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Top 10 Examples of "valid-url in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'valid-url' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

alias: {
            o: 'outfile',

if (cli.flags.limitSimilar) {
    if (!Number.isInteger(cli.flags.limitSimilar)) {
        // Set default if true
        cli.flags.limitSimilar = 3;

if (cli.flags.referenceUrl) {

    if (!validurl(cli.flags.referenceUrl)) {
            `> Error: "${cli.flags.referenceUrl}" isn't a valid reference URL`

if (cli.input.length > 0) {
    if (validurl(cli.input[0])) {
        crawl(cli.input[0], cli.flags);
    } else {
        console.error(`> Error: "${cli.input[0]}" isn't a valid URL`);
} else {
words = [text];
		if (text.indexOf(' ') > -1) {
			words = text.split(' ');

		// add html links
		i = words.length;
		while (x < i) {
			var cn = options.className,
				word = utils.trim(words[x]);

			// the . is not need for valid url, but is inforced here
			if (word.indexOf('http:') === 0 || word.indexOf('https:') === 0 && word.indexOf('.') > 0) {

				// check url is valid 
				if (validUrl.isUri(word)) {
					if (!out.url) {
						out.url = [];
					expanded = getExpandedUrl(word, options);
					var address = word;
					if (expanded) {
						address = expanded;
							match: word,
							expanded: expanded
					} else {
							match: word
formatRedditUrl (url) {
    if (!validUrl.isUri(url)) {
      throw new Error('Valid url is required')

    let parsed = parse(url)
    if (!parsed.hostname === '') {
      throw new Error('Url has to use as host')

    if (url.endsWith('.json')) {
      return url
    } else if (url.endsWith('/')) {
      let urlArr = url.split('/')
      urlArr.pop() // removes the enpty
      return `${urlArr.join('/')}.json`
    } else {
      throw new Error('Url is not correct format for a Reddit proof')
isPlugin: false,
            isWXALib: false,
            isDynamic: false,
            isBase64: false,

        // judge path's kind;
        if (x[0] === '.') { // require('./') require('../')
            ret.isRelative = true;
        } else if (x[0] === '#') { // require('#') require plugin plugin require('plugin name')
            ret.isPlugin = true;
        } else if (this.pkgReg.test(x)) { // require('@scope/pkg') require('pkg')
            ret.isNodeModule = true;
        } else if (x[0] === '/') { // require('/abcd')
            ret.isAPPAbsolute = true;
        } else if (validUrl.is_uri(x)) { // components from plugin or uri
            if (x.indexOf('plugin://') === 0) ret.isPlugin = true;
            else if (x.indexOf('wxa://') === 0) (ret.isWXALib = true, = x.slice(6));
            else ret.isURI = true;
        } else if (this.base64Reg.test(x)) {
            ret.isURI = true;
            ret.isBase64 = true;
        } else if (this.dynamicReg.test(x)) {
            ret.isURI = true;
            ret.isDynamic = true;
        } else {
            throw new Error('Path Error', '无法解析的路径类型: '+x);

        return ret;
const urlShortener = async (req, res) => {
    const URL = req.body.url;
    const API_KEY_HEADER = req.get('api-key');
    /* It's a workaround, it could be better */
    const [, , domain] = auth(API_KEY_HEADER);
    const responseStatus = isAuthorizedUser(API_KEY_HEADER);
    if (responseStatus === 200) {`User is authorised`);
        const specialURL = req.body.custom;
        const customUrlExists = await db.hgetall(`short:${specialURL}`);
        if (Object.keys(customUrlExists).length) {
            return res.end(
                `URL with name ${specialURL} already exists. try different URL`
        const isURL = validURL.isWebUri(URL);
        if (isURL) {
  `User has given valid URL`);
            // part of URL either custom or incremented-auto-url
            const customOrAuto = specialURL || (await db.spop('genurls'));
            await db.publish('removed', 'remove');
            const fullURL = specialURL
                ? `${domain}${customOrAuto}`
                : `${domain}${customOrAuto}`;
  `Got shortUrl ${customOrAuto}. updating DB`);
            await db.hset(
const markDownUnfurlImagePlugin = (extension, file) => {
  if (extension !== 'md' || !, 'unfurl')) {
    return file;

  const unfurl = file.metadata.unfurl;
  // if the image paramater is relative, it will be correctly mapped to an absolute path
  if (
    isString(unfurl.image) &&
    unfurl.image.trim().length > 0 &&
  ) {
    if (path.isAbsolute(unfurl.image)) {
      // if the path is absolute we need to map the path based of the sourcePath to the repo
      // this plus the absolute path cannot just be joined as the github api follows a convention
      // for reaching a file
      const urlObject = new url.URL(file.url);
      const branch = urlObject.searchParams.get('ref');
      const path = `${file.metadata.owner}/${file.metadata.source}/blob/${branch}${unfurl.image}`;
      const absPath = url.resolve('', path);

      const absPathObj = new url.URL(absPath);
      absPathObj.searchParams.set('raw', true);
      unfurl.image = absPathObj.toString();
    } else {
      // if path is relative
      const absPath = url.resolve(file.html_url, unfurl.image);
validateRequest(request) {
    let imageUrl = request.query.url;

    imageUrl = imageUrl ? imageUrl.trim() : '';

    // Require url
    if (!imageUrl) {
      return new Error(this.errors.url_missing);

    // Check valid url
    if (!validUrl.isHttpUri(imageUrl) && !validUrl.isHttpsUri(imageUrl)) {
      return new Error(this.errors.url_invalid);

    // Get extension
    let extension = this.getUrlExtension(imageUrl);

    if (this.validExtensions.indexOf(extension) === -1) {
      return new Error(this.errors.url_image_invalid);

    return true;
validate: (value) => {
    return UrlValidator.isHttpUri(value) || UrlValidator.isHttpsUri(value);
  error: 'The URL must be valid and be https:// or http://',
var start_url = function(opts, callback) {

  var $ = cheerio.load(opts.html);
  var url = opts.url;

  var startUrl = $('link[rel=start]').attr('href');

  if (!startUrl) {
    startUrl = $('[name=msapplication-starturl]').attr('content');

  if (!startUrl) {
    if (url && !isUrl(url)) {
      // if the url exists and is not a valid wbe url (e.g. /foo), then
      // its probably the start_url we want to use
      startUrl = url;
    else if (isUrl(url)) {
      // if we have a valid url, then its more likely that we were given the homepage
      // for the app. So the path is the most likely canidate for the start_url
      startUrl = _url.parse(url).path;
    else {
      // I can't think of a better default
      startUrl = '/';

  if (callback) {
const start_url = (opts, callback) => {

  const $ = Cheerio.load(opts.html);
  const url = opts.url;

  let startUrl = $('link[rel=start]').attr('href');

  if (!startUrl) {
    startUrl = $('[name=msapplication-starturl]').attr('content');

  if (!startUrl) {
    if (url && !IsURL(url)) {
      // if the url exists and is not a valid wbe url (e.g. /foo), then
      // its probably the start_url we want to use
      startUrl = url;
    else if (IsURL(url)) {
      // if we have a valid url, then its more likely that we were given the homepage
      // for the app. So the path is the most likely canidate for the start_url
      startUrl = Url.parse(url).path;
    else {
      // I can't think of a better default
      startUrl = '/';

  if (callback) {

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