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Top 10 Examples of "mout in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'mout' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it('should update simulation step, delete the old taskflow', (done) => {
      const newStatus = 'complete';
      const newTaskflowId = 'some_id';
      const expectedSim = deepClone(simulationData[0]);
      expectedSim.steps.Simulation.status = newStatus;
      expectedSim.steps.Simulation.metadata.taskflowId = newTaskflowId;

      const expectedActions = [
          type: 'DELETE_TASKFLOW',
          id: simulationData[0].steps.Simulation.metadata.taskflowId,
        { type: Actions.UPDATE_SIMULATION, simulation: expectedSim },

      // we need to manually add the simulation to the state.
      store.getState().simulations.mapById[simulationData[0]._id] =

      setSpy(client, 'updateSimulationStep', expectedSim);
beforeEach(function (next) {
        var PackageRepository;
        var config;
        var logger = new Logger();

        // Config
        config = mout.object.deepMixIn({}, defaultConfig, {
            storage: {
                packages: packagesCacheDir,
                registry: registryCacheDir

        // Mock the resolver factory to always return a resolver for the test package
        function resolverFactory(decEndpoint, _config, _logger, _registryClient) {

            decEndpoint = mout.object.deepMixIn({}, decEndpoint);
            decEndpoint.source = mockSource;

            resolver = new resolvers.GitRemote(decEndpoint, _config, _logger);
.then(function (choice) {
                var pick;

                // Sanitize choice
                choice = choice.trim();
                save = /^!/.test(choice) || /!$/.test(choice);  // Save if prefixed or suffixed with !
                choice = Number(mout.string.trim(choice, '!'));
                pick = picks[choice - 1];

                // Save resolution
                if (save) {

                return pick;
tagsFiltered: (state, maxSize) => {
    const version = state.application.version;
    let endpoints = ObjectAssign({}, state.endpoints[version]);
    endpoints = sortByOrder(endpoints);
    let tags = [];
    forEach(endpoints, endpoint => {
      forEach(endpoint.tags || [], tag => {
    tags = unique(tags, (a, b) => {
      return a === b;
    let filterText = state.application.endpointTempFilterText;
    filterText = filterText.replace(/ /g, ' ');// eslint-disable-line no-irregular-whitespace
    filterText = filterText.replace(/,/g, ' ');
    const targetTexts = filter((filterText || '').split(' '), targetText => {
      return !!targetText;
    if (!!targetTexts.length) {
      tags = filter(tags, name => {
        let isMatched = true;
this.handleValSubmit = (key, newVal) => {
    if (!this.opts.onsubmit) {
    const ret = this.opts.val;
    ret[key] = newVal;
    // Delete the key if it's undefined.
    forOwn(ret, (val, key) => {
      if (isUndefined(val)) {
        delete ret[key];
function env(prefix) {
    var obj = {};
    var prefixLength = prefix.length;

    prefix = prefix.toLowerCase();

    object.forOwn(process.env, function(value, key) {
        key = key.toLowerCase();

        if (string.startsWith(key, prefix)) {
            var parsedKey = key
                .replace(/__/g, '.') // __ is used for nesting
                .replace(/_/g, '-'); // _ is used as a - separator

            //use a convention patern to accept array from process.env
            //e.g. export bower_registry__search='["",""]'
            var match = /\[([^\]]*)\]/g.exec(value);
            var targetValue;
            if (!match || match.length === 0) {
                targetValue = value;
            } else {
                targetValue = match[1].split(',').map(function(m) {
function env(prefix) {
    var obj = {};
    var prefixLength = prefix.length;

    prefix = prefix.toLowerCase();

    object.forOwn(process.env, function (value, key) {
        key = key.toLowerCase();

        if (string.startsWith(key, prefix)) {
            var parsedKey = key
                           .replace(/__/g, '.')   // __ is used for nesting
                           .replace(/_/g, '-');   // _ is used as a - separator

            //use a convention patern to accept array from process.env
            //e.g. export bower_registry__search='["",""]'
            var match = /\[([^\]]*)\]/g.exec(value);
            var targetValue;
            if (!match || match.length === 0) {
                targetValue = value;
            } else {
                targetValue = match[1].split(',')
.spread(function (tree, flattened) {
        var nodes = [];
        var dependantsCounter = {};

        // Grab the nodes of each specified name
        mout.object.forOwn(flattened, function (node) {
            if (names.indexOf( !== -1) {

        // Walk the down the tree, gathering dependants of the packages
        project.walkTree(tree, function (node, nodeName) {
            if (names.indexOf(nodeName) !== -1) {
                dependantsCounter[nodeName] = dependantsCounter[nodeName] || 0;
                dependantsCounter[nodeName] += node.nrDependants;
        }, true);

        // Filter out those that have no dependants
        nodes = nodes.filter(function (node) {
Project.prototype._bootstrap = function (targets, resolved, incompatibles) {
    var installed =, function (decEndpoint) {
        return decEndpoint.pkgMeta;

    this._json.resolutions = this._json.resolutions || {};

    // Configure the manager and kick in the resolve process
    return this._manager
        targets: targets,
        resolved: resolved,
        incompatibles: incompatibles,
        resolutions: this._json.resolutions,
        installed: installed,
        forceLatest: this._options.forceLatest
this._source = path.resolve(this._config.cwd, this._source);

    // If target was specified, simply reject the promise
    if (this._target !== '*') {
        throw createError('File system sources can\'t resolve targets', 'ENORESTARGET');

    // If the name was guessed
    if (this._guessedName) {
        // Remove extension
        this._name = this._name.substr(0, this._name.length - path.extname(this._name).length);

util.inherits(FsResolver, Resolver);
mout.object.mixIn(FsResolver, Resolver);

// -----------------

FsResolver.isTargetable = function () {
    return false;

// TODO: Should we store latest mtimes in the resolution and compare?
//       This would be beneficial when copying big files/folders

// TODO: There's room for improvement by using streams if the source
//       is an archive file, by piping read stream to the zip extractor
//       This will likely increase the complexity of code but might worth it
FsResolver.prototype._resolve = function () {
    return this._createTempDir()

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