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Top 10 Examples of "react-docgen in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'react-docgen' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

.map(path => {
      try {
        /* ignore secondary files */
        const directoryName = path.split('/').splice(-2, 1)[0]
        const componentFileName = directoryName.replace('_', '') + '.js'

        /* if component file does not exist, move on*/
        if (!path.includes(componentFileName)) return

        /* append display name handler to handlers list */
        const handlers = docgen.defaultHandlers

        /* read file to get source code */
        const code = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')

        /* parse the component code to get metadata */
        const data = docgen.parse(code, null, handlers)

        /* make modifications to prop types to improve documentation */
        if (data.props) {
          Object.values(data.props).forEach(prop => {
            /* remove redundant quotes from default value of type string */
            if (prop.defaultValue) {
              if (typeof prop.defaultValue.value === 'string') {
                prop.defaultValue.value = prop.defaultValue.value.replace(/^'(.*)'$/, '$1')
const stylesRegexp = /export const styles.*[\r\n](.*[\r\n])*};[\r\n][\r\n]/;
    const styleRegexp = /\/\* (.*) \*\/[\r\n]\s*(\w*)/g;
    // Extract the styles section from the source
    const stylesSrc = stylesRegexp.exec(styleSrc);

    if (stylesSrc) {
      // Extract individual classes and descriptions
      stylesSrc[0].replace(styleRegexp, (match, desc, key) => {
        styles.descriptions[key] = desc;

  let reactAPI;
  try {
    reactAPI = docgenParse(src, null, defaultHandlers.concat(muiDefaultPropsHandler), {
      filename: componentObject.filename,
  } catch (err) {
    console.log('Error parsing src for', componentObject.filename);
    throw err;
  } = name;
  reactAPI.styles = styles;
  reactAPI.pagesMarkdown = pagesMarkdown;
  reactAPI.src = src;
  reactAPI.spread = spread;
  reactAPI.EOL = getLineFeed(src);

  const testInfo = await parseTest(componentObject.filename);
  // no Object.assign to visually check for collisions
for (const line of lines) {
    if (line === '// @component-docs ignore-next-line') {
      skip = true;

    if (skip) {
      skip = false;

    content += line + '\n';

  const info = parse(
    [...defaultHandlers, staticPropertyHandler],
      cwd: root,
      filename: filepath,
  const name = info.displayName || getNameFromPath(filepath);

  return {
    filepath: path.relative(root, filepath),
    title: name,
    description: info.description,
    link: dashify(name),
    data: info,
if (regex) {
        replacement: '',
        paths: [temp],
        silent: true,

  const rawFile = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(reactMD, sourceFolder, temp || file + '.js'));
  try {
    // For some reason there are 2 entries in the navigation drawer
    const docgenIndex = file === 'NavigationDrawer' ? 1 : 0;
    const generated = docgen.parse(rawFile, docgen.resolver.findAllComponentDefinitions)[docgenIndex];
    generated.source = `src/js/${sourceFolder}/${file}.js`;
    generated.component = component.replace(/(?=Focus)Container/, '');
    generated.methods = generated.methods.filter(method => !== '_');
    Object.keys(generated.props).forEach(key => {
      if (key.charAt(0) === '_' || generated.props[key].description.match(/@access private/)) {
        delete generated.props[key];

    docgens[folder] = docgens[folder] || {
      name: generated.component.replace(/((?!Snackbar)Container|Group)/, ''),
      docgens: [],

name: `docs`,
        path: `${__dirname}/../packages`,
        ignore: ["examples/**", "es/**", "umd/**"]
      resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
      options: {
        name: `images`,
        path: `${__dirname}/src/images`
      resolve: `gatsby-transformer-react-docgen`,
      options: {
        resolver: require("react-docgen").resolver.findAllComponentDefinitions,
        babelrcRoots: ["../*"]
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
      options: {
        name: "reach-ui",
        short_name: "reach-ui",
        start_url: "/",
        background_color: "#1159a6",
        theme_color: "#1159a6",
        display: "minimal-ui",
        icon: "src/images/reach-icon.png" // This path is relative to the root of the site.
function resolveDefinition(definition, types) {
    if (isReactCreateClassCall(definition)) {
        // return argument
        const resolvedPath = resolveToValue(definition.get('arguments', 0));
        if (types.ObjectExpression.check(resolvedPath.node)) {
            return resolvedPath;
    } else if (isReactComponentClass(definition) || isDecoratedBy(definition, 'cn')) {
        return definition;
    } else if (isStatelessComponent(definition)) {
        return definition;
    return null;
function resolveDefinition(definition, types) {
  if (isReactCreateClassCall(definition)) {
    // return argument
    var resolvedPath = resolveToValue(definition.get('arguments', 0));
    if (types.ObjectExpression.check(resolvedPath.node)) {
      return resolvedPath;
  } else if (isReactComponentClass(definition)) {
    return definition;
  } else if (isStatelessComponent(definition)) {
    return definition;
  } else if (isSimpleTag(definition)) {
    var resolvedPath = resolveToValue(definition.get('arguments', 0));
    return resolvedPath;
  } else if (isWithMDC(definition)) {
    var resolvedPath = resolveToValue(definition.get('arguments', 0));
    return resolvedPath;
function resolveDefinition(definition, types) {
  if (isReactCreateClassCall(definition)) {
    // return argument
    var resolvedPath = resolveToValue(definition.get('arguments', 0));
    if (types.ObjectExpression.check(resolvedPath.node)) {
      return resolvedPath;
  } else if (isReactComponentClass(definition)) {
    return definition;
  } else if (isStatelessComponent(definition)) {
    return definition;
  } else if (isSimpleTag(definition)) {
    var resolvedPath = resolveToValue(definition.get('arguments', 0));
    return resolvedPath;
  } else if (isWithMDC(definition)) {
    var resolvedPath = resolveToValue(definition.get('arguments', 0));
    return resolvedPath;

  return null;
visitAssignmentExpression(path) {
            // Ignore anything that is not `exports.X = ...;` or
            // `module.exports = ...;`
            if (!isExportsOrModuleAssignment(path)) {
                return false;
            // Resolve the value of the right hand side. It should resolve to a call
            // expression, something like React.createClass
            path = resolveToValue(path.get('right'));
            if (!isComponentDefinition(path)) {
                path = resolveToValue(resolveHOC(path));
                if (!isComponentDefinition(path)) {
                    return false;
            if (definition) {
                // If a file exports multiple components, ... complain!
                throw new Error(ERROR_MULTIPLE_DEFINITIONS);
            definition = resolveDefinition(path, types);
            return false;
.reduce((acc, def) => {
                if (isComponentDefinition(def)) {
                    return acc;

                const resolved = resolveToValue(resolveHOC(def));
                if (isComponentDefinition(resolved)) {
                    return acc;

                if (isDecoratedBy(def, 'cn') && def.get('superClass')) {
                    const superClass = def.get('superClass');
                    if (!originalClassName) { // save original component name and use it to patch parent class
                        originalClassName = def.get('id');

                    const src = getSourceFileContent(importedModules[], filePath);
                    filePath = src.filePath; // update file path, so we can correctly resolve imports
                    linkedFile = recast.parse(src.content, { esprima: babylon });
                    return acc;

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