 'root',
properties: {
'elk.algorithm': 'layered',
'elk.spacing.nodeNode': '200',
'elk.direction': 'DOWN',
'elk.layered.spacing.nodeNodeBetweenLayers': '200'
children: children,
edges: edges,
return new Promise(resolve => {
const promise = elk.layout(graph);
promise.then((data) => {
this.applyPositions(data, nodeChildrenArray).then(() => {
import ELK from 'elkjs'
import * as R from 'ramda'
import * as logLevel from 'loglevel'
import xmlFormat from 'xml-formatter'
import X from './xml/Element'
import { uniqMarkers, preprocess } from './utils'
import { simplifyPath } from './utils/edge'
import { defaultLayoutOptions, defaultSizeOptions, defaultMarkers } from './constants'
const log = logLevel.getLogger('ariel/index')
const elk = new ELK()
const createNode = (n, defaultLayoutOptions) => {
// node
const node = new X('svg', R.pick(['x', 'y', 'width', 'height'], n))
const strokeWidth = 1
const padding = Math.ceil(strokeWidth / 2) // padding to avoid cliping: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7241393
const shape = new X('rect', { x: padding, y: padding, width: n.width - padding * 2, height: n.height - padding * 2, fill: 'none', stroke: 'black', 'stroke-width': strokeWidth })
if (shape.get('stroke-width') === 1) {
shape.delete('stroke-width') // omit default value
// node label
if (!R.isNil(n.labels) && !R.isEmpty(n.labels)) {
R.forEach(l => {
let text = new X('text', { x: '50%', y: '50%', 'text-anchor': 'middle', 'dominant-baseline': 'central', stroke: 'black' }, l.text)