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Top 10 Examples of "dedent in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'dedent' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

apiDetails.forEach(apiDetail => {
    let apiDetailsReturns = "";

    if (apiDetail.returns)
      apiDetailsReturns = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(apiDetail.returns));

      <div class="api-content__body">
        <h2 id="${}">${}</h2>

        ${apiDetail.arguments.length ? `<h3>Arguments</h3><ul class="api-content__body-arguments">${renderArguments(apiDetail.arguments).join("")}</ul>` : ""}
        ${apiDetail.returns ? `<h3>Returns</h3><pre><code>${dedent(apiDetailsReturns)}</code></pre>` : ""}

      <div class="api-content__example">
        ${apiDetail.examples &amp;&amp; apiDetail.examples.length ? renderExamples(apiDetail.examples).join("") : `<pre><code>// example(s) for ${} to come later</code></pre>`}
it('should extract comment comment', () => {
        const input = dedent(`
        import { t } from 'ttag';
        //translator: test1
        babel.transform(input, options);
        const result = fs.readFileSync(output).toString();
        expect(result).to.contain('#. test1');
it('should extract t from require', () => {
        const input = dedent(`
        const { t } = require('ttag');
        babel.transform(input, options);
        const result = fs.readFileSync(output).toString();
        expect(result).to.contain('msgid "test"');
it('should extract ngettext', () => {
        const input = dedent(`
            import { c, ngettext, msgid } from 'ttag';
            c('ngettext_ctx').ngettext(msgid\`banana\`, \`bananas\`, n);
        babel.transform(input, options);
        const result = fs.readFileSync(output).toString();
        expect(result).to.contain('msgctxt "ngettext_ctx"');
        expect(result).to.contain('msgid_plural "bananas"');
it('should extract single comment', () => {
        const input = dedent(`
        import { t } from 'ttag';
        babel.transform(input, options);
        const result = fs.readFileSync(output).toString();
        expect(result).to.contain('#. test1');
const getBaseScript = (scriptName) => dedent(baseScripts[scriptName].source);
function generator({ artifactTarball, versionTag, license, usePublicArtifact  }) {
  const copyArtifactTarballInsideDockerOptFolder = () => {
    if (usePublicArtifact) {
      return `RUN cd /opt && curl --retry 8 -s -L -O${ artifactTarball } && cd -`;

    return `COPY ${ artifactTarball } /opt`;

  return dedent(`

  # Build stage 0
  # Extract Kibana and make various file manipulations.
  FROM centos:7 AS prep_files
  RUN mkdir /usr/share/kibana
  WORKDIR /usr/share/kibana
  RUN tar --strip-components=1 -zxf /opt/${ artifactTarball }
  # Ensure that group permissions are the same as user permissions.
  # This will help when relying on GID-0 to run Kibana, rather than UID-1000.
  # OpenShift does this, for example.
export const CodeSnippet = ({ name, language = "javascript", stripTripleComment = true, dedent = true, transform }) =&gt; {
    assert(snippets[name], `Snippet could not be found ${name}`);
    let { content } = snippets[name];
    if (stripTripleComment) content = content.replace(/\s\/\/\/\s/g, " ");
    if (transform) content = transform(content);
    if (dedent) content = dedentStr(content);
    return (
var Syncano = require('syncano');
        var connection = Syncano({
          accountKey: '${accountKey}'

        var params = {
          name: '${endpointName}',
          instanceName: 'your_instance',
          socket_name: '${socketName}'

        var endpoint = connection.Endpoint(params);${!isGetMethod ? `'${methodType}', { data: 'something' }` : ''});
      python: dedent(`
        import syncano
        from syncano.models import Socket


        socket = Socket.please.get(instance_name="your_instance", name="${socketName}")
        result ="${endpointName}"${!isGetMethod ? `, method="${methodType}", data="something"` : ''})
        print result
      cli: dedent(`
        syncano sockets run ${socketName}/${endpointName} ${!isGetMethod ? `${methodType} -d data=something` : ''}

    const formatedExample = examplesLang[language];
render(h) {
        return h(InfoView, {
          props: {
            storyKind: context.kind,
            storyTitle: context.story,
            summary: marked(dedent(opts.summary)),
            template: dedent(
              story.template || getJSXFromRenderFn(story.render! as any)
            lang: story.template ? 'html' : 'jsx',
            showHeader: opts.header,
            showSource: opts.source,
            userStyle: opts.styles
          scopedSlots: {
            default: () => [h(story)]

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