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Top 10 Examples of "etcd3 in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'etcd3' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

const { Etcd3 } = require('etcd3');

let endpoints = process.env.COMPOSE_ETCD_ENDPOINTS;
let envuser = process.env.COMPOSE_ETCD_USER
let envpass = process.env.COMPOSE_ETCD_PASS

// Create auth credentials
let opts = {
  hosts: endpoints.split(","),
  auth: {
    username: envuser,
    password: envpass

var etcd = new Etcd3(opts).namespace("/grand_tour/words/");

// We want to extract the port to publish our app on
let port = process.env.PORT || 8080;

// We can now set up our web server. First up we set it to serve static pages
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

// The user has clicked submit to add a word and definition to the database
// put them into etcd3 and respond
app.put("/words", function (request, response) {
    (result) => {
  ).catch((err) => {

let envuser = process.env.COMPOSE_ETCD_USER;
let envpass = process.env.COMPOSE_ETCD_PASS;

// Create auth credentials
let opts = {
    hosts: endpoints.split(","),
    auth: {
        username: envuser,
        password: envpass

var etcd = new Etcd3(opts).namespace("/grand_tour/words/");

// We want to extract the port to publish our app on
let port = process.env.PORT || 8080;

// We can now set up our web server. First up we set it to serve static pages
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

// Add a word to the database
function addWord(word, definition) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        etcd.put(word).value(definition).then(() => {
        }).catch((err) => {
delete(clusterStatus.apiEndpoints[node.metadata!.name!]);![configMapKey] = yaml.safeDump(clusterStatus);
  const { response: cmReplaceResp } = await coreV1Client.replaceNamespacedConfigMap(configMapName, configMapNS, kubeadmCM);

  if (!purgedMasterIP) {
    logger.warn(`Failed to find IP of deleted master node from kubeadm-config: skipping etcd peer removal step`);
  if (!remainingMasterIPs.length) {
    logger.error(`Cannot remove etcd peer: no remaining etcd endpoints available to connect to`);

  // 2. Use the credentials from the mounted etcd client cert secret to connect to the remaining
  // etcd members and tell them to forget the purged member.
  const etcd = new Etcd3({
    credentials: {
      rootCertificate: fs.readFileSync("/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt"),
      privateKey: fs.readFileSync("/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/client.key"),
      certChain: fs.readFileSync("/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/client.crt"),
    hosts:, (ip) => `https://${ip}:2379`),
  const peerURL = `https://${purgedMasterIP}:2380`;
  const { members } = await etcd.cluster.memberList();
  const purgedMember = _.find(members, (member) => {
    return _.includes(member.peerURLs, peerURL);
  if (!purgedMember) {`Purged node was not a member of etcd cluster`);
it('should throw cache update error if store op fails', () => {
      putStub = sandbox.stub(Etcd3.prototype, 'put', (k) => new PutStubber(hash, k, true));
      containsStub = sandbox.stub(subject, 'containsDeployment', () => Promise.resolve(false));
      return subject.saveDeployment('plan_id', '5', {}, {}).catch(err => {
it('should return true if task is in cache', () => {
      getStub = sandbox.stub(Etcd3.prototype, 'get', (k) => new SingleRangeStubber(hash, k));
      return subject.containsBoshTask('1').then(o => {
    it('should return false if task is not in cache', () => {
it('should store deployment in cache if absent previously', () => {
      putStub = sandbox.stub(Etcd3.prototype, 'put', (k) => new PutStubber(hash, k));
      containsStub = sandbox.stub(subject, 'containsDeployment', () => Promise.resolve(false));
      return'plan_id', '4', {
        param: 'value'
      }, {
        arg: 'val'
      }).then(o => {
    it('should not store again if previously present in cache', () => {
it('should return true if task is in cache', () => {
      getStub = sandbox.stub(Etcd3.prototype, 'get', (k) => new SingleRangeStubber(hash, k));
      return subject.containsBoshTask('1').then(o => {
    it('should return false if task is not in cache', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
      sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
      valueStub = sandbox.stub();
      acquireStub = sandbox.stub();
      releaseStub = sandbox.stub();
      jsonStub = sandbox.stub();
      putStub = sandbox.stub(Etcd3.prototype, 'put', () => {
        return {
          value: (val) => Promise.resolve(valueStub(val))
      getStub = sandbox.stub(Etcd3.prototype, 'get', () => {
        return {
          json: () => Promise.resolve(jsonStub())
      lockStub = sandbox.stub(Etcd3.prototype, 'lock', () => {
        return {
          ttl: () => {
            return {
              acquire: () => Promise.resolve(acquireStub())
before(() => {
      sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
      valueStub = sandbox.stub();
      stringStub = sandbox.stub();
      jsonStub = sandbox.stub();
      putstub = sandbox.stub(Etcd3.prototype, 'put', () => {
        return {
          value: (val) => Promise.resolve(valueStub(val))
      getstub = sandbox.stub(Etcd3.prototype, 'get', () => {
        return {
          json: () => Promise.resolve(jsonStub()),
          string: () => Promise.resolve(stringStub()),

      prefixWatcherStub = sandbox.stub().returns({
        create: () => Promise.resolve({
          on: () => Promise.resolve('prefixWatcherStubResponse')
before(() => {
      sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
      valueStub = sandbox.stub();
      stringStub = sandbox.stub();
      jsonStub = sandbox.stub();
      putstub = sandbox.stub(Etcd3.prototype, 'put', () => {
        return {
          value: (val) => Promise.resolve(valueStub(val))
      getstub = sandbox.stub(Etcd3.prototype, 'get', () => {
        return {
          json: () => Promise.resolve(jsonStub()),
          string: () => Promise.resolve(stringStub()),

      prefixWatcherStub = sandbox.stub().returns({
        create: () => Promise.resolve({
          on: () => Promise.resolve('prefixWatcherStubResponse')
      keyWatcherStub = sandbox.stub().returns({
        create: () => Promise.resolve({
          on: () => Promise.resolve('keyWatcherStubResponse')

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