Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'circomlib' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
const txHash = mimc7.multiHash(
[tx.from[0], tx.from[1], BigInt(tx.detail), tx.updated_pubkey[0], tx.updated_pubkey[1]]
const signature = eddsa.signMiMC(alicePrvKey, txHash)
// update Alice account
const newAlice = {
pubkey: tx.updated_pubkey,
detail: BigInt(tx.detail)
const newAliceHash = mimc7.multiHash(
[newAlice.pubkey[0], newAlice.pubkey[1], BigInt(newAlice.detail)]
// update root
const final_root = mimc7.multiHash([newAliceHash, bobHash])
// console.log('tree_root: ' + tree_root.toString())
// console.log('final_root: ' + final_root.toString())
// console.log('accounts_pubkeys Alice.pubkey[0]: ' + Alice.pubkey[0].toString())
// console.log('accounts_pubkeys Alice.pubkey[1]: ' + Alice.pubkey[1].toString())
// console.log('accounts_detail: ' + final_root.toString())
// console.log('sender_detail: ' + Alice.detail.toString())
// console.log('sender_updated_pubkey[0]: ' + newAlice.pubkey[0].toString())
// console.log('sender_updated_pubkey[1]: ' + newAlice.pubkey[1].toString())
// console.log('sender_updated_detail: ' + newAlice.detail.toString())
// console.log("signature['R8'][0]: " + signature.R8[0].toString())
// console.log("signature['R8'][1]: " + signature.R8[1].toString())
// console.log("signature['S']: " + signature.S.toString())
// console.log('aliceHash: ' + aliceHash.toString())
// console.log('bobHash: ' + bobHash.toString())
// console.log('newAliceHash: ' + newAliceHash.toString())
console.log('Submitted initial message')
// Wait 10 seconds
console.log('Sleeping 10 seconds...')
await sleep(10000)
console.log('Woken up')
// Construct 2nd message
const userSecondMessage = [
1n // New position
const userSecondMessageHash = mimc7.multiHash(userSecondMessage)
const secondSignature: MiMicSignature = eddsa.signMiMC(
// Insert signature into tx
const userSecondMessage2 = [
const userSecondEncryptedMessage = encrypt(
detail: 0,
updated_pubkey: Alice.pubkey
// Alice sign tx
const txHash = mimc7.multiHash(
[tx.from[0], tx.from[1], BigInt(tx.detail), tx.updated_pubkey[0], tx.updated_pubkey[1]]
const signature = eddsa.signMiMC(alicePrvKey, txHash)
// update Alice account
const newAlice = {
pubkey: tx.updated_pubkey,
detail: BigInt(tx.detail)
const newAliceHash = mimc7.multiHash(
[newAlice.pubkey[0], newAlice.pubkey[1], BigInt(newAlice.detail)]
// update root
const final_root = mimc7.multiHash([newAliceHash, bobHash])
// console.log('tree_root: ' + tree_root.toString())
// console.log('final_root: ' + final_root.toString())
// console.log('accounts_pubkeys Alice.pubkey[0]: ' + Alice.pubkey[0].toString())
// console.log('accounts_pubkeys Alice.pubkey[1]: ' + Alice.pubkey[1].toString())
// console.log('accounts_detail: ' + final_root.toString())
// console.log('sender_detail: ' + Alice.detail.toString())
// console.log('sender_updated_pubkey[0]: ' + newAlice.pubkey[0].toString())
// console.log('sender_updated_pubkey[1]: ' + newAlice.pubkey[1].toString())
// console.log('sender_updated_detail: ' + newAlice.detail.toString())
// console.log("signature['R8'][0]: " + signature.R8[0].toString())
const tree_root = mimc7.multiHash([aliceHash, bobHash])
// transaction
const tx = {
from: Alice.pubkey,
detail: 0,
updated_pubkey: Alice.pubkey
// Alice sign tx
const txHash = mimc7.multiHash(
[tx.from[0], tx.from[1], BigInt(tx.detail), tx.updated_pubkey[0], tx.updated_pubkey[1]]
const signature = eddsa.signMiMC(alicePrvKey, txHash)
// update Alice account
const newAlice = {
pubkey: tx.updated_pubkey,
detail: BigInt(tx.detail)
const newAliceHash = mimc7.multiHash(
[newAlice.pubkey[0], newAlice.pubkey[1], BigInt(newAlice.detail)]
// update root
const final_root = mimc7.multiHash([newAliceHash, bobHash])
// console.log('tree_root: ' + tree_root.toString())
// console.log('final_root: ' + final_root.toString())
// console.log('accounts_pubkeys Alice.pubkey[0]: ' + Alice.pubkey[0].toString())
// Wait 10 seconds
console.log('Sleeping 10 seconds...')
await sleep(10000)
console.log('Woken up')
// Construct 2nd message
const userSecondMessage = [
1n // New position
const userSecondMessageHash = mimc7.multiHash(userSecondMessage)
const secondSignature: MiMicSignature = eddsa.signMiMC(
// Insert signature into tx
const userSecondMessage2 = [
const userSecondEncryptedMessage = encrypt(
const sign = (
privKey: PrivKey,
plaintext: Plaintext,
): Signature => {
// TODO: make these intermediate variables have more meaningful names
const h1 = bigInt2Buffer(mimcspongeHashOne(privKey))
// TODO: document these steps
const sBuff = eddsa.pruneBuffer(h1.slice(0, 32))
const s = snarkjs.bigInt.leBuff2int(sBuff)
const A = babyJub.mulPointEscalar(babyJub.Base8, s.shr(3))
const msgBuff = snarkjs.bigInt.leInt2Buff(
const rBuff = bigInt2Buffer(
[h1.slice(32, 64), msgBuff]
let r = snarkjs.bigInt.leBuff2int(rBuff)
const genPubKey = (privKey: PrivKey): PubKey => {
// Check whether privKey is a field element
assert(privKey < SNARK_FIELD_SIZE)
// TODO: check whether privKey is valid (i.e. that the prune buffer step
// worked)
const pubKey = babyJub.mulPointEscalar(
// TODO: assert that pubKey is valid
// TODO: figure out how to check if pubKey is valid
return pubKey
const sign = (prv: BigInt, _msg: BigInt): { R8: BigInt, S: BigInt } => {
// Doing this as bigInt2Buffer requires a custom
// methods 'greater' than isn't in the standard bigint
// object (its a snarkjs custom bigint obj method)
const msg = bigInt(_msg)
const h1 = bigInt2Buffer(hash(prv))
const sBuff = eddsa.pruneBuffer(h1.slice(0, 32))
const s = bigInt.leBuff2int(sBuff)
const A = babyJub.mulPointEscalar(babyJub.Base8, s.shr(3))
const msgBuff = bigInt.leInt2Buff(
const rBuff = bigInt2Buffer(hash(
[h1.slice(32, 64), msgBuff]
let r = bigInt.leBuff2int(rBuff)
r = r.mod(babyJub.subOrder)
const R8 = babyJub.mulPointEscalar(babyJub.Base8, r)
const hm = multiHash([R8[0], R8[1], A[0], A[1], msg])
const S = r.add(hm.mul(s)).mod(babyJub.subOrder)
function multiHash(arr) {
// TODO check bigints inside finite field
return mimc7.multiHash(arr);
const { Circuit } = require('snarkjs')
const zkSnark = require('snarkjs').original
const { unstringifyBigInts } = require('snarkjs/src/stringifybigint')
const alicePrvKey = Buffer.from('1'.toString().padStart(64, '0'), 'hex')
const alicePubKey = eddsa.prv2pub(alicePrvKey)
const bobPrvKey = Buffer.from('2'.toString().padStart(64, '0'), 'hex')
const bobPubKey = eddsa.prv2pub(bobPrvKey)
// accounts (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
const Alice = {
pubkey: alicePubKey,
detail: 1
const aliceHash = mimc7.multiHash(
[Alice.pubkey[0], Alice.pubkey[1], BigInt(Alice.detail)]
const Bob = {
pubkey: bobPubKey,
detail: 0
const bobHash = mimc7.multiHash(
[Bob.pubkey[0], Bob.pubkey[1], BigInt(Bob.detail)]
const tree_root = mimc7.multiHash([aliceHash, bobHash])
// transaction
const tx = {
from: Alice.pubkey,