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Top 10 Examples of "snekfetch in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'snekfetch' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

async run(message, args, level) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
        const searchMessage = await"Searching Google...");
        const searchURL = `${encodeURIComponent(message.content)}`;

        return snekfetch.get(searchURL).then((result) => {

            const $ = cheerio.load(result.text);
            let googleData = $(".r").first().find("a").first().attr("href");

            googleData = querystring.parse(googleData.replace("/url?", ""));
            searchMessage.edit(`Result found!\n${googleData.q}`);

        }).catch((err) => {
async run(message, args, level) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    try {

      if (message.settings.socialSystem === "true") {
        if (!(await this.cmdPay(message,, return;

      const { text } = await snekfetch.get("");`_${JSON.parse(text).joke}_`);
    } catch (error) {
async run(message, args, level) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    const list = await get("");
    const tag = list.body.random();
    const giflist = await get(`${tag.title}&api-key=39YAprx5Yi`);{
      "embed": {
        "image": {
          "url": giflist.body.random().file
        "footer": {
          "icon_url":{ format: "png", size: 32 }),
          "text": `Requested by ${} | Powered by`
async run(message, args, level) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    if (!message.mentions.members.size) return message.response(undefined, "Ba-Baka! How will I tell you, how much you love someone. If I don't know who!"); //Response Can Be Refined 😂
    const data = await get(`${message.member.displayName}&sname=${message.mentions.members.first().displayName}`).set("X-Mashape-Key", process.env.MASHAPE);
    const embed = new MessageEmbed()
      .addField("Lover", data.body.fname)
      .addField("Crush", data.body.sname)
      .addField("Love Percent", data.body.percentage)
 { embed });
async run(message, args, level) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    if ( !== "396331425621868554") return message.reply(`This command can only be used in Okami Academy, run ${message.settings.prefix}invite to get the invite link.`);
    const { body } = await get(`${}/check?userId=${}`).set("Authorization", process.env.DBLTOKEN);
    if (Boolean(body.voted)) { // eslint-disable-line no-extra-boolean-cast
      if (message.member.roles.has(upvoterRole)) return"You have the role already.");
        .then(() => message.reply("You have been awarded the `Updooter` role, thank you for your support.\nDon't forget to revote next month!"))
        .catch((error) => {
"Something went wrong, please try again later.");
    } else {`To claim the \`Updooter\` to show your support, please go upvote ${this.client.user.username} at , then after voting return and run the command again to claim your role reward.`);
async run(message, args, level) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
    const { body } = await get(`${}/votes?onlyids=true`).set("Authorization", this.client.config.dblToken);
    await message.buildEmbed()
      .setColor( || 5198940)
      .setThumbnail(this.client.user.displayAvatarURL({format: "png"}))
      .setTitle("Discord Bot List Upvoters")
      .setDescription(`Voter(s) <@${body.join(">, <@")}>`)
      .addField("Voter Count", body.length, true)
async run(message, args, level, loadingMessage) {
    const { body } = await get("");
    await loadingMessage.edit({
      embed: {
        "title": "Click here if the image failed to load.",
        "url": body[0],
        "color": 6192321,
        "image": {
          "url": body[0]
async run(message, args, level, loadingMessage) {
    const { text } = await get("");
    const embed = new MessageEmbed()

    await loadingMessage.edit({ embed });
async run(message, args, level, loadingMessage) { 
    const { body } = await get("");
    return loadingMessage.edit({
      embed: {
        "title": "Click here if the image failed to load.",
        "url": `${body}`,
        "color": 6192321,
        "image": {
          "url": `${body}`
async run(message, args, level, loadingMessage) {
    const { body } = await get("").set("Authorization", process.env.TYPICAL);
    const embed = new MessageEmbed()
      .setFooter("Powered by TypicalBot API.");
    await loadingMessage.edit({ embed });

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