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Top 7 Examples of "superstring in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'superstring' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it('does not fire duplicate change events when multiple changes happen on disk', async done => {
      const changeEvents = []
      buffer.onWillChange(() => changeEvents.push('will-change'))
      buffer.onDidChange((event) => changeEvents.push('did-change'))

      // We debounce file system change events to avoid redundant loads. But
      // for large files, another file system change event may occur *after* the
      // debounce interval but *before* the previous load has completed. In
      // that scenario, we still want to avoid emitting redundant change events.
      // This test simulates the buffer taking a long time to load and diff by
      // first reading the file's current contents (copying them to a temp file),
      // then waiting for a period of time longer than the debounce interval,
      // and then performing the actual load.
      const originalLoad = buffer.buffer.load
      spyOn(NativeTextBuffer.prototype, 'load').and.callFake(function (pathToLoad, ...args) {
        const pathToLoadCopy = temp.openSync('atom').path
        fs.writeFileSync(pathToLoadCopy, fs.readFileSync(pathToLoad))
        return timeoutPromise(buffer.fileChangeDelay + 100)
          .then(() =>, pathToLoadCopy, ...args))

      fs.writeFileSync(filePath, 'a')
      fs.writeFileSync(filePath, 'ab')
      setTimeout(() => {
        fs.writeFileSync(filePath, 'abc')
        fs.writeFileSync(filePath, 'abcd')
        setTimeout(() => {
          fs.writeFileSync(filePath, 'abcde')
          fs.writeFileSync(filePath, 'abcdef')
        }, buffer.fileChangeDelay + 50)
      }, buffer.fileChangeDelay + 50)
// Indent guides on sequences of blank lines are affected by the content of
    // adjacent lines.
    if (this.showIndentGuides) {
      while (startRow > 0) {
        if (this.buffer.lineLengthForRow(startRow - 1) > 0) break

      while (newEndRow < this.buffer.getLastRow()) {
        if (this.buffer.lineLengthForRow(newEndRow + 1) > 0) break

    const combinedChanges = new Patch()
    this.indexedBufferRowCount += newEndRow - oldEndRow
    const {start, oldExtent, newExtent} = this.updateSpatialIndex(startRow, oldEndRow + 1, newEndRow + 1, Infinity)
    combinedChanges.splice(start, oldExtent, newExtent)

    for (let bufferRange of this.textDecorationLayer.getInvalidatedRanges()) {
      bufferRange = Range.fromObject(bufferRange)
      this.populateSpatialIndexIfNeeded(bufferRange.end.row + 1, Infinity)
      const startBufferRow = this.findBoundaryPrecedingBufferRow(bufferRange.start.row)
      const endBufferRow = this.findBoundaryFollowingBufferRow(bufferRange.end.row + 1)
      const startRow = this.translateBufferPositionWithSpatialIndex(Point(startBufferRow, 0), 'backward').row
      const endRow = this.translateBufferPositionWithSpatialIndex(Point(endBufferRow, 0), 'backward').row
      const extent = Point(endRow - startRow, 0)
      spliceArray(this.cachedScreenLines, startRow, extent.row, new Array(extent.row))
      combinedChanges.splice(Point(startRow, 0), extent, extent)
const {Emitter, CompositeDisposable} = require('event-kit')
const {File} = require('pathwatcher')
const diff = require('diff')
const _ = require('underscore-plus')
const path = require('path')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
const superstring = require('superstring')
const NativeTextBuffer = superstring.TextBuffer
const Point = require('./point')
const Range = require('./range')
const DefaultHistoryProvider = require('./default-history-provider')
const NullLanguageMode = require('./null-language-mode')
const Marker = require('./marker')
const MarkerLayer = require('./marker-layer')
const DisplayLayer = require('./display-layer')
const {spliceArray, newlineRegex, patchFromChanges, normalizePatchChanges, extentForText, debounce} = require('./helpers')
const {traverse, traversal} = require('./point-helpers')
const Grim = require('grim')

// Extended: A mutable text container with undo/redo support and the ability to
// annotate logical regions in the text.
// ## Observing Changes
constructor (decorations, buffer, random) {
    this.buffer = buffer
    this.random = random
    this.nextMarkerId = MAX_BUILT_IN_SCOPE_ID + 1
    this.markerIndex = new MarkerIndex()
    this.classNamesByScopeId = new Map()
    this.emitter = new Emitter()
    this.invalidatedRanges = []

    if (this.buffer) {
      this.buffer.onDidChange(() => {
        for (const invalidatedRange of this.invalidatedRanges) {
        this.invalidatedRanges = []

    for (let value of decorations) {
      const className = value[0]
      const [rangeStart, rangeEnd] = Array.from(value[1])
exports.patchFromChanges = function (changes) {
  const patch = new Patch()
  for (let i = 0; i < changes.length; i++) {
    const {oldStart, oldEnd, oldText, newStart, newEnd, newText} = changes[i]
    const oldExtent = traversal(oldEnd, oldStart)
    const newExtent = traversal(newEnd, newStart)
    patch.splice(newStart, oldExtent, newExtent, oldText, newText)
  return patch
this.foldsMarkerLayer = params.foldsMarkerLayer || buffer.addMarkerLayer({
      maintainHistory: false,
      persistent: true,
      destroyInvalidatedMarkers: true
    this.foldIdCounter = params.foldIdCounter || 1

    if (params.spatialIndex) {
      this.spatialIndex = params.spatialIndex
      this.tabCounts = params.tabCounts
      this.screenLineLengths = params.screenLineLengths
      this.rightmostScreenPosition = params.rightmostScreenPosition
      this.indexedBufferRowCount = params.indexedBufferRowCount
    } else {
      this.spatialIndex = new Patch({mergeAdjacentHunks: false})
      this.tabCounts = []
      this.screenLineLengths = []
      this.rightmostScreenPosition = Point(0, 0)
      this.indexedBufferRowCount = 0
beforeEach(() => {
        const save =

        spyOn(NativeTextBuffer.prototype, 'save').and.callFake(function (destination, encoding) {
          if (destination === filePath) {
            return Promise.reject(Object.assign(new Error('Permission denied'), {code: 'EACCES'}))

          return, destination, encoding)

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