Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'i18n' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
construct: function(self, options) {
var i18nOptions = self.options || {};
_.defaults(i18nOptions, {
locales: ['en'],
cookie: 'apos_language',
directory: self.apos.rootDir + '/locales'
// Make the i18n instance available globally in Apostrophe
self.apos.i18n = i18n;
function initialize() {
const shouldQuit = makeSingleInstance();
if (shouldQuit) {
return app.exit(0);
locales: localeArray,
directory: `${__dirname}/locales`,
objectNotation: true
function createWindow() {
const windowOptions = {
width: 1080,
minWidth: 680,
height: 840,
icon: path.join(__dirname, `${process.platform === 'win32' ? '/public/image/hostsdock.ico' : '/public/image/hostsdock.png'}`),
show: false
// Create the browser window.
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow(windowOptions);
indent: ' ',
api: {
__: 't',
__n: 'tn',
__l: 'tl',
__h: 'th',
__mf: 'tmf'
register: i18n.api,
defaultLocale: config.defaultLocale,
syncFiles: config.i18nSyncFiles,
autoReload: config.i18nAutoReload,
updateFiles: config.i18nUpdateFiles
i18n.translate = function(key, locale) {
let args = _.values(arguments).slice(2);
if (_.isUndefined(args)) args = [];
const phrase = config.i18n[key];
if (!_.isString(phrase)) {
logger.warn(`translation key missing: ${key}`);
args = [{ phrase, locale }, ...args];
return i18n.api.t(...args);
i18n.middleware = function(ctx, next) {
// expose api methods to `ctx.req` and `ctx.state`
i18n.init(ctx.req, ctx.state);
// override the existing locale detection with our own
'views': sails.config.paths.views
// Set up a mock request for i18n to use as context
var req = {
headers: {}
// Initialize i18n if hook is enabled
if (sails.hooks.i18n) {
// If a locale was specified as an option, render the view with that locale
req.headers['accept-language'] = options.locale || sails.hooks.i18n.defaultLocale;
require('i18n').init(req, options, function() {
// Set the locale if necessary
if (options.locale) {
req.locale = options.locale;
// Render the view
sails.config.views.engine.fn(absPathToView, options, cb_view);
} else {
sails.config.views.engine.fn(absPathToView, options, cb_view);
module.exports = async (message, callback) => {
const mss = {};
// Set default values
mss.content = message.content.trim() || '';
mss.prefix = prefixes.find(prefix => mss.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix)) || '';
mss.command = '';
mss.input = '';
mss.admin = 0;
// If there's a prefix, get rid of the prefix and check for any command
if (mss.prefix && !message.author.bot) {
const noprefix = mss.content.substring(mss.prefix.length).trim();
mss.command = Object.keys(commands).find(command => noprefix.startsWith(command)) || '';
if (mss.command) {
mss.input = noprefix.substring(mss.command.length).trim();
mss.cleanInput = clean(message, mss.input);
// Set the permission level
* 3: Administrator of the bot
* 2: Has administrator role
* 1: Can kick/ban
i18n.middleware = function(ctx, next) {
// expose api methods to `ctx.req` and `ctx.state`
i18n.init(ctx.req, ctx.state);
// override the existing locale detection with our own
// in order of priority:
// 1. check the URL, if `/de` then locale is `de`
// 2. check the cookie
// 3. check Accept-Language last
let locale = config.defaultLocale;
if (_.includes(config.locales, ctx.url.split('/')[1]))
locale = ctx.url.split('/')[1];
else if (
ctx.cookies.get('locale') &&
_.includes(config.locales, ctx.cookies.get('locale'))
module.exports = async (message) => {
const mss = {};
// Set default values
mss.content = message.content.trim() || '';
mss.prefix = prefixes.find(prefix => mss.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix)) || '';
mss.command = '';
mss.input = '';
mss.admin = 0;
// If there's a prefix, get rid of the prefix and check for any command
if (mss.prefix && !message.author.bot) {
const noprefix = mss.content.substring(mss.prefix.length).trim();
mss.command = Object.keys(commands).find(command => noprefix.startsWith(command)) || '';
if (mss.command) {
mss.input = noprefix.substring(mss.command.length).trim();
mss.cleanInput = clean(message, mss.input);
if (config.discord.admins.includes(message.author.id)) {
mss.admin = 3;
} else if (message.member && message.member.permission.has('administrator')) {
mss.admin = 2;
} else if (message.member && message.member.permission.has('manageWebhooks')) {
// For constructing context for proactive API calls not in response to a lifecycle event
authToken = data.authToken
refreshToken = data.refreshToken
this.executionId = ''
this.installedAppId = data.installedAppId
this.locationId = data.locationId
this.config = data.config
this.locale = data.locale
if (app._localizationEnabled) {
if (this.locale) {
this.headers = {'accept-language': this.locale}
if (authToken) {
this.api = new SmartThingsApi({
clientId: app._clientId,
clientSecret: app._clientSecret,
log: app._log,
apiUrl: app._apiUrl,
refreshUrl: app._refreshUrl,
locationId: this.locationId,
installedAppId: this.installedAppId,
contextStore: app._contextStore,
// Set default values
mss.content = message.content.trim() || '';
mss.prefix = prefixes.find(prefix => mss.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix)) || '';
mss.context = null;
mss.command = '';
mss.input = '';
mss.cleanInput = '';
mss.clean = clean;
mss.admin = 0;
mss.banned = null;
mss.inbox = '0';
mss.dmail = null;
mss.ratelimit = 0;
// If there's a prefix, get rid of the prefix and check for any command
if (mss.prefix && !message.author.bot) {
mss.context = usrPrefix.includes(mss.prefix) ? 'user' : 'guild';
mss.inbox = mss.context === 'user' ? message.author.id : message.channel.id;
const noprefix = mss.content.substring(mss.prefix.length).trim();
mss.command = Object.keys(commands).find(command => noprefix.startsWith(command)) || '';
if (mss.command) {
mss.input = noprefix.substring(mss.command.length).trim();
mss.cleanInput = clean(message, mss.input);
if (config.get('discord').admins.includes(message.author.id)) {
mss.admin = 3;
} else if (message.member && message.member.permission.has('administrator')) {
mss.admin = 2;
} else if (message.member && (message.member.permission.has('kickMembers') || message.member.permission.has('banMembers'))) {
var locale = request.params.locale;
var phrase = request.params.phrase;
var result;
if( request.query.plural ) {
var singular = phrase;
var plural = request.query.plural;
// Make sure the information is added to the catalog if it doesn't exist yet.
var translated = i18n.__n( {
singular : singular,
plural : plural,
count : request.query.count,
locale : locale
} );
// Retrieve the translation object from the catalog and return it.
var catalog = i18n.getCatalog( locale );
result = singular.split( configuration.objectNotation ).reduce( function( object, index ) {
return object[ index ];
}, catalog );
} else {
result = i18n.__( { phrase : phrase, locale : locale } );
response.send( result );