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Top 9 Examples of "json-schema-to-typescript in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'json-schema-to-typescript' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

;(async function () {
  for (let schema of schemas) {
    // Have to pass an empty options object, otherwise we trigger a bug where
    // the cwd for the JSON schema $ref resolver defaults to the current
    // working directory instead of the file's directory.
    let ts = await compileFromFile(resolve(__dirname, '../src/schemas/', schema), {})

    if (schema === 'Config.json') {
      ts = ts
        // This is the only way to let Config inherit from the interface without
        // redefining all the fields.
        .replace('export interface Config', 'export class Config')
        // Ignore the error stating that `accounts` isn't assigned in the
        // constructor.
        .replace('accounts: {', 'accounts!: {')

    fs.writeFileSync(resolve(__dirname, '../src/schemas/', schema.split('.')[0] + 'Typing.ts'), ts)
  .catch(err => console.error(err))
['json-schema-draft-07', 'settings', 'site'].map(async file => {
      let schema = await readFile(path.join(schemaDir, `${file}.schema.json`), 'utf8')
      // HACK: Rewrite absolute $refs to be relative. They need to be absolute for Monaco to resolve them
      // when the schema is in a oneOf (to be merged with extension schemas).
      schema = schema.replace(

      const types = await compileJSONSchema(JSON.parse(schema), 'settings.schema', {
        cwd: schemaDir,
        $refOptions: {
          resolve: /** @type {import('json-schema-ref-parser').Options['resolve']} */ ({
            // there should be no reason to make network calls during this process,
            // and if there are we've broken env for offline devs/increased dev startup time
            http: false,
      await writeFile(path.join(outputDir, `${file}.schema.d.ts`), types)
const processTSResult = async (resource, schema) => {
    const tsCode = await converter.compile(schema,;
    const output = tsLintDisable +
        tsCode.replace(regexpExport, `\nexport interface I${} {\n`);

    await fs.writeFile(path.join(outputPath, 'resources', `${}.ts` ), output);

    console.log(`wrote interface ${}.ts`);

    for (let str of ['import', 'export']) {
        resourceInterface += `${str} {I${}} from './resources/${}';\n`;
  const fixturePath = `${fixturesDir}/${name}.data.json`;
  jsosnfile.writeFileSync(fixturePath, humps.camelizeKeys(data));
  console.log(`[task:prepbuild] writing fixture ${fixturePath}`));

  const schemaPath = `${schemaDir}/${name}.schema.json`;
  const schema = schemify(humps.camelizeKeys(data));
  jsosnfile.writeFileSync(schemaPath, schema, {
    spaces: 2,
  console.log(`[task:prepbuild] writing json schema ${schemaPath}`),

  const interfacesPath = `./src/interfaces/${name}.interface.ts`;
  const interfaces = await compileFromFile(
  fs.writeFileSync(interfacesPath, interfaces);
  console.log(`[task:prepbuild] writing interface ${interfacesPath}`),
fs.readdirSync('./src/schemas').forEach(file => {
  const { name: fileName } = parse(file)
  const resultPath = `${process.cwd()}/src/types/${fileName}.ts`
  if (fs.existsSync(resultPath)) {
    console.log(`${resultPath} already exists, skipping`)
    return null
  compileFromFile(`${process.cwd()}/src/schemas/${file}`, { bannerComment: `/**\n\t* Value representing a ${fileName}.\n\t*/` })
  .then(ts => fs.writeFileSync(resultPath, ts))
async function generateClassFromJSON(property: string) {
  writeFileSync(`${outputPath}/${property}.d.ts`, await compileFromFile(`${outputPath}/${property}.json`, {
    style: {
      singleQuote: true

  console.log(`Type definition for '${property}' has been saved to: ${outputPath}/${property}.d.ts`);
return __generator(this, function (_c) {
            switch (_c.label) {
                case 0:
                    _a = fs_1.writeFileSync;
                    _b = [outputPath + "/" + property + ".d.ts"];
                    return [4 /*yield*/, json_schema_to_typescript_1.compileFromFile(outputPath + "/" + property + ".json", {
                            style: {
                                singleQuote: true
                case 1:
                    _a.apply(void 0, _b.concat([_c.sent()]));
                    console.log("Type definition for '" + property + "' has been saved to: " + outputPath + "/" + property + ".d.ts");
                    return [2 /*return*/];
const transformer = useCallback(async ({ value }) => {
    return compile(JSON.parse(value), "MySchema", {
      bannerComment: ""
  }, []);
Object.entries(schemas).map(([name, schema]) => {
        if (!name.match(/Schema$/)) {
          return '';
        return compile(schema, schema.title || firstUp(name), opts);

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